The rise of the unmarried late 20s - early 30s Somali diaspora woman

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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa

A study done on Cadaan women who practice sexual relations before marriage? That is your source?

Those cadaan girls can get casual sex, hence that is why they are happy being single and contacting fuckbuddies when they need their desires satisfied by a man.

A practicing Somali Muslimah can't though, hence why she is obviously better off being married than not. It is disingenuous to compare our sisters to these shameless cadaans.
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This idea that men are the only party that benefit from and desire marriage is also asinine btw.:mjlol:

If that were the case, we would not have article after article of old women in their 30s crying about how they can't find men to commit to them. :mjlol:
Women are the ones who benefit from marriage, not men.
The way I see if, if you really want something you will do whatever it takes to get it. A lot of women are unamarried in older ages because they're not taking the right steps to meet the right person. Some are more focused on their careers (which is understandable), but they should not be surprised if they're 30+ and unmarried.

Another thing is that Somali men in he West are often not as educated or as successful career wise as the women. This is a major turn off for the women (and also for the men), so you have educational and economic disparities at play. It is better for these women to seek men who value their education and career aspirations. The men might be Somali or ajnabi, but sitting around will not help. Folks need to open their eyes. Again, if you really want something you will go out and get it. Some of us might end up with ajnabi's whether we like it or not.

One thing some don't understand though is that some women (and men) don't care much for marriage as much as you think. That doesn't make them sharmuut(a)'s or anything but they might have other things they focus on in life. Everyone has their own path in life and as long as they are not harming anyone (or themselves), we must let them live their lives in peace.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The way I see if, if you really want something you will do whatever it takes to get it. A lot of women are unamarried in older ages because they're not taking the right steps to meet the right person. Some are more focused on their careers (which is understandable), but they should not be surprised if they're 30+ and unmarried.

Another thing is that Somali men in he West are often not as educated or as successful career wise as the women. This is a major turn off for the women (and also for the men), so you have educational and economic disparities at play. It is better for these women to seek men who value their education and career aspirations. The men might be Somali or ajnabi, but sitting around will not help. Folks need to open their eyes. Again, if you really want something you will go out and get it. Some of us might end up with ajnabi's whether we like it or not.

One thing some don't understand though is that some women (and men) don't care much for marriage as much as you think. That doesn't make them sharmuut(a)'s or anything but they might have other things they focus on in life. Everyone has their own path in life and as long as they are not harming anyone (or themselves), we must let them live their lives in peace.

I have access to data that substantiates that women are more inclined to pursue higher education irrespective of race/ethnicity. The disparity is real across the board. However, the more high paying professions and specialties are male dominated. As for Somali guys, it's more about who is in your circle and where you reside. No one will marry someone they don't approve of. Sxb, let's not pretend someone is holding a gun to their heads telling them to swirl.:ftw9nwa: They choose it. Some Xalimos are racist.
Somali parents aren't helpful in finding their daughters suitors either. Can't date (afaik), must continue school and at some point magically find a spouse and produce offspring.

We should learn from other Muslim communities
I have access to data that substantiates that women are more inclined to pursue higher education irrespective of race/ethnicity. The disparity is real across the board. However, the more high paying professions and specialties are male dominated. As for Somali guys, it's more about who is in your circle and where you reside. No one will marry someone they don't approve of. Sxb, let's not pretend someone is holding a gun to their heads telling them to swirl.:ftw9nwa: They choose it. Some Xalimos are racist.
That is true. Men do get high pay and higher positions but Somali men have two issues at play:

1) A tendency in the West to underachieve
2) Systemic rascism

The underachievement has a lot to do with the way they were raised, where the grew up, the racism in education etc and the systemic racism speaks for itself.
Somali women deal a lot of the same things and even more discrimination but still aspire to improve their lives. Once they're done with their education (mid-late 20's), all the educated and successful guys are taken and oftenhave youbger wives so they're "leftover." China is having the same issue with their "leftover women." They're more proactive about though and have a big gender imbalance to deal with as well.

