Why do Black People commit more crime compared to other races?

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The AA community have not only gone through the most severe form of mental/physical colonisation/enslavement but had systemic warfare waged upon them like no other community has.

The CIA admits to murdering their leaders (King/Malcom), the declassified papers showed how they introduced crack cocaine into their neighbourhoods to obliterate the family unit as well as destroy everything they have ever set up (black star line ship set up by Garvey to have their independence)

All of this was systemically sabotaged/destroyed and this warfare against them raged for 300 years encompassing several of their generations until present day, despite all of this! and living right under the noses of their oppressors, they are still the richest blacks on the face of this earth.

It's ironic that a doqon from the most impoverished lawless country in Africa even has the nerve to insult them, what's even wose is that this unoriginal bakhti is using white supremacists/colonialists arguments to insult a people that have done absolutely nothing to him.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
The issue isn't with IQ it's with environment + culture and the nature of the test.
average IQ causes what kind of environment you create for yourself. You cannot dismiss the elephant in the room as if there is no correlation between average IQ and the type of culture people create
Culture is an offshoot of IQ. People have being trying to budge IQ for decades and they have failed.

You still have no answered my question. If your proposition is black people in american commit more crime because they're monitered more why did they commit lower crimes in the 1940s and 1950s when white people were more racist towards black than they are today?

James Robert Flynn FRSNZ (born 1934) is a New Zealand intelligence researcher. An Emeritus Professor of Political Studies at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, he is famous for his publications about the continued year-after-year increase of IQscores throughout the world, which is now referred to as the Flynn effect. The Flynn effect is the subject of a multiple author monograph published by the American Psychological Association in 1998.[1] Originally from Washington DC and educated at the University of Chicago, Flynn immigrated to New Zealand in 1963.

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If you're claiming madows are violent because they have low IQ then how do you explain Somalis having even lower IQ than most madows?
No, you don't get the point, they have all this opportunities and they choose to commit crimes. Somalia had the highest literacy rate on the continent and some parts of the world, also. All this can be downgraded by just conflicts.
The AA community have not only gone through the most severe form of mental/physical colonisation/enslavement but had systemic warfare waged upon them like no other community has.

The CIA admits to murdering their leaders (King/Malcom), the declassified papers showed how they introduced crack cocaine into their neighbourhoods to obliterate the family unit as well as destroy everything they have ever set up (black star line ship set up by Garvey to have their independence)

All of this was systemically sabotaged/destroyed and this warfare against them raged for 300 years encompassing several of their generations until present day, despite all of this! and living right under the noses of their oppressors, they are still the richest blacks on the face of this earth.

It's ironic that a doqon from the most impoverished lawless country in Africa even has the nerve to insult them, what's even wose is that this unoriginal bakhti is using white supremacists/colonialists arguments to insult a people that have done absolutely nothing to him.


Unironically he's even made a long thread to argue he's actually Arab. It's deep for some people.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
James Robert Flynn FRSNZ (born 1934) is a New Zealand intelligence researcher. An Emeritus Professor of Political Studies at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, he is famous for his publications about the continued year-after-year increase of IQscores throughout the world, which is now referred to as the Flynn effect. The Flynn effect is the subject of a multiple author monograph published by the American Psychological Association in 1998.[1] Originally from Washington DC and educated at the University of Chicago, Flynn immigrated to New Zealand in 1963.

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I've seen the video and i am fully aware of the Flynn Effect which has nothing to do with the point i'm making

However now that we're on the topic of James Flynn watch this debate against Charles Murray



Intellectual saqajaan
Again a lot of somali have this fairytale notion in their heads that IQ is flexible and can be moulded into anything which is absolute shit.

IQ is a genetic and enviornmental trait just like your height. Think about it.

Your genetics determines your height potential, but environment and socio economic factors in your life can mean you don't fulfil your potential, but your potential is still stagnant. you cannot become taller than whats determined by your genetics.

Same thing with intelligence, you are born with genetic potential and your in childhood your IQ is not very fixed, but the older you get the more the heritability of your IQ shows. Thats why black people in america have the highest living standard of all black people in the world but their average IQ still has not caught up to white peopel
IQ is truly suugo science. Intelligence can be acquired and lost. It's not genetic at all. It's about what a culture prioritizes and incentivizes. Asian kids that underperform at school get a good talking to at home. Somali kids that underperform at school don't get a good talking to because that's the norm. Somali parents have lower expectations/demands. That manifests itself in many ways.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
IQ is truly suugo science. Intelligence can be acquired and lost. It's not genetic at all. It's about what a culture prioritizes and incentivizes. Asian kids that underperform at school get a good talking to at home. Somali kids that underperform at school don't get a good talking to because that's the norm. Somali parents have lower expectations/demands. That manifests itself in many ways.

Wrong, very very wrong. Even the more lefty liberal scientists don't go that far as to say theres no genetic component to intelligence.

52 genes for intelligence have been found by scientists

40 genes for intelligence found just in the last couple of months



Intellectual saqajaan
Wrong, very very wrong. Even the more lefty liberal scientists don't go that far as to say theres no genetic component to intelligence.

52 genes for intelligence have been found by scientists

40 genes for intelligence found just in the last couple of months

Even if that's true, what a people's culture prioritizes corresponds with how well off those people are. Jews had it tough throughout history and responded by working hard and instilling those values in their kids at a young age. Environmental causes caused that.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Even if that's true, what a people's culture prioritizes corresponds with how well off those people are. Jews had it tough throughout history and responded by working hard and instilling those values in their kids at a young age. Environmental causes caused that.
I'm not saying theres no environmental component to it, i'm saying IQ even plays a role in the cultural expectation. Black people from Congo are not going to have the same cultural appreciation for learning the same way east asians do precisely because of their low average IQ


Alot of you Somalis are dancing around the the truth but don't have the courage to speak it.

If poverty causes crime why did black people have lower crime rates in the 1940s and 1950s when they were even poorer than they are now and white racism was even greater than it is now?

Black Americans have a massive cultural and morality problem. I suspect they are not characteristic of the Negroid race, just like Gypsies don't represent all Caucasoids. Most of the non-refugee Negroid migrants in the US, Canada, and UK are doing well. There's a selection bias going on, but still there's something particularly off with slave descent Negroids of the Western hemisphere which can't be extrapolated upon the entire Negroid race.
I'm not saying theres no environmental component to it, i'm saying IQ even plays a role in the cultural expectation. Black people from Congo are not going to have the same cultural appreciation for learning the same way east asians do precisely because of their low average IQ
I'm not saying theres no environmental component to it, i'm saying IQ even plays a role in the cultural expectation. Black people from Congo are not going to have the same cultural appreciation for learning the same way east asians do precisely because of their low average IQ
Don't you realize how pathetic and insecure you sound, you as an African talking down on other Africans using racist talking points from white people who having said the exact same things about Somalis as you are saying about madow people. So obviously there's something else going on here, is one of your sisters dating Tyron...tells why your really mad.
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