Somali working in Lockheed Martin

Many of you routinely engage in doxxing Somalis who speak out/act against zionism.

How many threads are created on here doxxing and attacking Somalis who tear down zionist propaganda?

Now you are expressing outrage at the same behaviour towards a Somali working for a company that is involved in killing Muslims all over the world including Somalia, but in defense of him.

It is literally a weapons manufacturing company.

Whataboutism and pointing at other ethnicities does not make it any less corrupt and immoral.

Suspicious behavour.
1) no one doxed those people tearing down zionist posters. they did it to themselves and proudly filmed themselves doing it with their face being completely shown

2) also this dude works in an it department your acting like he’s making the bombs himself


Quite the Islamist.
Well-off Somalis like him make the mistake by giving access, including online access, to low class, low income Somalis. All the crazy Somalis come from that segment of the diaspora. They need to be like other communities and cut people off that are not in their income range. It's 10x more important if you're Somali. Well-off Somalis will naively engage or provide access to all income groups and classes and wonder why they have problems later.
You are one problematic misguided person. Ilaahey shartaada dadka ha dhaafiyo. Hopefully non of the youngsters here take you seriously :susp:

May Allah guide you.


Staff Member
You are one problematic misguided person. Ilaahey shartaada dadka ha dhaafiyo. Hopefully non of the youngsters here take you seriously :susp:

May Allah guide you.

The youngsters here would be very wise to listen to my correct advice. They will end up as noolasha ka dhacays if they took your or the others' advice. I wait for you to dox the hundreds of Somalis who work at western banks that engage in usury, which is worse than this Somali brother working at Lockheed Martin.
Unlike yall liberals and Bidah lovers I could careless, protesting and all this boycott of meangliness stuff like coffee and drinks is innovation and not upon Quran and sunnah nor the ways of the Salaf.

I also have 2 Israeli co-workers, the CEO is not Israeli don't worry and also I can pray my salah anywhere and anytime. Their is also a Moroccan and Pakistani in the engineering department within the branch so expose them too.
bring forth your daleel or remain silent
1) no one doxed those people tearing down zionist posters. they did it to themselves and proudly filmed themselves doing it with their face being completely shown

2) also this dude works in an it department your acting like he’s making the bombs himself

Yes, they proudly tear down zionist propaganda and many here engage in attacking them and amplifying it on threads on here.

He works for a company that creates weapons that mostly is aimed at Muslims.

So attack Somalis and amplify zionists doxxing them but defend a Somali working for a weapons company?

Like I said, suspicious behaviour.
Shit job but why are somalis attacking and bullying this random guy just because he’s somali, he’s a cybersecurity engineer. U guys are all paying taxes to western governments that fund israeli war crimes as well, where’s the outrage?
Its not the same paying taxes vs literarily working on projects that kill muslim


I put Books to the Test of Life
Its not the same paying taxes vs literarily working on projects that kill muslim
The Somali guy is not working on no weapon you 68iq imbeciles, does anyone on this thread even know what cyber security engineer does. My brother is one for UBS Swiss Bank.

Their primary focus is on preventing viruses, safeguarding the organization's server from exploitation, and proactively monitoring for potential cybersecurity threats. Their role does not involve the development or creation of any weapons, nor does it pertain to manufacturing activities for use in Palestine.
Well-off Somalis like him make the mistake by giving access, including online access, to low class, low income Somalis. All the crazy Somalis come from that segment of the diaspora. They need to be like other communities and cut people off that are not in their income range. It's 10x more important if you're Somali. Well-off Somalis will naively engage or provide access to all income groups and classes and wonder why they have problems later.
Having a class system is honesty underrated

our "classless" society, where Somalis from all sorts of income brackets mingle without discrimination sounds beautiful in theory, but in reality this exposes our successful folks to a lot of evil eye from xasid and jealous bums


Bantu Liberation Movement
Always subservient to the Arab, always pandering for Arab brownie points even at the expense of their own income, career and family.

Middle East Laughing GIF


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Always subservient to the Arab, always pandering for Arab brownie points even at the expense of their own income, career and family.

Middle East Laughing GIF

its madness! I went into Live Tik Tok- and i told a Palestine host-- that Palestine should be occupied. Walaahi the panel on the live were like- WHO IS THAT? WHO SAID THAT? and suddenly all hell broke loose. Nothing i said after that was heard. Its just noise, emotions and my orgasms :trumpsmirk:
Forget working, I don’t even invest in what are called sin stocks. Quite surprised at how hard some of the members of this site are defending this guy.


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