WHY are Somali men between 30-34...

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You saying your man will be with you always? Your reasoning doesnt make sense

I’ve said previously on here. I do not have any brothers and my father is deceased AUN. I have no protection in this world. I’m not going to jeopardize my safety and well-being. Not when my mother depends on me financially.
There is something pathological about Somali men and their need to put down their women. To hurt them. Make them feel less than. You guys continuously go on about Somali women choosing to marry out. Just look at the age-shaming, body shaming, and chauvinism in this thread alone. I’m glad I do not have any brothers or close male relatives. I can see why Somali women are choosing to divest from your toxicity.

I have no problem with that. We're adapting to it. We're going to Somalia by the numbers and marrying young virgin queens who know how to treat a man.

Oh and you can miss with me with you can't live on only one income in the West. It depends where you live. In places like Minnesota and Ohio it's easy and easier if you're college educated man in IT or in the STEM field.
True but she's gonna have to her sacrifice career . I'm pretty sure she didn't want to college to become a housewife.

I work and raise my kids and cook dinner and make breakfast. I wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for their grandparents though picking them up from school and dropping them off in the morning. Where there's a will, there's a way.
And this is why you can't find a decent Somali man. Wallahi you don't any leg to stand on. You couldn't find a man or find a decent man in real life..so you decide join dating websites to find your "soulmate".

As I said before... Most MEN want good looking young women. And I don't think you fit that criteria.

P. S If you had faith in Allah and the religion you could wear the hibaq.

I wore hijab for nearly a decade. Of my own volition. I joined a Islamic matrimonial service not a dating site because I prefer to marry within my community. I do not know any Somali men in real life. I do not free mix. You may cast whatever aspersions you want about me but I know I’m good looking. I get approached on a weekly basis by men (predominately non-Muslim). For some stupid reason I’ve always held out for my Somali unicorn. The more I interact with the likes of you, I wonder why I bothered.
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I wore hijab for nearly a decade. Of my own volition. I joined a Islamic matrimonial service not a dating site because I prefer to marry within my community. I do not know any Somali men in real life. I do not free mix. You may case whatever aspersions you want about me but I know I’m good looking. I get approached on a weekly basis by men (predominately non-Muslim). For some stupid reason I’ve always held out for my Somali unicorn. The more I interact with the likes of you, I wonder why I bothered.

Ignore him.

He does NOT represent all Somali men.

But I have to ask: did you go to school with Somalis (i.e. university?) I know some schools have Somali associations, but they tend to attract the ciyaal suuqs.
I wore hijab for nearly a decade. Of my own volition. I joined a Islamic matrimonial service not a dating site because I prefer to marry within my community. I do not know any Somali men in real life. I do not free mix. You may case whatever aspersions you want about me but I know I’m good looking. I get approached on a weekly basis by men (predominately non-Muslim). For some stupid reason I’ve always held out for my Somali unicorn. The more I interact with the likes of you, I wonder why I bothered.

He's really out of order. Ignore him. I have a young friend just like you who is finding it difficult to find a suitable Somali man she's thinking of getting the family to set her up. Would you consider that?


I’ve said previously on here. I do not have any brothers and my father is deceased AUN. I have no protection in this world. I’m not going to jeopardize my safety and well-being. Not when my mother depends on me financially.
Ilahay ha uu naxaristo.

Abaayo read Ayatul Kursi when you are commuting. I have started doing that recently.

I work and raise my kids and cook dinner and make breakfast. I wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for their grandparents though picking them up from school and dropping them off in the morning. Where there's a will, there's a way.

It’s a good thing for them to be around their grandparents. My grandparents (child’s great grandparents) are only in their 60s and inshallah could be around much longer. It’s quite a feat to be raised by your great grandparents.

The west does a great disservice to motherhood by making it seem like a burden. The very same society that makes it seem like Islam is so bad for women, meanwhile every 60 seconds some woman is coming out accusing a big wig corporate or public figure of assaulting her.

You cannot have it all, you have just to learn to balance and say no to some things.
Your fixation on my physique or appearance which you have alluded to so many times in your posts is starting to creep me out :childplease:

Not only are you insulting me but also @Gambar who encourages early marriage as well for women, had you had even 1/20 of her brain you wouldn't be in this current predicament.

