What do you guys think of girls that smoke shisha

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I do not defend this. I was surprised she said her parents buy her the pipe. But one thing I know is that your approach is completely wrong Boss. You think you’re giving her a reality dose whilst she is probably more aware of the harsh reality herself. She is not in denial. As she said it’s temporary. Encouragment is needed. All you did was make her feel bad, and that will probably revert her progress and she will only linger on what you said.
She is in denial as the claim of temporary is denial in itself.It perpetuates a cycle of abuse, tomorrow I will stop doing this or that.However tomorrow is a figment of our imagination, the only thing that exists is the present.This can be used to alter tomorrow, tomorrow itself can never truly be altered.Indefinite "temporary" abuse is just that indefinite.

You can spin this however you want , she came here to seek validation about her abuse.For example she focuses on others faults such as the "horse weed" to lessen her addiction.She also,for some bizarre reason, brags about her mum buying her a pipe.

Encouragement in the form of "it's okay " leads to her continuing the cycle. This is also why I focused on the lack of a father figure who is much more harsh than the mother figure.Just look at the divergence of opinions between men and women here.
She is in denial as the claim of temporary is denial in itself.It perpetuates a cycle of abuse, tomorrow I will stop doing this or that.However tomorrow is a figment of our imagination, the only thing that exists is the present.This can be used to alter tomorrow, tomorrow itself can never truly be altered.Indefinite "temporary" abuse is just that indefinite.

You can spin this however you want , she came here to seek validation about her abuse.For example she focuses on others faults such as the "horse weed" to lessen her addiction.She also,for some bizarre reason, brags about her mum buying her a pipe.

Encouragement in the form of "it's okay " leads to her continuing the cycle. This is also why I focused on the lack of a father figure who is much more harsh than the mother figure.Just look at the divergence of opinions between men and women here.
Psychoanalysis of someone on the internet :liberaltears::mjlol:
Sxb if she needed validation for her abuse. OP wouldn’t have started a thread about what males think of her habit then repeatedly state she’s abandoning it before marriage anyways. She probably just wanted a discussion about this.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Somali niggas diss every somali girl's little weakness and downfalls and critize them for it even when they are doing much worse things in real life.

On top of that when they come online, they have the audicty to complain about the same chicks they just disowned for going with the ajnabis.

In my city of Columbus all the girls that became bad apples are not product of Ajnabis, but the somali guys in their neighbours and community who take start giving these girls hookah and weed at such young age, It is not surprising some are cousins too.:dabcasar:
Somali niggas diss every somali girl's little weakness and downfalls and critize them for it even when they are doing much worse things in real life.

On top of that when they come online, they have the audicty to complain about the same chicks they just disowned for going with the ajnabis.

In my city of Columbus all the girls that became bad apples are not product of Ajnabis, but the somali guys in their neighbours and community who take start giving these girls hookah and weed at such young age, It is not surprising some are cousins too.:dabcasar:
Don't blame us for your cousins being hoes.
My rep is clean.
Somali niggas diss every somali girl's little weakness and downfalls and critize them for it even when they are doing much worse things in real life.

On top of that when they come online, they have the audicty to complain about the same chicks they just disowned for going with the ajnabis.

In my city of Columbus all the girls that became bad apples are not product of Ajnabis, but the somali guys in their neighbours and community who take start giving these girls hookah and weed at such young age, It is not surprising some are cousins too.:dabcasar:

Hey best fraaaaaaaaaaaan:ftw9nwa:
Somali niggas diss every somali girl's little weakness and downfalls and critize them for it even when they are doing much worse things in real life.

On top of that when they come online, they have the audicty to complain about the same chicks they just disowned for going with the ajnabis.

In my city of Columbus all the girls that became bad apples are not product of Ajnabis, but the somali guys in their neighbours and community who take start giving these girls hookah and weed at such young age, It is not surprising some are cousins too.:dabcasar:

Look at this traitor :gucciwhat::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:
Listen to yourself, you are clearly in denial.Whether shisha is chemically addictive or not the lifestyle for you is.For the brief time you have been on this forum you have exposed your reliance on this drug to the extent that your poor hoyo must buy a pipe so you don't smoke in front of the community.She bought you a pipe because she knew that you are weak minded and easily influenced , like sheep you must be pushed towards a room to do your dirty buisness.Im assuming your father is not as active in your life as any self respecting man wouldn't allow his child to commit such disgraceful acts.Fix up , stop wasting money on hookah and spend that money to make more money so your family can succeed.

Also pay back your mother for that pipe and throw that shit away.Be a real women not a child.
damne G .your collecting more and more beef with the halimos on here by the day :lolbron:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I never understood this obsession some Somalis have with shisha Ive met people who got shocked when I told em its got nicotine

Besides its always seemed a bit gay
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