Tall Xalimos or Short Xalimos poll

Tall Xalimos or Short Xalimos

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Somalispot in a nutshell.

1. Murursade are langaab and useless
2. Presented facts
3. Shutup your clan is useless
4. Presented facts
5. Shutup you hutu hutu hutu hutu
6. Presented facts
7. Shut up you stupid

I cant believe i spent 24 hours arguing with a dhulbahante.
Isn't Galgaduud and southern Mudug part of a federal state called Galmudug? I was just trying to tell the sister @anonymous34 if she reps that region. That's all.


Yh there was nothing wrong with what you said, i was just asking why she didn't rep the whole state instead of just her gobol, nothing big


Say whatever the f*ck you want but we all know the british had your awoowe on speed dial for a booty call.

Before you come for Habar Jeclo and Murursade who are nobler than your bahante clan. I suggest you free yourself from the HJ abuse in Sool. They are taking your land, women and livestock in droves. Don't forget Somaliland controls you because of your HJ slave masters.

Save yourself from HJ expansion in Sool.


Ok, let me educate you. The first picture you posted is fake and this "zoo" thing was made up in Sspot so be intellectually honest next time. As for the British thing, you do realize they were a protectorate not a colony? All British did was develop our regions and gave us privileges and don't forget bahante was also part of British Somaliland so Idk what you're talking about?

As for Dervish. Please do not brag about that. Did you know the second ruler of Dervish State was a Habar Jeclo? His name was Haji Sudi. He was also the ruler of HJ and his clan contributed heavily for Dervish State.

Haji Sudi the second in command of Dervish State after Sayid Abdullah Muhammed.


What's funny is you were quoting Wikipedia and you accuse me of that? @anonymous34 @The Cushitic One Don't take this bahante serious. :drakekidding:
Somalispot in a nutshell.

1. Murursade are langaab and useless
2. Presented facts
3. Shutup your clan is useless
4. Presented facts
5. Shutup you hutu hutu hutu hutu
6. Presented facts
7. Shut up you stupid

I cant believe i spent 24 hours arguing with a dhulbahante.
What facts have you presented?
Before you come for Habar Jeclo and Murursade who are nobler than your bahante clan. I suggest you free yourself from the HJ abuse in Sool. They are taking your land, women and livestock in droves. Don't forget Somaliland controls you because of your HJ slave masters.

Save yourself from HJ expansion in Sool.


Ok, let me educate you. The first picture you posted is fake and this "zoo" thing was made up in Sspot so be intellectually honest next time. As for the British thing, you do realize they were a protectorate not a colony? All British did was develop our regions and gave us privileges and don't forget bahante was also part of British Somaliland so Idk what you're talking about?

As for Dervish. Please do not brag about that. Did you know the second ruler of Dervish State was a Habar Jeclo? His name was Haji Sudi. He was also the ruler of HJ and his clan contributed heavily for Dervish State.

Haji Sudi the second in command of Dervish State after Sayid Abdullah Muhammed.


What's funny is you were quoting Wikipedia and you accuse me of that? @anonymous34 @The Cushitic One Don't take this bahante serious. :drakekidding:
Sheegato keep white knighting for hawiyes professor wikipedia.
What facts have you presented?

Dhulbahante are Habar Jeclos es. Seriously its a fact.

I have dhulo friends and all of them have relatives married to HJ. Ask your mother its likely she has a HJ mother or perhaps your father.

You havent presented facts regarding your claim that murursade are langaab. Murursade are the 3rd largest hawiye subclan in somalia. In greater somalia we are the biggest hawiye sub clan. Have you heard of karanle? Its another name of murursade and they reside in ehiopia. There are about 1.2 million karanle (murursade) in ethiopia.

Before you idiots come for murursade i suggest you read about my subclan. Before you mumble hutu hutu hutu.


Sheegato keep white knighting for hawiyes professor wikipedia.

Nah, just debunking your lies and propaganda about the noble Isaaq clan that currently rules your people.

