The somali's at the Coli have failed us.

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Seth before he changed his name to Afro @Cognitivedissonance @Raganimo @Geeljire
@Geeljire aka last edited aka tldr aka distinguished sources :cryinglaughsmiley:

:cryinglaughsmiley:wallahi i crack myself up sometimes

OK, clearly you're just a troll. My bad for wasting time on you
I also dislike the superimposition of ''Blackness'' because i consider it to be a western Identity trap that alienates people and put barriers on social development.

Many Pan-Africanists agree on ''Black'' being a dehumanizing regressive term for describing African people. It is akin to a slave name . If the only difference is skin-complexion and being at the bottom of every social-economic indicator then how is that an identity? .

Some are willing to make their ancestral Somali identity sound redundant just so they can fit into a meaningless abstract color construction from the west.

I have no problem with cooperating on mutual interests if they actually exist, we have already done that in minneapolis when we helped elect

Most of the times it's hard because AAs are less united and they dont have any collective agenda so its hard to tell what their interests are compared to us and we have way too many differences. But we should respect eachothers differences and spaces. If somalis want to have good relations with them then don't imitate them and don't lump yourself up with them.

I get what you're saying bro. But even though "blackness" has no scientific basis and is just a social construct, that does not make it any less real for those who are living in the West. You can choose to disassociate yourself from it, but that will not change the fact that society at large will still view you as a black man. That's the reality of the world that we live in. This has clear implications. It effects everything from how you get treated by the police, to the job opportunities that you have. These cadaans who are in charge only see the color of your skin.

I get that we should not allow others to define who we are, but we don't run the institutions of these countries.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't know what's funnier, @KingGeno claiming refugees are self selected, apparently rewriting the last two thousand years of African history with his incredibly rebuttal of the well established Bantu expansion, or going full WE WUZ KANGZ

@Geeljire but it's a tough topic. On one hand you want to reserve the right to define your own identity based on your own culture, but at the same time we live in a society that has racial categories that are pretty much set in stone.
OK, clearly you're just a troll. My bad for wasting time on you

I get what you're saying bro. But even though "blackness" has no scientific basis and is just a social construct, that does not make it any less real for those who are living in the West.

Real for those who live in the west? ok if these so called ''Black people'' exist then where do "black" people come form? Since Asians come from Asia, Indians from India. So where do Black people come from? Blackia, Negroland or Blackistan, following the obvious naming convention.What is the capital city of the Black home world? Black City or Blackatropolis?

If Africans do not come from these fictitious places & we find that so-called Black people come from Africa why not just call them African? ts redundant at best. So what is the purpose of Blackness? In a world where identity & land are exclusively interlinked for every other people .

Its not just scientific simple it just falls on every category. An identity is generally geographical and ties the people to their native environment or their core doctrine not to skin pigmentation.

You can choose to disassociate yourself from it, but that will not change the fact that society at large will still view you as a black man. That's the reality of the world that we live in.

Thats what Self-determination is for. Are you self-determined human? Who is bent on Self-defining himself and making his own choices? or are you an oppressed slave with no homeland,culture or name no refrence of self? since that is what this ''Blackness'' is. ''Black'' has no home or any actual value.

All you need to to do is claim ''Somali'' since it holds more ontological weight than anything it links you ''land'', ''culture'' and ''history'' instead of ''Black'' which is meant to alienate you into this oppressed ''other''.
Real for those who live in the west? ok if these so called ''Black people'' exist then where do "black" people come form? Since Asians come from Asia, Indians from India. So where do Black people come from? Blackia, Negroland or Blackistan, following the obvious naming convention.What is the capital city of the Black home world? Black City or Blackatropolis?

If Africans do not come from these fictitious places & we find that so-called Black people come from Africa why not just call them African? ts redundant at best. So what is the purpose of Blackness? In a world where identity & land are exclusively interlinked for every other people .

Its not just scientific simple it just falls on every category. An identity is generally geographical and ties the people to their native environment or their core doctrine not to skin pigmentation.

Thats what Self-determination is for. Are you self-determined human? Who is bent on Self-defining himself and making his own choices? or are you an oppressed slave with no homeland,culture or name no refrence of self? since that is what this ''Blackness'' is. ''Black'' has no home or any actual value.

