Would you marry a Women who doesn't not wear the hijab.

Do you think observing the Hijab is a mandatory quality?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 58 66.7%

  • Total voters


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I mean most men cover their awrah so that isn't even a question
a better thing to say is you expect your husband to lower his gaze and not interact with women
No, men show off their awrah in certain settings, especially in the summer and in the gym. If you’re luggo baasto, you wouldn’t understand.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You have to understand that not wearing a hijab is not like other sins. When we sin in private it is between us and Allah, and out of His mercy He shields it. When a woman goes out in an immodest fashion, she is sinning publicly which is extremely dangerous and everyone who sees her will be a witness to that on the day of judgement. A woman that does this is becoming a fitnah for other believing men.

Basically everyday that she goes out without the hijab she is saying publicly I don't want to obey the Messenger of Allah SAW and I do not fear Allah enough to obey his commands. This is a level of extreme depravity in the heart and brings shame not only to herself, but also to her family. Nothing good can come from marrying someone like this.
No it’s not, not wearing hijab isn’t even traditionally considered a major sin. Extreme depravity kulaha.
No it’s not, not wearing hijab isn’t even traditionally considered a major sin. Extreme depravity kulaha.
Is disobeying Allah and the Messenger of Allah SAW in a public setting with many witnesses not extremely dangerous? Nowhere did I say it is a major sin, but yes it is a very very bad thing to sin publicly especially repeatedly.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
You should never have to make a woman do what she should be doing already for Allah to do it for you.

Yes it's mandatory but alot of Somali women wear the hijab due to factors having nothing to do with religion (concealing their Afro-textured hair, their parents forcing them, community expectations). Many will also take it off on occasions (mixed weddings). I find these people to be non-hijabis.

abdi you and I know telling a women to wear anything for you when you get married is not going to work
a non hijabi is always a non hijabi at heart
and a hoejabi is a hoejabi at heart
accept women how they are

I tell my wife what to wear all the time and she happily obliges.

AJ, we have a certain perspective because our parents were likely boomers. These kids don't. And these sorts of questions regarding attire didn't come up with our parents. Somalis organically put on the hijab back in the day. While what you see now are the religiously multifurcated. Heck even the hijab is not enough for some. As for nimaan some are flip floppers. I had a family friend who swore off girls without a headscarf and married one. Granted she eventually put it on. It just goes to show one should pay attention to actions over words.. Most of them would have thought their mothers or grandmothers were unmarriageable (because of those high top buns and scrunches reminiscent of a bygone era). Different times I presume. These sorts of discussions wouldn't occur on this forum as they would not exist. :chrisfreshhah:

Their hair always smelled of the same product too.




East Africa UNUKA LEH
The navel and knees are not awrah, if a man is wearing long shorts in those settings he is fine.
Around men it’s not.

If you follow Shafi madhab then you’d know that a mans full body should be covered when he’s around non-mahrem women
A mans legs and forearms are quite scandalous in our madhab


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Even decades ago when it wasn't as common for young women to wear it day to day. Somali women were still expected to wear the hijab after marriage.
If you follow Shafi madhab then you’d know that a mans full body should be covered when he’s around non-mahrem women
A mans legs and forearms are quite scandalous in our madhab
I follow Shaf'i for most things, but on certain opinions I go with which I prefer.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Explain to me how I'm misusing it
A dayouth is a man who let’s his mahrem sleep around and doesn’t care
Even if some scholars include not wearing proper hijab, it’s about those who don’t care. You can’t force somebody to dress a certain way. What do you know about their intentions? You’d be insulting and condemning half your arab and desi Muslim brothers to hell. How can you feel comfortable saying that? The best of Muslims avoids harming Muslims with his tongue akh
It’s kind of funny to read these comments knowing that most Somali women in the west did not wear the hijab 20-25 years ago and these people’s Hooyos would have never gotten married if men felt the same back then LOL
It’s kind of funny to read these comments knowing that most Somali women in the west did not wear the hijab 20-25 years ago and their Hooyo would have never gotten married if men felt the same back then LOL
who cares what our forefathers did its not our problem, hell all of them could have been zaanis doesn't mean im going to ascribe to their standards
No, men show off their awrah in certain settings, especially in the summer and in the gym. If you’re luggo baasto, you wouldn’t understand.
idk in the uk men don't show their awrah that much, except some nonmuslim men wear really short shorts or take o their tops in summer, but muslim men never do that
A dayouth is a man who let’s his mahrem sleep around and doesn’t care
Even if some scholars include not wearing proper hijab, it’s about those who don’t care. You can’t force somebody to dress a certain way. What do you know about their intentions? You’d be insulting and condemning half your arab and desi Muslim brothers to hell. How can you feel comfortable saying that? The best of Muslims avoids harming Muslims with his tongue akh
First off all the people I know who are married from all cultures are married to women who wear hijab or niqab.