Ironic you call me a Wiki professor when you were just copying and pasting Wikipedia right now. :hahaidiot:

The Dervish state (Somali: Dawlada Daraawiish, Arabic: دولة الدراويش‎ Dawlat ad-Darāwīsh) was an early 20th-century Somali Muslimkingdom. It was established by Mohammed Abdullah Hassan, a religious leader who gathered Somali forces from across the Horn of Africa and united them into loyalists known as the Dervishes. The Dervishes enabled Hassan to carve out a powerful state through conquest of lands claimed by the Somali sultanates, the Ethiopian Empire, and European powers. The Dervish state acquired renown in the Muslim world and Western worlds due to its resistance against the European empires of Britain and Italy. The Dervish forces successfully repulsed the British Empire in four military expeditions, and forced it to retreat to the coastal region.[2] As a result of its fame in the Middle East and Europe, the Dervish State was recognized as an ally by major Central Powers: the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire.[3][4] It also succeeded at outliving the Scramble for Africa, and remained throughout World War I the only independent Muslim power on the continent.[5] After a quarter of a century of holding the British at bay, the Dervishes were finally defeated in 1920.

In August 1898, the Dervish army occupied Burao, an important centre of British Somaliland, giving Muhammad Abdullah Hassan control over the city's watering places. Hassan also succeeded in making peace between the local clans and initiated a large assembly, where the population was urged to join the war against the British.
In 1900, an Ethiopian expedition which had been sent to arrest or kill Hassan looted a large number of camels. Hassan in return attacked the Ethiopian garrison at Jijiga on 4 March of that year and successfully recovered all the looted animals. He gained great prestige in recovering the looted stock from the Ethiopians and he used it along with his charisma and powers of oratory to improve his undisputed authority on the Ogaden. To harness Ogaden enthusiasm into final commitment, Hassan married the daughter of a prominent leader and in return gave his own sister, Toohyar Sheikh Adbile, to Abdi Mohammed Waale, a notable elder.

Towards the end of 1900, the Ethiopian Emperor Menelik II proposed a joint action with the British against the Dervish. Accordingly, British Lt. Col. E.J. Swayne assembled a force of 1,500 Somali soldiers led by 21 European officers and started from Burco on 22 May 1901, while an Ethiopian army of 15,000 soldiers started from Harar to join the British forces intent on crushing the 20,000 Dervish fighters (of whom 40 percent were cavalry).

In the 1920 campaign by the British, 12 aircraft were used to support the local British forces. Within a month, the British had occupied the capital of the Dervish State and Hassan had retreated to the west.

Keep chating shit you dumb hutu.

If I ever catch you lying. I will just karbash you with facts. :denzelnigga:

@Factz you've probably bookmarked abtirsi.com sheegato.

My sub clan of Jibril Abokor is not mentioned in Abtirsi.com and I have mentioned my full clan tree with my name. @The Cushitic One can confirm that.


Dhulbahante are Habar Jeclos es. Seriously its a fact.

I have dhulo friends and all of them have relatives married to HJ. Ask your mother its likely she has a HJ mother or perhaps your father.

You havent presented facts regarding your claim that murursade are langaab. Murursade are the 3rd largest hawiye subclan in somalia. In greater somalia we are the biggest hawiye sub clan. Have you heard of karanle? Its another name of murursade and they reside in ehiopia. There are about 1.2 million karanle (murursade) in ethiopia.

Before you idiots come for murursade i suggest you read about my subclan. Before you mumble hutu hutu hutu.
What’s wrong with marrying with fellow Somalis who we share our language, culture, and deen with? At least we’re not marrying Bantus like you Hawiyes do in Shabelloyinka.

Abgaal are the largest hawiye sub clan, then Habar Gidir, then Xawaadle, then Ajuuran, then Gaaljecel then Sheekhaal and maybe after that your people. :yloezpe:


Darood are god-fearing people masha'Allah. Meanwhile the others come crawling out their caves even during the esteemed month of Ramadan.

Qabilist women like @Factz @anonymous34 and @The Cushitic One need to get their priorities right. That's your father's qabil

I was decent the whole time until the idiot @Somaliweyne Unionist kept bashing my clan so I had no choice but to respond.

I'm not a woman you buffoon and I didn't insult Darood either. Keep defending your clan though even though they were the wrong ones here.
Dhulbahante are Habar Jeclos es. Seriously its a fact.

I have dhulo friends and all of them have relatives married to HJ. Ask your mother its likely she has a HJ mother or perhaps your father.