Look at her now, your not any better off, in fact your worse off in every conceivable metric, she has a career just like you, and unlike you isn't going around matrimonial sites in her late 20's looking at quasi homosexuals for husbands, she already has one at a young age, while your anger and bitterness was growing all that time.

Never said such a thing, I haven't even posted anything on this subject since Qaldbi Dhagax shame, that was the end of Somali political sparring for me, once your happy with a Somali being handed over to an infidel to be tortured you have crossed the red line, there is nothing more to discuss.

Your a women anyway and women never had any qabiil and never will, apart from those old days, we agree on most things now anyway

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I speak of you in exactly the same manner as you speak of women. You denigrate Somali women in the UK for being slovenly and obese when you are exactly the same way. Do you see me attacking the physical appearance of any other male on this site? Let me answer that for you, no. Because they’re not chauvinistic hypocrites like you.

And I’m not bitter or angry. Me @Gambar have different lived realities. She grew up with both her parents in a middle class neighbourhood. After the early loss of my father, my mother never remarried and I’ve had to work and go to school to help make a better life for us. Perhaps my life would have turned out different if my father never died? Nevertheless, I am proud of all my accomplishments because I know they’re hard fought.


Not to derail or anything, but, Anyone else disturbed by the Insta captions...?


This ish is extremely creepy:jaynerd:. Who tf writes this way?? I rly hope it's a parody of some sort..:tocry:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Why must you come into this post with such chauvinistic vitriol and homophobia. I know physical appearance is one of your triggers and/or sore spots. I commiserate with you as I know people who have been obese and have struggled to maintain a healthy weight.

But physical attraction is important. As you’ve stated on numerous occasions whilst on one of your unprovoked fat-shaming misogynistic rants. Just as you are not attracted to obese slovenly women despite being almost 300 pounds. I am not attracted to obese men. I am 5’7.5 and 120 pounds. I am slim, fit and presentable. Asking the same of my partner is not egregious.

Raising a family is almost impossible in the West on a single income and cost of living continues to increase. On previous occasions you have urged Somalis to marry young and procreate.

I know you live in a socialist-welfare state and a good deal of Somalis in the uk eschew working for government assistance and subsidized housing. This behaviour though normalized is disgusting and unislamic. I come from a family where education is expected and lauded. My parents raised me to a productive, contributing member of society and to bring pride to my family name and wider ethno-cultural community. Not to be a drain on social supports and the public purse. As you suggested Somalis ought to be.

I would not encourage any woman to marry young as all the Somali girls forced or bullied into such a course of action I know have ended up divorced and/or divorced single mothers.

To all the young women reading this post. Forum members or not, I would strongly suggest you disregard this man post. He hates women and he hates the West. He is seeking to return to Somali to marry and live out his remaining years becaus he has failed to make something of himself in the West despite the myriad of opportunities presented him. Somali women are the backbone of our community. We are the thankless mules of the Somali community. I understand why some of you may want to divest from Somali men but I promise you this man is not representative of all Somali men!

This man hates women because he is obese and I believe he has been continuously rejected for the reason. Do not take his hate to heart!

Ilahay ha uu naxaristo.

Abaayo read Ayatul Kursi when you are commuting. I have started doing that recently.

It’s a good thing for them to be around their grandparents. My grandparents (child’s great grandparents) are only in their 60s and inshallah could be around much longer. It’s quite a feat to be raised by your great grandparents.

The west does a great disservice to motherhood by making it seem like a burden. The very same society that makes it seem like Islam is so bad for women, meanwhile every 60 seconds some woman is coming out accusing a big wig corporate or public figure of assaulting her.

You cannot have it all, you have just to learn to balance and say no to some things.

Mashallah so your family all got married really young.
Kids need their grandparents, they're the soft cuddly parents everyone dreams of having and their wisdom and patience is a great resource. They teach them everything and they listen more to them than they do to us.


I speak of you in exactly the same manner as you speak of women. You denigrate Somali women in the UK for being slovenly and obese when you are exactly the same way. Do you see me attacking the physical appearance of any other male on this site? Let me answer that for you, no. Because they’re not chauvinistic hypocrites like you.

