What happens when an incel finally gets laid

This thread is so madax xanuun

We got femcels who compares incels to literal psycopath serial killers and we got incels who actually hate women :ftw9nwa:
Tbh I’m just matching their silliness lol. 88% of serial killers are incels and 12% are gays is what the femcel said. She basically put all serial killers in two groups as 100% means there has never been a serial killer who is not gay or incel. Dumbest sh1t I ever seen
Tbh I’m just matching their silliness lol. 88% of serial killers are incels and 12% are gays is what the femcel said. She basically put all serial killers in two groups as 100% means there has never been a serial killer who is not gay or incel. Dumbest sh1t I ever seen

Incels are gentlemen in general and some of the best men
Look just give up on this trolling its dead now

I never said there has not been a serial killer who was neither gay or misogynistic I said to you majority of them are misogynistic women haters and the other small percentage is gay killers like jefree, john gacy and wayne williams who targeted children

Now just go and don't @me again please


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Theres no such thing as somali incel, your parents can hook you up with marriage from back home


Flying over your heads
I would consider myself somewhat of a red pill although I feel I'm growing past that. Got tired of that trauma based preachings.

The point with this thing is to stop men from worshipping women and to stop having Disney like fantasies about love that most of us been regurgited since childhood.

Yes, alotta women are dysfunctional but there's also great women who fears God and got good morals. Same thing goes with guys. People will hurt you and thats just lessons in life. And most of the time we f*cking deserve it because our lack of common sense and poor choices , all that 'woe is me' shit is wack
Theres no such thing as somali incel, your parents can hook you up with marriage from back home

Definitely, no western Somali is an incel they could easily go to Somalia and find women I don't even think being ridiculously ugly or fat would be a barrier. Most western men who claim to be incels can get their passports ready and go to some third-world country and lose their virginity there.
Definitely, no western Somali is an incel they could easily go to Somalia and find women I don't even think being ridiculously ugly or fat would be a barrier. Most western men who claim to be incels can get their passports ready and go to some third-world country and lose their virginity there.

I call men like you products that failed in the west
that's why there's a whole plane between you and pussy :heh:

Going to somalia to manipulate miskiin girls that live in poverty and don't have much rights sheesh
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The red pill today is 95% hatred of women; 5% actionable advice. How many "Hypergamy" videos can a man watch before his brain gets poisoned?

It's okay for setting out goals and pushing you into health and fitness, but at the end of the day it's a cult full of losers and grifters, glad I left it behind.
What makes a woman high quality...

It's her looks and exclusivity
Translation a very attractive woman that all the men want. but can't get

self accomplished.... the word alone is a definition dont think it needs explanation
I’m sure you know the phrase: “Curiosity killed the cat”. If a man finds you attractive but can’t get you, he’ll move on quickly.
Look just give up on this trolling its dead now

I never said there has not been a serial killer who was neither gay or misogynistic I said to you majority of them are misogynistic women haters and the other small percentage is gay killers like jefree, john gacy and wayne williams who targeted children

Now just go and don't @me again please
Okay, men who are “red pilled” are misogynistic. Is that what you want to hear? Are you satisfied? You went from attacking men in red-pill out of the blue to insulting users personal love lives. I was playing along at first but you need to calm your hyper-inflated naaso down.
Right now the meaning of incel are misogynists that hate women because for some strange reason they've convinced themselves they can't get women because all the so called 'chads' are getting them.

Why did you put Chad between quotation
marks? You dont belive in them?
Okay, men who are “red pilled” are misogynistic. Is that what you want to hear? Are you satisfied? You went from attacking men in red-pill out of the blue to insulting users personal love lives. I was playing along at first but you need to calm your hyper-inflated naaso down.
was that suppose to be funny?

and do you not have anything to do other than reply to my thread 8 times an hour
I'm not even speaking to you just go.