Wow! Great post.Why stay late at work and not go to the Gym instead and build your physique thereby raising your sexual market value?
The effect this will have on her psychologically alone will terrify her into thinking she is about to loose you to another female.
This insecurity alone will shift the momentum of the relationship back in your favour, the complaining stops and the pampering begins.
The whole psychology behind incessant complaints is WANING interest levels in your partner, something about you has changed!
You are the cause of this and it's a common thing with males to abandon what got her hooked in the first place, the incessant complaints are just her way of communicating this to you!
The number 1 relationship rule is to stay focused on your purpose in life whatever it is, this of course requires you to have one in the first place because without this you are nothing.
That purpose should ALWAYS come before your woman, because if it doesn't! she becomes the object of your purpose and focus, which of course is biologically repulsive to her because she wants to board your train (instead of you boarding hers)
You suck all the love, passion and excitement from the relationship when you do this, and you don't even realise this until the entire marriage goes up in smoke.
My sincere advice to you is to take heed through actions, hit the gym, improve upon other aspects in your life especially as it relates to the bedroom, we live in an age were all the materials and information of how to achieve this is out there.
Add to your spiritual growth, start dressing better and improving your style/appearance while of course remaining unfazed at all times never verbalizing this!
You will shake her to the core with this and all the incessant complaints will morph into insecurity, servitude and devotion to the one she fears to loose, win/win.