The main reason why Western Somalis aren’t doing well

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He is a psycho. Straight up ran away from a mental institution to join sspot. Now he keeps leaving his biopolar diablo fingerprints everywhere on this forum.

You can tell whenever this diablo enters a thread. He always writes in bold letters, he attacks people out of the blue, he leaves gangistar music videos on serious threads, he uses derogatory words to describe women, he curse people out for no reason, etc..

Like that loco nigga needs to be stopped by someone. I have currently vowed to be that person.


@ abaay abaay
Explain yourself brudda.

We have one... @SumMo
alleging that you approach threads in an antagonistic manner for the sole purpose of derailment.

How do you plead?
These are serious charges btw.:ufdup:
I don’t explain myself to no one.



I dare u to show yourself.
This is the type of attitude I am talking about. Shaytaan shaytaan dashay! Please allow me to give him some karbash.
I’ll grant your wish on one condition.
Post a pic of u and leave it for 48hours. If u cute I’ll leave Somali spot if not then u already know. Wallahi.
Waryaada stop the derailing
Abaay abaay shaqo yeelo aboowe
Cangeero Bear sarirta kor iyo seexo
This is an excellent thread topic. And as it has been mentioned due to the dependence on welfare or remittance Somalis communities have become very unproductive. In addition we have missing father figures, boys that engage in criminal activities, an obssesion with materialsm and self hating females.
I don’t know what the solution of our problem should be. But I certainly don't believe that a more patriarchal family structure as Inquistive suggested would actually help.


very lowkey
I’ll grant your wish on one condition.
Post a pic of u and leave it for 48hours. If u cute I’ll leave Somali spot if not then u already know. Wallahi.
You think I actually would do that? I didn’t escape from no mental institution. Not everyone is as loco as yourself. uff


I dare u to show yourself.
Waryaada stop the derailing
Abaay abaay shaqo yeelo aboowe
Cangeero Bear sarirta kor iyo seexo
This is an excellent thread topic. And as it has been mentioned due to the dependence on welfare or remittance Somalis communities have become very unproductive. In addition we have missing father figures, boys that engage in criminal activities, an obssesion with materialsm and self hating females.
I don’t know what the solution of our problem should be. But I certainly don't believe that a more patriarchal family structure as Inquistive suggested would actually help.
Don’t call me aboowe I’m not yours.


As i live and breathe
One reason, Welfare. The richest Somalis all come from Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia. Why? Because there is no social safety net. This also promotes broken homes, since single-parent households get the most welfare and benefits.

It's also the reason why Somalia will never improve, the people there have grown used to Aid and Remittance instead of working with their own two hands.

Dependency has proven itself to be the biggest curse on the Somali psyche. We need to go cold turkey, all over the world. Like a drug addict quitting drugs. It's the only way any form of improvement will come about.
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