The Attack Against Marriage

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Of course Somalis are going to attack marriage. They have the highest single rates, the highest divorce rates, many don't have a pleasant personality and sadly, they are self-centered and selfish.

Young people here: take your marriage advice from white and Asian people.
I’d rather take advice from the Arabs & South Asian then some random Gaal cadaan with high divorce rates and open relationships/cheating.

I did notice these MENA & South Asians are more family-oriented in general compared to us Horners.It is quite shocking for me noticing my Moroccan-in-laws always making sure to eat together as a family for basically every meal and this is what my wife does with me as well.I haven’t seen that among Somalis in Canada or SL


Of course Somalis are going to attack marriage. They have the highest single rates, the highest divorce rates, many don't have a pleasant personality and sadly, they are self-centered and selfish.

Reasonable young people here: take your marriage advice from white and Asian people.
really?:gucciwhat: honor killing your wife, living with in laws, never having the freedom of divorce?....etc :urgh::urgh::urgh:


I’d rather take advice from the Arabs & South Asian then some random Gaal cadaan with high divorce rates and open relationships/cheating.

I did notice these MENA & South Asians are more family-oriented in general compared to us Horners.It is quite shocking for me noticing my Moroccan-in-laws always making sure to eat together as a family for basically every meal and this is what my wife does with me as well.I haven’t seen that among Somalis in Canada or SL
of course! ~ Honor killings, and acid attacks ~:gaasdrink:


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
I would advise the young Somali brothers to get married from back home. Leave these westernised women alone and let them enjoy their single lives.

Soon they will be complaining like this🤣🤣 -



Amaan Duule
Probably, but I think he's suggesting that it's shameful not to work hard in life. Ex; doing your own cooking /cleaning. How dare people be lazy?! that's what he means

I don't understand what's wrong with having the maid and nanny do all the physical work. The wife can be there to spend time with the children and husband. The wife can help the children with their quran for dugsi class, help them with the homework, teach them islamic morals/values, and spend time with her husband. That itself is work.

But noooooo
No Way Meme GIF

They want us to do all of that above, with the physical work of the house and children on top of it :westbrookwtf:
Spending time with your husband is work??? :mindblown:


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
I’d rather take advice from the Arabs & South Asian then some random Gaal cadaan with high divorce rates and open relationships/cheating.

I did notice these MENA & South Asians are more family-oriented in general compared to us Horners.It is quite shocking for me noticing my Moroccan-in-laws always making sure to eat together as a family for basically every meal and this is what my wife does with me as well.I haven’t seen that among Somalis in Canada or SL

MENA and South Asians abuse their women, but you're correct.

And a 2022 survey by the American Health Association found that 91% of parents reported that their families were significantly less stressed when their families eat meals together regularly.


I put Books to the Test of Life
I would advise the young Somali brothers to get married from back home. Leave these westernised women alone and let them enjoy their single lives.

Soon they will be complaining like this🤣🤣 -

lolll she going in. Soon civil war will break out between Halimos back home and the western Halimos.

The Great Halimo war
why do you think the 4B movement is happening in those countries? :umwhat:
That movement is a uniquely Korean issue. China and Japan have their own set of issues that's causing the decline in birth rate and it's similar to ours. Things like long working hours (look up 996 in China for an extreme example), relatively low wages, lack of childcare workers (one income households are unsustainable so the mother MUST work), and very little government support for parents are the driving factors for the decline.
Everywhere you go on social media, you see people hating on marriage, especially young Xalimos. They've been brainwashed into thinking that marriage takes away their freedom, but working under Tom, Harry and Dick is seen as freedom. Sometimes, you just think to yourself how powerful the media is; it can make you perceive black as white.
Solution: people use social media less and think for themselves more.

Work is work. A person has to choose the type of work that they want to do which fulfills them. Marriage isn’t as complicated when both parties at minimum like each other. Find someone you want to be your best self for. Single people shouldn’t listen to resentful married and unmarried people.
Solution: people use social media less and think for themselves more.

Work is work. A person has to choose the type of work that they want to do which fulfills them. Marriage isn’t as complicated when both parties at minimum like each other. Find someone you want to be your best self for. Single people shouldn’t listen to resentful married and unmarried people.
But there is an attack on marriage making young naive kids having a bad impression on marriage. We have to help and rebrainwash our people into believing marriage is good and better than making a career.
Men love to say that women are too picky but if women drop their standards and marries a loser or an abusive man that she ends up divorcing, those same men will turn around and say “she should have chose better”

People should have realistic standards but being 1. practicing 2. financially stable 3. decent looking 4. mentally sane and 5. a good person/kind is not too much to ask for
Men love to say that women are too picky but if women drop their standards and marries a loser or an abusive man that she ends up divorcing, those same men will turn around and say “she should have chose better”

People should have realistic standards but being 1. practicing 2. financially stable 3. decent looking 4. mentally sane and 5. a good person/kind is not too much to ask for
Nothing wrong with preference, the thread is about being against marriage itself.

