Why Does Heaven Sound So Boring?

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You Can't seriously be Christian. If that were a case there would be no reason to follow god' s teachings because there would be no punishment or reward for our belief or disbelief.
:birdman:How does my statement disqualify me from the Christian faith?
I never said anything about the lack of "punishment or reward for our belief or disbelief":ivers:

I just interpret the concepts of heaven and hell as states of mind. Hell would be landing in a place of eternal torment (it may not be literal hellfire but rather the inability to attain fulfillment/happiness) while heaven would be the state of having obtained fulfillment(but this fulfillment wouldn't necessarily reflect the flesh desires that we currently seek in our human bodies; more of an inner peace/contentment rather).
You Can't seriously be Christian. If that were a case there would be no reason to follow god' s teachings because there would be no punishment or reward for our belief or disbelief.

But as a Christian, you don't follow God's teachings. You follow Paul's teachings who said the Law of Jesus was cancelled and he called Jesus cursed since anyone crucified on the cross is cursed.

Christianity as it is today is the work of St Paul who was anti Christian but claimed to have received revelation to appeal to Romans who were idol worshippers and Non Jewish people.

Only original pieces about Jesus's teachings in Christianity are names of prophets and the ten commandments, the rest waa iska sheeko xariir.

Ilaahaa la lagday iyo waxaas ciyaalkaa looga naxsadaa, bullshit man,


Somaliweyn Unionist
Looking at your posts about "Christianity" and your obsession with white men, you seem pretty troll-ish.:manny:
What about my Christian posts? And literally every gaal girl in here loves White men more than Somali. It's as if as soon as we are red pilled we become disgusted by Somali penises.


Somaliweyn Unionist
:birdman:How does my statement disqualify me from the Christian faith?
I never said anything about the lack of "punishment or reward for our belief or disbelief":ivers:

I just interpret the concepts of heaven and hell as states of mind. Hell would be landing in a place of eternal torment (it may not be literal hellfire but rather the inability to attain fulfillment/happiness) while heaven would be the state of having obtained fulfillment(but this fulfillment wouldn't necessarily reflect the flesh desires that we currently seek in our human bodies; more of an inner peace/contentment rather).
Oh this makes sense! Yes. Good point!
What about my Christian posts? And literally every gaal girl in here loves White men more than Somali. It's as if as soon as we are red pilled we become disgusted by Somali penises.
Are you sure you didn't leave Islam because a white guy told you to?:siilaanyolaugh:

You dont see Somali male gaals fawning over white women :ileycry:
Oh, yea, heaven is far from boring.... According to the prophet, to each human who makes there gets whatever they desire and folds of that. There is no restriction to what you want...

Naturally, if you qualify, you won't be a lesbian... But you can have the kind of model male you want ... Even if a woman married multiple husbands in her life time, she will choose the one best to her in character..

I plan to travel in heaven and have fun, do interviews with earliest human beings. Muslims are polite when discussing about heaven because it is something no one can attain even with their best piety, but reality is ... Heaven represents the desire of mankind .. everything we wanted here is there in super charged ways.

Think about this ... some of us humans buy Viagra to stay erect and do some serious beating to their partners, but in heaven, the prophet said the stamina of a man is many folds than it is right now.

As human beings, we are creatures of desire .. and heaven represents that. The Christian version is the boring one.
Idk about everything else, but I'm just excited to be reunited with the loved ones that I have lost Inshallah.


Somaliweyn Unionist
Oh, yea, heaven is far from boring.... According to the prophet, to each human who makes there gets whatever they desire and folds of that. There is no restriction to what you want...

Naturally, if you qualify, you won't be a lesbian... But you can have the kind of model male you want ... Even if a woman married multiple husbands in her life time, she will choose the one best to her in character..

I plan to travel in heaven and have fun, do interviews with earliest human beings. Muslims are polite when discussing about heaven because it is something no one can attain even with their best piety, but reality is ... Heaven represents the desire of mankind .. everything we wanted here is there in super charged ways.

Think about this ... some of us humans buy Viagra to stay erect and do some serious beating to their partners, but in heaven, the prophet said the stamina of a man is many folds than it is right now.

As human beings, we are creatures of desire .. and heaven represents that. The Christian version is the boring one.
Wow, so you're an animal in heaven. Good to know. *thumbs up*


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
Oh, yea, heaven is far from boring.... According to the prophet, to each human who makes there gets whatever they desire and folds of that. There is no restriction to what you want...

Naturally, if you qualify, you won't be a lesbian... But you can have the kind of model male you want ... Even if a woman married multiple husbands in her life time, she will choose the one best to her in character..

Are you fucking kidding me?

We do not get what we desire. Do you want to hear my desires? I want to do a shit ton of drugs and feel amazing in heaven. I want to have sex with Brad Pitt (fight club brad Pitt) and no it doesn't have to be the real brad it can be a prototype I don't care I'll take it. Am I allowed that? No.
Are you fucking kidding me?

We do not get what we desire. Do you want to hear my desires? I want to do a shit ton of drugs and feel amazing in heaven. I want to have sex with Brad Pitt (fight club brad Pitt) and no it doesn't have to be the real brad it can be a prototype I don't care I'll take it. Am I allowed that? No.

The reasons you use drugs is to be in another world mentally and live in lala land right? In heaven, there are things that will give you better brain hits than that naturally, a better looking brad pitt will make you orgasm at hello, why not? No worries, just be good in this life time as much as you can and trade some of your desires that are bad for you for ones that are superior later on.. it is all about trade offs in faith . taking chances for a more advanced human existence....

If as a female you are not getting your period, you don't need to pee or do number 2, your sweat smells like a perfume, your man is the most gorgeous in your eyes and by your request, you can travel in an instant transmission methods or slow per choice, you have the best built homes, best environments, friendliest neighborhoods, sure, you can get high as f*ck anyways, but is it called a different name. and comes in a different fashion... no cocaine for sure. lol..

Anyways, heaven is far from boring when you are spending time with your relatives now in here and friends, when you can bail out friends you loved who didn't make it and relatives etc .... Allah is most kind wallah .....
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