All you need to to do is claim ''Somali'' since it holds more ontological weight than anything it links you ''land'', ''culture'' and ''history'' instead of ''Black'' which is meant to alienate you into this oppressed ''other''.

I do not see Indian claiming yellow or brown, Chinese calling himself yellow or British calling himself white but they all use their nationality
As for the Caribbeans who posted in that thread: everything that I said about the AA's applies to them as well. They've been in the West since the 60's (at least). The very fact that we're even in the same conversation is a strong indication of how much they've failed as a community.

But hey, they have good athletes and singers so I'm sure everything is OK.. lmao.. they're content with being glorified court jesters and see that as some type of accomplishment.

Caribbean man here! What you have against us hoss? Even on days when you are supposed to be at your most religious you phuckers are still throwing shade. Oh I forget...religion and conflict goes hand in hand with your guys.

Anyway watch your mouth about us caribbeans before you get hog-tied, tarred and feathered.
@Geeljire but it's a tough topic. On one hand you want to reserve the right to define your own identity based on your own culture, but at the same time we live in a society that has racial categories that are pretty much set in stone.

Thats why most groups except Africans are self-determined. Africans are not fighting to be called African or by their Ethnic/race. They are fighting to be called an western/american exonym. The only African people who are culturally intact with their own self defintions are ''Ethiopians'' and ''Somalis'' who commute color labels.

Its not even specific to us solely other ethnic groups reject these color labels just outright and find it insulting.

“Most Arabs don’t consider themselves white,” said Samer Khalaf, national president of The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which has long lobbied for a more accurate label than “white.” Khalaf was one of 30 participants in a May 29 meeting convened by the U.S. Census Bureau so that researchers and representatives of MENA communities could discuss and offer feedback on the proposed changes.

Read more:

So here you see Isreali Jews and Arabs excercizing their own agency while Africans are still sleeping. Not to mention Asians who do not walk around calling themselves Yellow. Infact its racist to called the yellow or call native americans red.
I do not see Indian claiming yellow or brown, Chinese calling himself yellow or British calling himself white but they all use their nationality

Europe has done a good job of imposing on Africans notions of identity based not on geography or ethnicity, but relative color.

Just examine the racialist terms europeana create. Negro = Negroid = Colored = = Black (all associated with color none are connected to a continent). Now compare this to Asiatic =Asia, Caucasoid= Caucaus mountains, and Mongoloid=Mongolia (all are tied to land, all can be located on a map— but not Negroid/Black).

An identity is generally geographical and ties the people to their native environment or their core doctrine. For Indians it is their land, for Chinese it is their land, for Jews it is their faith.

People like @afrosomali aka @isme would just dance to the racialist games of the west and become their puppeteers. You know its funny there is nothing African or Somali about this fellow. His mind is not in Somalia or Africa but in the west. Has their views ,concepts,self definitions like some slave.
Europe has done a good job of imposing on Africans notions of identity based not on geography or ethnicity, but relative color.

Just examine the racialist terms europeana create. Negro = Negroid = Colored = = Black (all associated with color none are connected to a continent). Now compare this to Asiatic =Asia, Caucasoid= Caucaus mountains, and Mongoloid=Mongolia (all are tied to land, all can be located on a map— but not Negroid/Black).

An identity is generally geographical and ties the people to their native environment or their core doctrine. For Indians it is their land, for Chinese it is their land, for Jews it is their faith.

People like @afrosomali aka @isme would just dance to the racialist games of the west and become their puppeteers. You know its funny there is nothing African or Somali about this fellow. His mind is not in Somalia or Africa but in the west. Has their views ,concepts,self definitions like some slave.