And I’m not bitter or angry. Me @Gambar have different lived realities. She grew up with both her parents in a middle class neighbourhood. After the early loss of my father, my mother never remarried and I’ve had to work and go to school to help make a better life for us. Perhaps my life would have turned out different if my father never died? Nevertheless, I am proud of all my accomplishments because I know they’re hard fought.
You have suffered a lot sis, a lot more than any of us could imagine. Just be patient and be open to a good guy. Don’t be shallow. Inshallah Ilahay will give you someone good.
Fellas of sspot ... if a Somali lady is single in her late 20s and early 30s. RED FLAG. I'm telling you, brahs.

I think most decent Somali men know this and this is why @Periodicbrilliance is single and on a matrimonial site.

She's bitter that she's single and this thread is her way of lashing out against farahs.
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Mashallah so your family all got married really young.
Kids need their grandparents, they're the soft cuddly parents everyone dreams of having and their wisdom and patience is a great resource. They teach them everything and they listen more to them than they do to us.
My Ayeyo and awowe married at 15/16, my dad and Hoyoo were married at 18/19.

My advice to you is to marry out, you don't have a choice anyway, don't wait another 18 months to come to this conclusion. I would advice you to go for revert brothers who don't suffer from ageism because all the other born Muslim male's have this issue.

You'll get the best of both worlds, the physique that you want as well as the metrosexual physiognomy that you are craving for. This is sincere advice, it's the same advice I give to any girl around your age range that shares your views

AUN to your father, your predicament is different and you should have laid this out, up until your last message I was off the assumption you either came from a @Gambar like household or the common broken one, certainly not an orphan one.

I concede defeat in this, because now I understand you had no other choice, even tough I still find your views totally repugnant, but at least now I can understand were it comes from, your situation is unique.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

My advice to you is to marry out, you don't have a choice anyway, don't wait another 18 months to come to this conclusion. I would advice you to go for revert brothers who don't suffer from ageism because all the other born Muslim male's have this issue.

You'll get the best of both worlds, the physique that you want as well as the metrosexual physiognomy that you are craving for. This is sincere advice, it's the same advice I give to any girl around your age range that shares your views

AUN to your father, your predicament is different and you should have laid this out, up until your last message I was off the assumption you either came from a @Gambar like household or the common broken one, certainly not an orphan one, I concede defeat in this, because you had no other choice.

Can I ask you a question bro?

Are you happily married with a bunch of kids?



I’m glad early marriage has worked out for you. Unfortunately, as I’ve said in my previous post you seem to be in the minority. The majority of Somali girls I know who married prior to 25 are no longer married.

It was a poor life choice for them and has led to entrenched poverty. I know you did not grown up in TCH but these girls are now unfortunately raising the second-generation of their families in subsidized housing.
Plenty of things wrong with 2nd generation Somali marriages, but marrying young isn’t one of them. You have a horny guy who just wants to have sex, and a girl that wants to move out and get her own place. Once they see that marriage ain’t just about intercourse but entails a lot of responsibilities, they tend to divorce faster than they married. Most of these people meet in shisha cafes/clubs/other haram outlets. They start their marriage off with these massive weddings costing $15k and wonder why their marriage isn’t blessed. There are so many reasons why their marriages fail and making age out to be the main reason is disingenuous.

Somalis in Canada overwhelmingly constitute the working poor. If we were on par with the Pakistani Canadian community in terms of social status and educational attainment. And had the same ristha process. I would not be opposed to girls marrying that young.

Pakistani immigrants = middle class background, economic migrants, well-educated, professionals.

Somali immigrants = accepted without consideration of their backgrounds, refugees, mainly lower class.

“Most of the Pakistanis immigrating to Canada are mainly students, professionals and economic migrants from the middle-class background who tend to have reasonable levels of education.”

“Pakistanis began migrating to Canada in small numbers in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Immigration regulations gave preference to those with advanced education and professional skills, and the Pakistanis who came during this period, and throughout the 1960s, generally had excellent credentials.”

“Pakistani Canadians in the 1980s tended to be urban, well-educated, and professional and are more or less familiar with western culture and ways of living.”

If most of humanity in pre-industrialisation society married very young in much poorer and worse conditions, then why is poverty an excuse for us when we have the highest standards of living and income per capita in history?
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