You havent presented facts regarding your claim that murursade are langaab. Murursade are the 3rd largest hawiye subclan in somalia. In greater somalia we are the biggest hawiye sub clan. Have you heard of karanle? Its another name of murursade and they reside in ehiopia. There are about 1.2 million karanle (murursade) in ethiopia.

Before you idiots come for murursade i suggest you read about my subclan. Before you mumble hutu hutu hutu.
You should seriously think before you speak. You're people are known al shabaab sympathizers look at this:




Head of NISA is Murusade that is why there is still terrorism is somalia he does not arrest his clan mates.
What’s wrong with marrying with fellow Somalis who we share our language, culture, and deen with? At least we’re not marrying Bantus like you Hawiyes do in Shabelloyinka.

Abgaal are the largest hawiye sub clan, then Habar Gidir, then Xawaadle, then Ajuuran, then Gaaljecel then Sheekhaal and maybe after that your people. :yloezpe:

FYI Habar gidir are larger than Abgaal in number :mjlol: HG are 2.3 million and counting in somalia.

Listen you dont know shit. Literally. How the f*ck is gaaljecel more than us in number? Literally thats fucking ridiculous.

1.2 million murursade reside in the greater region of somalia. We reside in gindhidh, shashamane, karsadulle, jarati, fiiq, jigjiga, dibiguur, macaruuf, jeerey, araarse and doobey in ethiopia. In Somalia we occupy galmudug region as well as Xamar.

And no i dont give a single f*ck about somalinimo at this point. I will marry a murursade man inshallah.

Also i cant speak for other subs but murursade do not intermarry with bantus. I havent heard of it. Meanwhile
You should seriously think before you speak. You're people are known al shabaab sympathizers look at this:




Head of NISA is Murusade that is why there is still terrorism is somalia he does not arrest his clan mates.

You got this from somalispot you dumb f*ck canuck posted that. Lol i wonder what you did type murursade into google and pressed the first shit you found? Murursade supporting alshabab is a rumour started by HG this is a well known fact among Hawiyes.

Listen you dont know shit come again with actual facts rather than copying and pasting shit from wikipedia and accusing @Factz of doing this. You literally a dumbass over a 24hour period you have not presented one fact regarding an accomplishment dhulos made other than stating mere ministerial jobs. How old are you again? You argue like a child bakhit waahid.
Darood are god-fearing people masha'Allah. Meanwhile the others come crawling out their caves even during the esteemed month of Ramadan.

Qabilist women like @Factz @anonymous34 and @The Cushitic One need to get their priorities right. That's your father's qabil you're breaking your fast for. :icon lol:

Lool men can be qabilist but women cant? If that mentally was common than your qabil would not exist! neither would yours or mine or @SomaliWadaniSoldier or @Factz

Your qabil exist because your mother who was from X qabil decided to marry into her X qabil.
I was decent the whole time until the idiot @Somaliweyne Unionist kept bashing my clan so I had no choice but to respond.

I'm not a woman you buffoon and I didn't insult Darood either. Keep defending your clan though even though they were the wrong ones here.

You're a delusional hypocrite, that's what you are. :gucciwhat:

You're emotional and easily triggered like one, ceebey tacaal.

But you don't condemn your cousin @Somaliweyne Unionist ? At least pretend to not be biased kkkk :icon lol:

I was only addressing the women. Very unladylike behaviour itt. :uCkf6mf:

He's always posting triggering content, what can I say? :lolbron:

Imagine if we got triggered every time that guy with the SL flag avatar posted his diarrhea
You got this from somalispot you dumb f*ck canuck posted that. Lol i wonder what you did type murursade into google and pressed the first shit you found? Murursade supporting alshabab is a rumour started by HG this is a well known fact among Hawiyes.

Listen you dont know shit come again with actual facts rather than copying and pasting shit from wikipedia and accusing @Factz of doing this. You literally a dumbass over a 24hour period you have not presented one fact regarding an accomplishment dhulos made other than stating mere ministerial jobs. How old are you again? You argue like a child bakhit waahid.
I've brought more facts than you wallahi nothing you've said is facts and you can't refute any of my points keep insulting me tho go drink water because you're just starving yourself why are you so angry? Is it because your father does sujuud towards al shabaab bases instead of the kaaba.
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