The Attack Against Marriage

But there is an attack on marriage making young naive kids having a bad impression on marriage. We have to help and rebrainwash our people into believing marriage is good and better than making a career.
From what I have seen, the attack is mainly on social media. The solution for that is clear.

Grown people (what you’re calling kids) should take responsibility for their own lives and figure it out themselves just like everyone else. Too much coddling is also what makes people unable to help themselves. Only thing people can do is set examples. No marriage is perfect. It requires effort from both parties.
Hopes of marrying a tall slim halimo in the next couple of years and islam are the only things stopping me from going to Morroco or the DR and bashaling rn


That movement is a uniquely Korean issue. China and Japan have their own set of issues that's causing the decline in birth rate and it's similar to ours. Things like long working hours (look up 996 in China for an extreme example), relatively low wages, lack of childcare workers (one income households are unsustainable so the mother MUST work), and very little government support for parents are the driving factors for the decline.
I agree with what you're saying. It is uniquely a korean issue now, but due to social media it is starting to spread.
Everywhere you go on social media, you see people hating on marriage, especially young Xalimos. They've been brainwashed into thinking that marriage takes away their freedom, but working under Tom, Harry and Dick is seen as freedom. Sometimes, you just think to yourself how powerful the media is; it can make you perceive black as white.

Women are easier to control. So, if you manipulate them to hate men, families, etc, then of course, it'll effect the rest of society.
Both men and women don’t trust each other. They both believe the sample size of marriageable people are small and that they will regret getting married.

I would rather be single than be stuck with someone for the rest of my life because we have kids together.

I feel like social media has increased this paranoia to because redpill/incel and femcel type rhetoric has become so prevalent that both sexes think the other are evil or dumb.

This why a reversion back to islamic principles would save this generation of people men and woman. Islam makes men masculine and women feminine the balance that god has set out.

Mashallah, if/when I every get married, I hope my wife and I will wear traditional outfits as well.
@Internet Nomad

Studies actually show hypergamy in the West has decreased. More and more women are in 50/50 relationships and there has been an increase in women being breadwinners but women are still doing the bulk of household labour and child rearing. Hence the picture you’re both painting isn’t accurate.

Of course women have to work, especially thanks to abusive losers, neglectful losers, losers who can't control their gaze and awrah. What happens to a divorced woman that has no savings? Hmmm?And don't even get me started on 50/50 losers who demand and depend on a woman's income.

"Working under Tom, Dick and Harry" is financial freedom and security for many women.

Focus on yourself and whoever decides to marry you.
It’s interesting that us Somalis are having conversations about hypergamy when our issues unlike Arabs, cadaans and Asians is the complete opposite. We have issues with women marrying broke men who can’t/don’t fully provide for them or aren’t as educated as them and then divorcing down the line with some of them having a ‘I’m super woman, I don’t need a man attitude’ due to doing most things alone throughout their marriages.

A bit of hypergamy amongst Somalis would force a lot of Somali men to up their game. Right now in our community you can be an unambitious man in a dead end job and you’ll
Find a pretty Xalimo.


I put Books to the Test of Life
@Internet Nomad

Studies actually show hypergamy in the West has decreased. More and more women are in 50/50 relationships and there has been an increase in women being breadwinners but women are still doing the bulk of household labour and child rearing. Hence the picture you’re both painting isn’t accurate.

It’s interesting that us Somalis are having conversations about hypergamy when our issues unlike Arabs, cadaans and Asians is the complete opposite. We have issues with women marrying broke men who can’t/don’t fully provide for them or aren’t as educated as them and then divorcing down the line with some of them having a ‘I’m super woman, I don’t need a man attitude’ due to doing most things alone throughout their marriages.

A bit of hypergamy amongst Somalis would force a lot of Somali men to up their game. Right now in our community you can be an unambitious man in a dead end job and you’ll
Find a pretty Xalimo.

In the present day, heading to university often means accumulating three years of debt only to start off with a minimum wage job, essentially beginning from scratch. There are plenty of alternative paths out there, and hitting the university route doesn't automatically make someone educated or intellectual.

Now, when it comes to the financial side of things, what salary range do you think a Somali guy in the UK should aim for before considering marriage, without falling into the "broke man" category in your opinion?
Women are easier to control. So, if you manipulate them to hate men, families, etc, then of course, it'll effect the rest of society.
This is where I believe we have failed; we know women are easy to control, so why are we letting foreign men do it instead of taking charge ourselves? Why can't we encourage them to value love, marriage, being a wife, and a mother from a young age, seeing these as valuable pursuits compared to going to university or working?
This is where I believe we have failed; we know women are easy to control, so why are we letting foreign men do it instead of taking charge ourselves? Why can't we encourage them to value love, marriage, being a wife, and a mother from a young age, seeing these as valuable pursuits compared to going to university or working?

You're right but their propaganda is powerful. It's convinced a lot of them that being a "boss babe" is better than being a mother and wife. Essentially, generally, they are striving to be what successful men are. But men can get married at 40 (Imam Ahmad Hanbal), and produce healthy offspring, they most likely cannot. We're different for a reason.

There's a financial incentive to keeping men and women apart too. There's more households, (single men and single women), therefore There's two mortgages or rents, instead of one, more fees associated with cars instead of one or 2, and more.


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