The Attack Against Marriage

Internet Nomad

๐‘ฎ๐’๐’๐’† ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’†๐’†๐’๐’†๐’“ ๐’‘๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’–๐’“๐’†๐’”
Women don't care about threats of loneliness, and so forth. That's why most of the fear mongering articles and research are focused on the 'male loneliness epidemic'.

If you want to 'help', tell your fellow males to take a wash, learn basic manners and get a J.O.B.
Women are so happy they are taking medicine for their mental health at unforeseen rates.

So far i donโ€™t think you truly grasp what i have been saying once.

O have said if this trend of men and women growing distant to each other grows and the birth rate collapses and the domino of institutions and infrastructure also falls who will bear the most risk for it?

Women and children.

Then is it not in women interests to make sure society continues to thrive?

The answer would be yes but you and @Yaraye are too short sighted to see that.
Or they can level up their finances and get a maid/ nanny for the house/ children. Boom! Neither partner is exhausted, there is more time for intimacy, which leads to a happier and healthier relationship:trumpsmirk:

Sis, all a man has to do to attract and keep a woman is;

1. Wash
2. Have a job
3. Have manners
4. Not be selfish.

The bar is in the core of the earth, and yet we are meant to feel sorry for the beasts that fail to meet such low criteria.


Women are so happy they are taking medicine for their mental health at unforeseen rates.

So far i donโ€™t think you truly grasp what i have been saying once.

O have said if this trend of men and women growing distant to each other grows and the birth rate collapses and the domino of institutions and infrastructure also falls who will bear the most risk for it?

Women and children.

Then is it not in women interests to make sure society continues to thrive?

The answer would be yes but you and @Yaraye are too short sighted to see that.
Horte, why do you guys keep talking about society collapsing? I don't understand why would society collapse :mindblown:
Women are so happy they are taking medicine for their mental health at unforeseen rates.

So far i donโ€™t think you truly grasp what i have been saying once.

O have said if this trend of men and women growing distant to each other grows and the birth rate collapses and the domino of institutions and infrastructure also falls who will bear the most risk for it?

Women and children.

Then is it not in women interests to make sure society continues to thrive?

The answer would be yes but you and @Yaraye are too short sighted to see that.

When I speak of women, I usually speak of Muslimahs, who have imaan in Allah's provision for them. Those women have nothing to fear, this world is just a test, and the afterlife is what's most important. So if a Muslimah chooses not to marry from a small and tainted pool of men, that's a blessing for them.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Pinpoint exactly what the issue is with Western Muslimahs, tell us what they say that is problematic.
I could write a book on the topic.Point is Muslim women are for some reason attracted to the western liberal ideology and this isnโ€™t isolated to us either. This trend is common among other western groups where the men are on average more conservative compared to their women counterparts. Only the Blacks are an outlier in this trend


โ€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
you have to be funniest female writer on this forum lollll, you mastered sarcastic debating.
There viewpoints are ludicrous as if single women dont have baby fever or sexual needs that must be met. How are are they supposed to be met other than marriage? Unless she is suggesting haram.. :williamswtf:


Save ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Or they can level up their finances and get a maid/ nanny for the house/ children. Boom! Neither partner is exhausted, there is more time for intimacy, which leads to a happier and healthier relationship:trumpsmirk:

Hiring a maid without working 60+ hour weeks is disgusting and a shameful thing to do.
I could write a book on the topic.Point is Muslim women are for some reason attracted to the western liberal ideology and this isnโ€™t isolated to us either. This trend is common among other western groups where the men are on average more conservative compared to their women counterparts. Only the Blacks are an outlier in this trend

Again, tell us exactly what Western Muslimahs have said or do, that is offensive?

Internet Nomad

๐‘ฎ๐’๐’๐’† ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’†๐’†๐’๐’†๐’“ ๐’‘๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’–๐’“๐’†๐’”
That concentration camp idea would make Ayeeyo Arawello proud! I love it.

You make good points walaal and let me tell you why I have no sympathy for 'male loneliness epidemic'. Even someone on here, I think it was @Internet Nomad who said that normal men have a lot of single ladies to choose from. Since that's the case, why is the onus on women to do something different? Should the pressure not be on involuntarily celibate men, to improve themselves?
Nigga i said the exact opposite of what i said.

About 63 percent of 18 to 29-year-old men reported being alone in 2022, a 12 percent increase from 2019

45% of men age 18-25 have never approached a woman in person.

This is a issue that men are facing as a whole. Normal men are having issues attracting women.
The whole time i was speaking to a person who lacks intellect.

I give up i think its a waste of time talking to a brick wall.

Have fun with your cats and dont take notice to the downfall of society. Im sure it will be fine for unmarried women.

Nicolas Cage Laughing GIF
Nigga i said the exact opposite of what i said.

The whole time i was speaking to a person who lacks intellect.

I give up i think its a waste of time talking to a brick wall.

Have fun with your cats and dont take notice to the downfall of society. Im sure it will be fine for unmarried women.

Nicolas Cage Laughing GIF

I am married and even if I was single, I'd rather have cats than the kind of men I see in this topic.

When your threats of women turning to prostitution failed, you are now resorting to insults. What's next from you?

Internet Nomad

๐‘ฎ๐’๐’๐’† ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’†๐’†๐’๐’†๐’“ ๐’‘๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’–๐’“๐’†๐’”
Horte, why do you guys keep talking about society collapsing? I don't understand why would society collapse :mindblown:
When trends like this happen all across the developed world. What do you think old people surpassing the young does? To many people depending on a smaller smaller demographic. This will eventually lead to infrastructure falling apart which then lead to societal collapse.


Because a maid wants to be paid?

Probably, but I think he's suggesting that it's shameful not to work hard in life. Ex; doing your own cooking /cleaning. How dare people be lazy?! that's what he means

I don't understand what's wrong with having the maid and nanny do all the physical work. The wife can be there to spend time with the children and husband. The wife can help the children with their quran for dugsi class, help them with the homework, teach them islamic morals/values, and spend time with her husband. That itself is work.

But noooooo
No Way Meme GIF

They want us to do all of that above, with the physical work of the house and children on top of it :westbrookwtf:

Internet Nomad

๐‘ฎ๐’๐’๐’† ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’ˆ๐’“๐’†๐’†๐’๐’†๐’“ ๐’‘๐’‚๐’”๐’•๐’–๐’“๐’†๐’”
I am married and even if I was single, I'd rather have cats than the kind of men I see in this topic.

When your threats of women turning to prostitution failed, you are now resorting to insults. What's next from you?
Didnโ€™t threaten women with prostitution but go ahead i guess it will be asking to much for you to understand what i was saying.

Yes i did result to insults after engaging with you respectfully the whole time and then seeing you unable to grasp what i said. And completely 180 my words i do think that is a sign of stupidity.

This discussion is over because i donโ€™t think you can grasp what i have been saying all along.

Let me spell it out to you in a simple way so you understand what i have been saying all along.
I would rather be single than be stuck with someone for the rest of my life because we have kids together.
Im not saying women should be rehabilitating men who have issues its not their burden to take.
Im trying to find the solutions to societies problems and all you care to do is score points.
Its in the interest of women that society continues to work.
If society falls apart because resentment increases and because of lack of replacement all the infrastructure fall apart. Women and children are going to suffer the most.