Anyways If a woman is displaying her beauty/awrah to non mahram men and a guy marries her knowing that and she carries on like that then he's a dayooth because that's immodesty on her part and a dayooth is person who is apathetic or permissive with regard to immodest behaviour by female relatives or a spouse. He went in knowing she's a non hijabi and the context of my post is that she died a non hijabi.

If a woman later on takes it off and doesn't listen to advice then that is different and that person isn't considered a dayooth.

And I'm not harming Muslims with my tongue I'm just saying it as it is. I didn't call any actual individuals out for it to be considered "harming with my tongue"
Yes it's mandatory but alot of Somali women wear the hijab due to factors having nothing to do with religion (concealing their Afro-textured hair, their parents forcing them, community expectations). Many will also take it off on occasions (mixed weddings). I find these people to be non-hijabis.

I tell my wife what to wear all the time and she happily obliges.

Their hair always smelled of the same product too.


Tiny bit of Somali girls got afro-textured hair. And no you’re wrong don’t generalize them comrade.
Not really concealing most of them are actually proud of their hair and wanna show it, some will show it, and others wanting no one’s pleasure except that of Allah will choose to cover.
First off all the people I know who are married from all cultures are married to women who wear hijab or niqab.

Anyways If a woman is displaying her beauty/awrah to non mahram men and a guy marries her knowing that and she carries on like that then he's a dayooth because that's immodesty on her part and a dayooth is person who is apathetic or permissive with regard to immodest behaviour by female relatives or a spouse. He went in knowing she's a non hijabi and the context of my post is that she died a non hijabi.

If a woman later on takes it off and doesn't listen to advice then that is different and that person isn't considered a dayooth.

And I'm not harming Muslims with my tongue I'm just saying it as it is. I didn't call any actual individuals out for it to be considered "harming with my tongue"
actually thats not what a dayooth is, a dayooth is a man who takes pleasure in his wife being with other men or has no care if she sleeps with other men, that is what the meaning of dayuuth is, to qualify for it your wife must commit zina with other men and you must know about it and not care, thats a cuckhold

a man not caring if his wife leaves his house without hijab lacks gheerah but does not qualify to be called a dayuuth as that is not the meaning of the word and to label anyone as that is extreme as being a dayuuth is a extreme major sin and marrying a women who doesn't wear hijab or let her not wear hijab outside the house is not a major sin.

Also, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalams wives did not wear full hijab and abaya before the verses were sent down so according to your understanding the Prophet sallallahu alayhi waslaam and the sahaba would have all been dayuuth for letting their wives go outside not dressed modestly, when we know that isn't true, and being a dayuuth is not restricted to after the revelation as being a dayuuth is something known and is disgusting whether a person knows the punishment for being a dayuuth or not whereas the specific commandments about what women can wear can vary and if a man lets his wife wearing things outside that is not very revealing he cannot be labelled as a dayuuth

here is an example

Ibn ‘Abbās (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: A man came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and said: "My wife does not object if anyone touches her." He said: "Divorce her." The man said: "I am afraid that I will miss her." The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Then enjoy her."
Sahih/Authentic. - [An-Nasaa’i]

The Hadīth indicates that a Companion came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) seeking advice concerning his wife. The man told the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) that his wife did not object if anyone touched her. The scholars had a great difference of opinion over the meaning of this statement. The preponderant opinion is that the woman did not avoid men and did not object to a person who touched her seeking thereby to enjoy her, or that she did not keep away from men and was not reserved in speech to them and did not screen herself from them such that they would touch her body, or they would shake hands with her and she would not avoid that. This does not mean that she would consent to adultery, because the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) would not approve the man’s marriage to an adulteress. Therefore, the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) firstly advised the man to part with her, out of sympathy for him to stay with such a woman. However, the man informed the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) about his deep love for his wife and his fear that he would miss her if he were to leave her. Then the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) felt that it was beneficial in this situation for the man to remain with his wife, for fear of the harm that would be caused by separation. Therefore, averting greater harm by engaging in an issue with lesser harm is a necessity. Moreover, the woman could probably reform in the future. Allah, the Exalted, knows best.

so, here we know, the man shouldn't have stayed with the women, but he was not a cukhold/dayuuth, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam would object to that, especially if it was a major sin


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