Really are you 16 years old? The wisdom and education ! I wish my little boy turn like you. What type of books that changed your mind? ( I want my son to read in future)
Sxb by "real" I didn't mean in a scientific/quantifiable sense. Social constructs can have real implications in the real world. Nationalism is a good example. "Race" is another good example. Those who are in power and run the institutions categorize you based on your skin color. They are not about to change that just because you refuse to accept their labels. So if you're skin is black, you'll get stopped more by the police than white people, if you go to jail you'll be convicted and receive a higher sentence than a white person etc.. those are very real implications in the real world in spite of how fake the notion of "blackness" really is.
I agree with you in principle, but our opinions have no value to those who call the shots. You can insist on having your Somali racial category, but that is not going to undo hundreds of years of mental conditioning. Go to right wing blogs/forums and search "Somali". You'll find that they use many of the same racial slurs that they use for African Americans. This society was built on race and is racist to the core.
Caribbean man here! What you have against us hoss? Even on days when you are supposed to be at your most religious you phuckers are still throwing shade. Oh I forget...religion and conflict goes hand in hand with your guys.

Anyway watch your mouth about us caribbeans before you get hog-tied, tarred and feathered.

Go back and see the kind of ignorance that I was replying to. Check your peoples if you want to be respected. Otherwise you're just another hypocrite.

And your empty threats are just laughable.


closer to god we africans
You know its funny there is nothing African or Somali about this fellow. His mind is not in Somalia or Africa but in the west. Has their views ,concepts,self definitions like some slave.
lmaoooo calm down there sigmeund freud w/ the psychoanalysis
Thats why most groups except Africans are self-determined. Africans are not fighting to be called African or by their Ethnic/race. They are fighting to be called an western/american exonym. The only African people who are culturally intact with their own self defintions are ''Ethiopians'' and ''Somalis'' who commute color labels.

Its not even specific to us solely other ethnic groups reject these color labels just outright and find it insulting.

“Most Arabs don’t consider themselves white,” said Samer Khalaf, national president of The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which has long lobbied for a more accurate label than “white.” Khalaf was one of 30 participants in a May 29 meeting convened by the U.S. Census Bureau so that researchers and representatives of MENA communities could discuss and offer feedback on the proposed changes.

Read more:

So here you see Isreali Jews and Arabs excercizing their own agency while Africans are still sleeping. Not to mention Asians who do not walk around calling themselves Yellow. Infact its racist to called the yellow or call native americans red.

Europe has done a good job of imposing on Africans notions of identity based not on geography or ethnicity, but relative color.

Just examine the racialist terms europeana create. Negro = Negroid = Colored = = Black (all associated with color none are connected to a continent). Now compare this to Asiatic =Asia, Caucasoid= Caucaus mountains, and Mongoloid=Mongolia (all are tied to land, all can be located on a map— but not Negroid/Black).

An identity is generally geographical and ties the people to their native environment or their core doctrine. For Indians it is their land, for Chinese it is their land, for Jews it is their faith.

People like @afrosomali aka @isme would just dance to the racialist games of the west and become their puppeteers. You know its funny there is nothing African or Somali about this fellow. His mind is not in Somalia or Africa but in the west. Has their views ,concepts,self definitions like some slave.

All of these points are fine and dandy and some of it might make sense....i'm not about to give it much thought. The problem with you guys is that anyone can do a simple search on the internet and find some of the vilest vitriol against black people even before many of us in the west knew somalis existed. Its all there. There is something pathological about you phuckers.

You want to here my experience regarding somalis. I'll tell it to you anyway. There I my caribbean forum...discussing stuff with my people and out of the blue a somali prick shows up and start shitting all over the forum. I don't have to get into it because i know you all know the talking points regarding white looks and black looks and noses and hair and slaves ect. We were all flabergasted because this is the first time that a somali had infiltrated our forum....where did this reeking imbecile come from. Then he proudly boasted about somalis and there visceral hatred for blacks and the fact that it was part of the culture...and on and on. Then he dared us....that if we didn't believe him we can go check out a few links that he posted. Well i checked out the links. And that was my intro to Somalis.

Its one thing to have a discussion about culture and the fact that the experiences of africans...particularly those close to arab culture... and the experience of those of us in the west makes us complete strangers...that is legit.......but you guys operate on a different level. I saw a somali on Stormfront one daytrying to impress upon those neanderthals that he and his people hate blacks more than the fleabag stormers themselves. Of course the Storm fronters let him have it. Strangest thing i've ever seen.

Anyway i think the cat is out of the bag...your people have gotten the word out...and blacks in the west more and more are noticing.
All of these points are fine and dandy and some of it might make sense....i'm not about to give it much thought. The problem with you guys is that anyone can do a simple search on the internet and find some of the vilest vitriol against black people even before many of us in the west knew somalis existed. Its all there. There is something pathological about you phuckers.

