Somalis Girls Discuss Being Dark Skinned in the Somali Community.

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Both are mixed but judging from the looks I think my dad got stronger Somali genes than my mother (my dad is pretty dark and my mum is way too light :)) Wish I could share a pic, but some thirsty ass people lurking...
you seem familiar. I knew a girl named sabrin omar who was somali/yemeni. where are u from if you don't mind sharing


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
Yemeni, but I was raised more Somali than Yemeni AND I can't get along with my Yemeni cousins :ftw9nwa:
Yemini food is :ohhhdamn:

Believe it or not i used to eat mlouwax(malawax in somali) not knowing that it was also eaten in somali(land/a):jcoleno:
i thought it was regular 7izaji saudi food:jcoleno:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
If your dark skinned somali girl just kill yourself because no one wants you:siilaanyolaugh:


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A

Have nice day abayo macaan like muufo iyo kac kac dipped in nutella.
Yaaaaaaaaaaa7'i(transl.slang for Brooooooooo):dead1:
, i feel like we need to keep an eye on this guy,:heh:
U dont know, he might end up in jail for sexual assault:fantasia2:
Potentiail sexual predator:browtf:


Resident of WZKSA, Wahabi-Zionist K. Sh!thole. A
Mawalad means mixed in Arabic/Somali if I'm not mistaken.
Ur corr in arabic:nvjpqts:, idk shit bout somali lol
I don't know the details of my ancestry but with regards to my Somali side (reer xamar) and Yemeni side (i think its called mawalad)
My mom's side is mwalad too, explains why most of mi saudi(of HA descent tho) famiglia look SUPER GODDAMN Kwaiti of all bastard 3rab countries...:kanyehmm::mjcry: I get laughed at when i say im not mixed:jcoleno: "but u look khalīji-ish" kulaha:heh:
nigga im 10000000000% Slander:camby::salute: ignore my saudi blood:damn:, its.... watered down :manny:and will stay watered down:susp:
All this skin tone talk never occurred in my household, is it really that big of a deal in somali communities? I'm thinking it's being overblown.

I'm sure it's greatly exaggerated at least when it comes to the Somali community. Can't really deny people's personal experience, guess it's the type of people they're around.
I live in Antarctica. Why you ask?

I know this guy that is really darkskin like this man

And his nickname is Cade :damn: I don't even know his real name, everyone calls him Cade :mugshotman:
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