Sorry for the long post, but this is a really interesting topic imo. Also, plese clarify the last part, I am bit confused lol
@Luna @sophisticate

What is an appropriate age gap to you? I've read about established Somali guys in their late 20's or even early 30's marrying younger women. How old are these 'younger' women? I've never witnessed a Western raised Somali couple that had a 2+ year age gap I think. I'm sure it happens, but to the extent it creates problems for women of their age group?
Somali parents aren't helpful in finding their daughters suitors either. Can't date (afaik), must continue school and at some point magically find a spouse and produce offspring.

We should learn from other Muslim communities

Man, I got to be honest, witnessing western society coming down to its knees and getting destroyed is going to be a beautiful thing to witness as it goes down. The nature of women has been utterly abused, exploited and weaponised against civilisation. The government and the state are husbands and fathers now. A family is deemed redundant and passé in our current climate. Hypergamy is literally worshipped. Materialism and consumerism is the new global religion. Western society is quickly hurtling in a downward trajectory, we are in a similar phase to the Roman Empire just before it collapsed. What an exciting time to be alive. :banderas:
Man, I got to be honest, witnessing western society coming down to its knees and getting destroyed is going to be a beautiful thing to witness as it goes down. The nature of women has been utterly abused, exploited and weaponised against civilisation. The government and the state are husbands and fathers now. A family is deemed redundant and passé in our current climate. Hypergamy is literally worshipped. Materialism and consumerism is the new global religion. Western society is quickly hurtling in a downward trajectory, we are in a similar phase to the Roman Empire just before it collapsed. What an exciting time to be alive. :banderas:

Naw nigga, I ain't done with the West yet. I need a lil more time to sort a few things out and till Tanzania or Somalia are more stable/developed before I gtfo here
@Luna @sophisticate

What is an appropriate age gap to you? I've read about established Somali guys in their late 20's or even early 30's marrying younger women. How old are these 'younger' women? I've never witnessed a Western raised Somali couple that had a 2+ year age gap I think. I'm sure it happens, but to the extent it creates problems for women of their age group?
I'm not sure but most guys don't want want an older wife and often slighty younger girls are more desirable.
Most of us are still first gen in the West, so things might change for the next generation, but who knows?


very lowkey
I'm not sure but most guys don't want want an older wife and often slighty younger girls are more desirable.
Most of us are still first gen in the West, so things might change for the next generation, but who knows?
Seriously? Aren’t you the same girl who want to be banned from this site?

Why are you giving your two cents on sspot issues if you don’t want to be here?

Girl you are free to leave, no one is holdning you hostage. The door is that way ->


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
That is true. Men do get high pay and higher positions but Somali men have two issues at play:

1) A tendency in the West to underachieve
2) Systemic rascism

The underachievement has a lot to do with the way they were raised, where the grew up, the racism in education etc and the systemic racism speaks for itself.
Somali women deal a lot of the same things and even more discrimination but still aspire to improve their lives. Once they're done with their education (mid-late 20's), all the educated and successful guys are taken and oftenhave youbger wives so they're "leftover." China is having the same issue with their "leftover women." They're more proactive about though and have a big gender imbalance to deal with as well.

Sorry for the long post, but this is a really interesting topic imo. Also, plese clarify the last part, I am bit confused lol

It all starts in the home.:yacadiim: And if you raise your boys with a strong work ethic + grit they would do well, despite any obstacles (real or imagined). I've met highly intelligent Xalimos but I've met significantly more super brillant Faraxs. Probably Aspergan but the male outliers sadly eclipse their female counterparts despite being afforded the same opportunities. Its probably a function of socialization.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
@Luna @sophisticate

What is an appropriate age gap to you? I've read about established Somali guys in their late 20's or even early 30's marrying younger women. How old are these 'younger' women? I've never witnessed a Western raised Somali couple that had a 2+ year age gap I think. I'm sure it happens, but to the extent it creates problems for women of their age group?

Somali guys are only age obbessed online. Most diaspora Somalis I know don't have large age gaps between them. From what I've noticed it's the girls that are more conscious of age than the guys. Younger men are deemed taboo.:manny:


The biggest lie going around in our community is the girls are all angels with multiple degrees who've never so much as talked to a man, and the guys are all gang-banging criminals with a rap sheet longer than their resumes.

Those of us who live in reality know what's up though. :manny:
The guys are doing worse than the girls. The balance has been shifted and the guys don’t like it. It is because of the first generation problems that spilled over.
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