Why are somali men against feminism?

Do you consider yourself a feminist?

  • Yes, I am a logical human being.

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • No, because I feel threatened.

    Votes: 15 55.6%

  • Total voters
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f*ck you im from Mudug

30. Wama asabakum min museebatin fabima kasabat aydeekum wayaAAfoo AAan katheerin

30. Whatever misfortune
Happens to you, is because
Of the things your hands
Have wrought, and for many
(Of them) He grants forgiveness.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I came to this site because I was researching some topics for my Sociology class. I was shocked to see the amount of men who are thrashing feminism and claiming their women are estranged because they consider themselves a feminist. I understand in this day and age feminism may not make a huge difference in the west since opportunities are mostly available to both genders; but Somalis are one of the most orthodox Muslims I have ever met. Some traditions don't even have anything to do with religion and at large affect women more than men. So how on earth do Somali men have the audacity to thrash Somali feminists. blease eggsplain?

Feminism is NOT ISLAM FRIENDLY. As Somalis are Muslims, second first being tribalist, i think it is a fair summation to say Somali men are anti-Feminist. As they should be .


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
If Somali men are against feminism than why don't they take their role as a parent serious?

Too many criminals running around and their father busy sitting in a coffee shop talking about Politics
I came to this site because I was researching some topics for my Sociology class. I was shocked to see the amount of men who are thrashing feminism and claiming their women are estranged because they consider themselves a feminist. I understand in this day and age feminism may not make a huge difference in the west since opportunities are mostly available to both genders; but Somalis are one of the most orthodox Muslims I have ever met. Some traditions don't even have anything to do with religion and at large affect women more than men. So how on earth do Somali men have the audacity to thrash Somali feminists. blease eggsplain?
I would give you an F grade if I was your prof
Why don't they promote women's rights without doing it at the expense of men?
Wanting equality for both men and women doesn't really make you a feminist, it makes you a decent human being.

Neo-feminism is confusing movement lol. These same feminists will expect you to pay for a date even though she wants to be treated equally. They want men to be feminists as well all the while being attracted to alpha niggas alone.:what1: xageed wax u wadaan?


Every man is a Shepard to his people.
Lets talk about intersectional feminism that can apply to the somali community so that issues faced by somali women are addressed and worked on
The Issue we have in our community is caasinimo, disrespect to the Mothers. If we look into it we have many sisters whom dont listen to their hooyos and don't even do their shaqo. That is a part of intersectional femenism.


If Somali men are against feminism than why don't they take their role as a parent serious?

Too many criminals running around and their father busy sitting in a coffee shop talking about Politics

When they say mental health problem is a big issue in the Somali community, been ma aha wallahi.
Our parents have been through some awful things and I think many of them are showing signs of it through different forms of mental issues. Some have straightforward wali cas meanwhile other sit in maqayad and have stopped caring a long time ago... I find it very difficult to understand why this hasn't been addressed before.
For instance, whenever something bad happens in a neighborhood or the in society, the system/goverment is always fast to provide professional therapy and counseling to their citizens. Why hasn't this been done for our parents, immigrants overall?

Just like you I used to blame Somali parents, and had thoughts like yours whenever I passed a group of odayaals and islaamo for that matter, "bal eega dadkan, maxa ka si ah, why aren't they working or going to schools, why are they sitting here and being annoying and loud,etc" But I have changed my perspective, and right now I just feel bad for them and want to help them. Despite all of that I really do think many of them are strong, if cadaan people or Asian were in our parents shoes they would have probably killed themselves a long time ago.
When my parents tell me about their life, how it was like growing up in their country living like kings and queens and how life suddenly made a U-turn for them, I really do pity them. You can see it in their eyes, the longing.
We need more psychiatrists and psychological help in our community.
With that said.

I believe there are many good, well behaved young Somalis out there, they are not given the credits that they often deserve though. Too bad the negative ones are often the ones always making headlines.

And to stay on topic; I'm not a Somali male, but I don't think the majority of the Somali males, living in West are against equal rights. After ages and ages of male dominance, we have entered an era where women are taking over slowly, they have filtered in every occupation, field, industries, they are seen and heard everywhere, and to some people, this is a threat, which is kinda understandable. When our brains don't recognize things they are not familiar with, it naturally connects it with oddness and fear to make sense of this new event of change.
The same thing can be applied to how racist people react to immigrants.

Now we have come a long way, and it is widely accepted that there aren't differences between men and women when it comes to the capability and potential of doing things.
But some movements are taking it too far, it never turns out good when something goes too extreme, whatever that might be. And I think many of the issues that are focused too much and debated in media(fk swedish media) is ridiculous and too much emotional, "why do I, as a woman, have to shave my legs?", "I'm gay, and I want the world to know it and accept me for who I am" etc. Many times if you don't follow or agree with the mainstream you are simply bullied and marginalized, this might be an explanation on why some people are against feminism.

Personally, I don't like to label myself to any groups or movements, I don't want to be limited to a small box of ideologies. I treat people just like how I want to be treated by them, regardless of what their ideologies, gender, religion, etc is. But don't cross my boundaries and impose on me your thoughts and way of life as I don't do with you, people usually accept this way of mutual understanding...

We should all give up fear when we can, and rely on it when we must.


Also I'm not going to cast a vote:farmajoyaab::samwelcome:

Yes: Logical
No: Threatened

This is what I meant by a small box of ideology. The world is not a square I swear, and it is not black and white :fittytousand:
half the somali population is female. if you hold them back for whatever reason youre effectively holding back the pace of development in somalia.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Pls tell me what's turning men into drama queens, is it feminism also? :mad::mad::mad:
Cause most men nowadays are raised by single mothers that’s why they tend to be more emotional cause they haven’t be taught how to be men they have no male role models around due to the feminist gynocentric system in the west that favour mothers and gives them sole custody of the kids in general
I think the feminist movement is naive in some ways. They want equal treatment but i honestly dont think they would like to be treated as men treat each other. Man are harsh and cruel to each other. A boss might violently scold a male employee but not a female employee.

I dont think women are emotionally ready to walk in a mans shoes.

Also why dont women work in construction, fight in wars and just take more risk?

Men make tough decisions. They might rob a whole country without remorse, stab each other in the back, and other vile stuff just to be on the top. Men know life is tough and if you dont screw people you will be screwed.

Having said this, i still think we need to encourage the feminist movement, we Somalis need our women to work and contribute, be independent minded.
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