The main reason why Western Somalis aren’t doing well

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Dependency has proven itself to be the biggest curse on the Somali psyche. We need to go cold turkey, all over the world. Like a drug addict quitting drugs. It's the only way any form of improvement will come about.

That will never happen. The governments of UK, Sweden, Canada etc. won't stop handing out welfare because Somalis lack willpower and self control. Somali governments, however, need to tax remittance money heavily along with Qat and cigarettes.
f*ck off!


Sspot is a jungle :ohno:
Sounds like you have real life issues to sort out:mjlaugh:

That will never happen. The governments of UK, Sweden, Canada etc. won't stop handing out welfare because Somalis lack willpower and self control. Somali governments, however, need to tax remittance money heavily along with Qat and cigarettes.
Well after the benefit cuts by the Tories more Somalis in the UK started working :kanyeshrug:
Not that i support Tories:idontlike:
And it actually made the situation worse
The abundant Somali single mothers now have to work longer hours in menial jobs with zero work hour contract such as Social care
I swear Somalis are such copycats, the current trend is working night shift in care homes :snoop:
Inshallah that will improve our work ethic
Waryaada stop the derailing
Abaay abaay shaqo yeelo aboowe
Cangeero Bear sarirta kor iyo seexo
This is an excellent thread topic. And as it has been mentioned due to the dependence on welfare or remittance Somalis communities have become very unproductive. In addition we have missing father figures, boys that engage in criminal activities, an obssesion with materialsm and self hating females.
I don’t know what the solution of our problem should be. But I certainly don't believe that a more patriarchal family structure as Inquistive suggested would actually help.
@Inquisitive_arwdy showed that it's the women's fault
He wrote quiet an articulate piece, the solution is for every Somali man to have a beating stick.
Well after the benefit cuts by the Tories more Somalis in the UK started working :kanyeshrug:
Not that i support Tories:idontlike:
And it actually made the situation worse
The abundant Somali single mothers now have to work longer hours in menial jobs with zero work hour contract such as Social care
I swear Somalis are such copycats, the current trend is working night shift in care homes :snoop:
Inshallah that will improve our work ethic
Obviously cutting welfare negatively affects all disadvantaged groups disproportionately.The real problem in Somali communities is the both the self and outside marginalisation by the Somali and English community respectively.The idea that cutting welfare would help low income single parent families cope is dangerously misleading.


Death Awaits You
That will never happen. The governments of UK, Sweden, Canada etc. won't stop handing out welfare because Somalis lack willpower and self control. Somali governments, however, need to tax remittance money heavily along with Qat and cigarettes.
You have to put into consideration that Somali FOBs are the most likely to be on welfare. second generation Somalis, even those who come from broken homes are much less likely to have many kids and be on welfare.
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