Leaving Islam?

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There's a higher chance that Mohamed with a bomb will blow me up in the name of jihad. Stereotypes don't feel nice do they?
Actually there isn't. Right win cadaan supremacist is more likely to shoot you than a Mohamed with bomb.
I am sure you didn't come online to tells you you are leaving Islam. I hope not, for your own sake.
Now i know why they say somalis have an average IQ of 68,you're a living proof of that theory:ohhh::ohhh::ohhh:
Actually there isn't. Right win cadaan supremacist is more likely to shoot you than a Mohamed with bomb.
I am sure you didn't come online to tells you you are leaving Islam. I hope not, for your own sake.
Wow you guys obviously do not know the art of sarcasm. I obviously don't believe that statement but if @Adolf-Hitler is willing to make such a stupid stereotype and generalization than I can too no matter how stupid it may sound. And are you making a threat towards me?
Hello everyone I've been a longtime lurker of Sspot. I've finally decided to join sspot officially after seeing many atheists on here and to ask a critical question. How did you leave Islam? You see over the past year I've been struggling to grapple with the fact that I'm feeling suffocated. Islam is not about choices it's about doing the impossible pleasing an unpleasable deity. I feel like I'm living a lie every time I go back to see my family wearing the hijab even though I'm dying inside. Fake pray when my mom asks me to pray. Instead of Allah addressing the way a man thinks of a woman and try to change that he instead brought the jilbaab down so women could cover themselves and make them undesirable to the eyes of men. That doesn't work rape is still a huge epidemic roughly 1400 years later. I recently attended a Southern Baptist Church service and it was so freeing! They preached about love and acceptance for all instead of the usual mosque services preaching about the 101 ways to enter hell fire. Do we really have such a narcissistic god that equating him with another god is worse than rape, murder, etc. My skin crawls when someone preaches to me about Islam and tells me I need to get back to Allah and start wearing the hijab. Hopefully we start a healthy discussion .

Islam is not for you, follow your primal animalistic instincts and live your life like the rest of Animals till you die. Eat, sleep, work and have sex, then do it over again everyday. Quite meaningful life.

Islam is for smart and measured people. You can't be bothered with smart people and their restrained life. Don't let the door hit you on your way out of Islam.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Please come out of the closet brother that picture is perfect for Grindr or if you would prefer something more long term and disceet of course that could be arranged as well.

Anybody wanna guess what the next ass troll will be?


Self Hater
Retarded Atheist
Retarded Islamist
We wuz slaves
Raw meat consumer
Combination of listed, say which ones

Choose one
@Assata Shakur where did I threaten you?

It is a fact, look it up. Almost all school, mall, church and cinema shooters have been cadaans. In the last five years;

Arora shooting in Colarado
The Sikh temple attack in Wisconsin
The Virginia u university attack
Sandy hook in Connecticut
The church attack in Charleston
There have 45 school shootings in America in 2015 alone, look it up. Cadaans are more likely to kill you than a Mohamed . Believe what you want tho.
@Assata Shakur where did I threaten you?

It is a fact, look it up. Almost all school, mall, church and cinema shooters have been cadaans. In the last five years;

Arora shooting in Colarado
The Sikh temple attack in Wisconsin
The Virginia u university attack
Sandy hook in Connecticut
The church attack in Charleston
There have 45 school shootings in America in 2015 alone, look it up. Cadaans are more likely to kill you than a Mohamed . Believe what you want tho.
Of course I believe you I don't have to see a million shootings to conclude that cadaans need help.
There is no more vengeful, petty, psychotic and plain murderous God than Yahweh from the Old Testament.


Your God Darwin set off the most murderous religion on planet earth that made humans into animals fighting for their survival. Because of this Dogma you have for a religion, words like Politicide, Democide, Genocide and Classicide found themselves into human lexicon. To your cult, human life has no value and can be terminated at will for the survival of another and it all fits the basic creed of the survival of the fittest. I would not say a word if I were you cultist about God.
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