You want to here my experience regarding somalis. I'll tell it to you anyway. There I my caribbean forum...discussing stuff with my people and out of the blue a somali prick shows up and start shitting all over the forum. I don't have to get into it because i know you all know the talking points regarding white looks and black looks and noses and hair and slaves ect. We were all flabergasted because this is the first time that a somali had infiltrated our forum....where did this reeking imbecile come from. Then he proudly boasted about somalis and there visceral hatred for blacks and the fact that it was part of the culture...and on and on. Then he dared us....that if we didn't believe him we can go check out a few links that he posted. Well i checked out the links. And that was my intro to Somalis.

Its one thing to have a discussion about culture and the fact that the experiences of africans...particularly those close to arab culture... and the experience of those of us in the west makes us complete strangers...that is legit.......but you guys operate on a different level. I saw a somali on Stormfront one daytrying to impress upon those neanderthals that he and his people hate blacks more than the fleabag stormers themselves. Of course the Storm fronters let him have it. Strangest thing i've ever seen.

Anyway i think the cat is out of the bag...your people have gotten the word out...and blacks in the west more and more are noticing.
Trolls are trolls. They exist to infuriate and anger you. You're an imbecile for judging us all based on a few trolls. It's literally the same 3-4 kids who spam black forums with the same nonsense. As a grown man, you should be able to tell the difference between a troll and a normal human being.
Sxb by "real" I didn't mean in a scientific/quantifiable sense. Social constructs can have real implications in the real world. Nationalism is a good example. "Race" is another good example. Those who are in power and run the institutions categorize you based on your skin color. They are not about to change that just because you refuse to accept their labels. So if you're skin is black, you'll get stopped more by the police than white people, if you go to jail you'll be convicted and receive a higher sentence than a white person etc.. those are very real implications in the real world in spite of how fake the notion of "blackness" really is.

How anyone view you does not automatically become your self-definition of yourself. If you want to free yourself from those implications then you have to be self-determined. Not apply slave names to yourself and make into an identity or race. When we know they ain't and the only thing it tells is you is you are ''oppressed' with no refrence of self.

''Cop pulls gun on you so you are black'' kulaha , then is that cop your slave master ready to whip you into position? Its odd that the definition of who you are , rest on the hands of people who supposedly resent you and oppress you..

Tede kale many of these rappers who make up the new Black identity are not clear, it is cloudy, they not sure hence violently reactionary. They are "Black" but Blackness has no home, they are not cultured in Africa or anything real beyond drinking smoking and cursing their own kind. Hood is not a culture to locate ones existence. 'Location' (loxion) is not a place to rest the heart of your identity. So we see the anger which is destined to self-destruct for it has no boundaries and is defined by frustration, vices, rejection and negation.
What anyone view you as does not automatically become your self-definition of yourself. If you want to free yourself from those implications then you have to be self-determined. Not apply slave names to yourself and make into an identity or race. When we know they ain't and the only thing they tell you is you are ''oppressed''.

''Cop pulls gun on you so you are black'' kulaha , then is that cop your slave master ready to whip you into position? Its odd that definition of who you are , rest on the hands of people who supposedly resent you and oppress you..

Tede kale many of these rappers who make up the new Black identity are not clear, it is cloudy, they not sure hence violently reactionary. They are "Black" but Blackness has no home, they are not cultured in Africa or anything real beyond drinking smoking and cursing their own kind. Hood is not a culture to locate ones existence. 'Location' (loxion) is not a place to rest the heart of your identity. So we see the anger which is destined to self-destruct for it has no boundaries and is defined by frustration, vices, rejection and negation.

Again, you need to separate between your individual right to self-identify as you wish, and how institutions and structures identify you. My point is: these structures have existed for hundreds of years because they serve the majority (whites). They have been conditioned to see racial identity in terms of Black/White/Asian etc.. As a minority, you can try to change those perceptions but it's a losing battle. Only if the majority acquiesce to your demands will any change happen but that would require deep structural changes, and like I said, these structures were put there for a reason in the first place.

I agree with you on principle, but your idealistic views have little implications in the real world.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
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