What's your religion ( never imagined asking this in a Geeljire enclave)

What is your religion?

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لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ

He knows that one will sin but has the power to prevent it and does nothing. Doesn’t he guide one to sin because he says, ‘he alone guides and misguides people’.?

You need to savd yourself he gives you a free will so you can choose , follow shaytaan or Prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wassallam


Make Hobyo Great Again

3 followers:chrisfreshhah:


Guul Ama Geeri

I did eat the said meat and I didn’t like it.
Glad that you asked qadr/predestination. Can you tell me where qadr starts and ends and where free will begins and ends. Also, if everything is predestined and they will happen, then what’s the use of duco/supplication and habaar/cursing since Allah will never change his mind?
just bescuse everything is predestinerad dosent mean you should lay yourself flat and surrandet its a weak argument. You have free Will and everything is within destiny dosent matter how many what ifs and donts you come up with.


Guul Ama Geeri

He knows that one will sin but has the power to prevent it and does nothing. Doesn’t he guide one to sin because he says, ‘he alone guides and misguides people’.?
Allah guides thoose he hold desr

He knows that one will sin but has the power to prevent it and does nothing. Doesn’t he guide one to sin because he says, ‘he alone guides and misguides people’.?
@AussieHustler if you are sincere in your questions we can have this discussion somewhere else what you say ?
just bescuse everything is predestinerad dosent mean you should lay yourself flat and surrandet its a weak argument. You have free Will and everything is within destiny dosent matter how many what ifs and donts you come up with.


Free will and predestination are oxymoron. Sxb they don’t fit and ‘if the gloves don’t fit’, god has to acquit us and let’s roam “heaven” because he misguided us.


Snicker la'an
And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allâh (i.e. this Qur'ân), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allâh's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islâmic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allâh makes His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided.



verse 105

And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment.

The Quran clearly says Allah has declared that sectarianism is Haram.

AGAIN mentioned in verse 159 of surah #6:

As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast NO PART IN THEM IN THE LEAST, their affair is with Allah, He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.
You're a salafi and here you are talking about sects. You, the one that puts the hadith collection above the quran is here now trying to call others sinners.
You're a salafi and here you are talking about sects. You, the one that puts the hadith collection above the quran is here now trying to call others sinners.
One by one
Please don’t start the quranist argument
This thread will blow up and @R.Kelly the shit starter and proffesional clickbait expert will achieve the goal of a platinum thread


Guul Ama Geeri

Free will and predestination are oxymoron. Sxb they don’t fit and ‘if the gloves don’t fit’, god has to acquit us and let’s roam “heaven” because he misguided us.
Quite the oppiste is a very easy thing to understand , on the other hand for others its difficult it all sums up in being gudied or misgudied. May Allah guide you i wish hellfire for no man ! .. Imagine Allah SubhanWa tala were even ready do accept the repentence of Firun the wickedst man who ever walked this earth.. But Arch Angel Gabriel had an inclanatio, Gabriel being In so High status with Allah , Allah made let him go on with throwing dust in his mouth. allahu akbar wa lillahil hamd. How Great our Creator is


Bonnie & Clyde <3
Group ahh?

Kullaha group. LooooL

I’m not frustrated at your “Group” I’m just confused by your lack of consistency.

If you value individualism and your non-beliefs then why do you guys act like the way you do online?

You guys comment on Somali and Muslim content negatively, most of you just hate being both.

If you believe in western values as an Athiest why do you guys have hate for Muslims? Why do you hate Islam?

Somali Athiests are the weirdest athiests. You don’t see ex-christians crusading online and making fun of the Catholics or christians.

Your neefs just want to feel warm around eachother.

I have argued with Somali nihilists and it gets you nowhere. All of them are broke, come from broken families, they consume drugs and are depressed.

I don't know your experience with somali ex muslims, & I apologize for my part. I do value individualism. You can go thru my posts, I'm not obsessed with your religion, neither do I mock it, I don't waste my time on useless things. Quit playing the victim, you still keep generalizing, I'm here to tell you I had a joyful ubring, neither I'm I emotionally unstable. I'm sure other had it too, just because you had an unstable childhood, no need to accuse us of it.

Just remember, what you blame others for is just what you're avoiding about yourself.
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