There is a scorpion in my house

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How in the hell do you get rid of it? He is hiding somewhere and it's night time in Somalia and can't be bothered to look for it.

Only about 25 of the 1,500 known species of scorpions can deliver stings that are fatal to humans. And most of these potentially lethal scorpions can't kill healthy adults, although their neurotoxins can cause such troubling symptoms as convulsions and shortness of breath.

please make dua for me I already have a type one diabetes since I was a kid and I don't want to get stung by a fucking scorpion.

Also my diabetes was inheritance
Did this nigga just ask us to help him remove a scorpion?:bell:

I will pray for you for the diabetes tho but not the scorpions
damn i feel sorry for you. i used HAAAATE those fucking scorpions and flying roaches that used to come once a year. the only good thing about the west is not dealing with those two creatures.
Get a broom and chase it down. After it gets out, make sure no one is near it. After that, take a shoe and take the stick part of the broom and insert it in the shoe. Take your new weapon and hulk smash that shit.
Get a broom and chase it down. After it gets out, make sure no one is near it. After that, take a shoe and take the stick part of the broom and insert it in the shoe. Take your new weapon and hulk smash that shit.

That's the worst advice i've heard. But i'll try it later
What kinda backwards desert do you live in? Straya or what?

Beautiful City of Borama

I had one as a pet in high school lol. Obviously I never dealt with wild ones, but man up, grab a paper towel, and carefully leave it by rocks outside.
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