Somali women plan their divorces when they get married?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
These young somali couples will have 2 arguments and divorce is already an option :kanyehmm:

That's what happens when you dated for 3 months and choose to get married because "its the halal thing to do" or "i'm getting old"

and the most common reason

"i messed around too much, need to settle done asap" :wow:

Marriage is a big responsibility Its not something you should rush into let it take its time finish your degree or get a career alot of these Young Somali couples are irresponsible I know this Guy who despite being unemployed got married talking about when I get a kid that Will motivate me to find a job
tbh I am just awful at learning languages, it's a miracle I haven't lost my Somali.

I saw the thumbnail to the that video and existed insta altogether , I'm done with that chick. :gucciwhat: most somali girls on social media are attention seekers it's sicking

What about you ever had any future plans to leave or just travel? Do you like living in Birmingham?
Yes I wonder what benefit do they get from doing so, also I would have expected their parents to intervene if they saw their child viral for shaking their backside :birdman:
Brum is lit mate.... NOT :jaynerd:. The only difference is that the population of geeljires is more dense meaning more neefs and neefetes together.
Haha my future plan is just somalia. I get a daily reminder from my parents how I should do well in my degrees pay my debt,marry a man,go back home build a house for them, take care of them.
:francis: Hence is my motivation and my aspiration.


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Marriage is a big responsibility Its not something you should rush into let it take its time finish your degree or get a career alot of these Young Somali couples are irresponsible I know this Guy who despite being unemployed got married talking about when I get a kid that Will motivate me to find a job

Idk which xalimo lost her damn to get married to this fool. Bisinka iyo yaseenka. Why :dead:


Education, Peace and Prosperity
Ah really maa shaa Allah. What a shame you guys moved. By the way are you going to Borama this year? :gaasdrink:

I wishhhh , no money no time. :(

Are you? Kiss the ground for me :mjcry: I love my city

Yes I wonder what benefit do they get from doing so, also I would have expected their parents to intervene if they saw their child viral for shaking their backside :birdman:
Brum is lit mate.... NOT :jaynerd:. The only difference is that the population of geeljires is more dense meaning more neefs and neefetes together.
Haha my future plan is just somalia. I get a daily reminder from my parents how I should do well in my degrees pay my debt,marry a man,go back home build a house for them, take care of them.
:francis: Hence is my motivation and my aspiration.

Wallahi Somalia is definitely an option. Mashallah that's a good plan. I would do it too , but I need a little more motivation and convincing. Inshallah next time I go I will settle with the idea.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
:trumpsmirk: Yes we do :it0tdo8:
Ngl.My extended family also does matchmaking. But not for qashin boys, they do it to find ultra religious people. Their fathers are the kind that will test if the man is a xaafid or knows bukhari during a marriage meeting. However I know about these decietful marriages, because some wadaads with lost kids use it as a last resort marry off their neefs to good religious people.
Ive seen that happen before many times the parents got a qashin kid they trying to marry off to a good person

Thing is Somalis got this view that marriage Will change a person make them more responsible, a better person thats false nobody can change unless they want to
Our ancestors never paired a dhocil with same age group doqon, because it's a recipe for disaster, a polar opposite is needed hence the massive age gaps.

The parent's took care of the mission of finding a suitable partner for both, knowing their sons/daughters better then they know themselves.

Leaving the young dhocil to select her own partner as is done today, results in her selection of an equally underdeveloped useless doqon from the same age-group she got to know from school with less patience then her.

Even worse then this is how most of these youngsters were never taught the very basics of religion, tarbiyah, adab etc at home.

They are like a wild heard of clueless wilder-beasts suddenly released into this world who will destroy everything they get their hands on, even the sanctity of marriage is no longer sacred.
Why are they trying to make it out as if we're cadaans who constantly divorce each other? Back home in somalia, at least in ssc, divorce is NOT a national sport. Elders and family will always come to intervene and help them solve their marriage problems. Wallahi i hate second generation somalis always shaming us. You got some that act like we're pakis and another who think we're like cadaans.

Because its true. The people that grew up after 91 will not be listening to elders, they do what they want. There's no jobs (that their willing to do) so they busy themselves with divorce and remarriage. Then you have many of the people who go for tahriib leaving behind wives/husband and divorcing them once they get over there.


Because its true. The people that grew up after 91 will not be listening to elders, they do what they want. There's no jobs (that their willing to do) so they busy themselves with divorce and remarriage. Then you have many of the people who go for tahriib leaving behind wives/husband and divorcing them once they get over there.
Where are you from in Somalia?


Guul ama Dhimasho
Somali diaspora divorce rate already rivals that of the West. The only thing missing from the devolution of family structure is the out-of-wedlock baby rate to catch up with the Black rate in America.

I have heard of instances Somalis in the diaspora marry for few months solely for sex and divorce when the novelty wears off. These are usually garob marrying garob.

In a generation, Somali family values will be indistinguishable from the decadence we see today in the West.
Some of us were told Marriage was a death pact and Divorce wasn't an option.:faysalwtf:
What if she arrived pregnant?

I had a guy that happened to, she was moving mad in the 2 weeks prior to wedding day,she basically wanted to sleep with him and claim the kid she is already pregnant with is his. He fought her off alhamdullilah and just said no, we can do in a halal manner in 2 weeks. Anyway long story short, he found out she was pregnant after 10 days and believed it was his until found the date of conception. He ended up getting divorced and he hates the idea of divorce and thinks people give up way too easy.
I keep my ears and eyes open in this UK Somali wasteland
Same here, everytime the group chats got nudes,I delete urbane a note of the chicks name and by note, yes I mean Microsoft Excel. Full name, uni attended, age and endz andwhy she is on there. God please help a nigga avoid these girls.

Ps I got a lot of white boys that tell me wagwan, what is it with halimos that go out of the city for uni especially a predominantly white ones. Astaghfirullah.
Don’t worry. English is a Germanic language, I watch DW news and I notice that whenever they are talking or pronouncing in german it sounds similar to English. So you’ll probably catch on quickly
:mjcry: Yes Uk is all shit :mjcry:
Don’t worry UK is deserving your hate, and our community here not helping with all the L’s we’ve been taking recently:mjlaugh: Do you know that embarrasing Somali girl that dances and twerks in public that’s all over social media,in public just today I was sent a video of her singing horrendously in public and she’s viral everywhere:snoop:
What video?
Yes I wonder what benefit do they get from doing so, also I would have expected their parents to intervene if they saw their child viral for shaking their backside :birdman:
Brum is lit mate.... NOT :jaynerd:. The only difference is that the population of geeljires is more dense meaning more neefs and neefetes together.
Haha my future plan is just somalia. I get a daily reminder from my parents how I should do well in my degrees pay my debt,marry a man,go back home build a house for them, take care of them.
:francis: Hence is my motivation and my aspiration.
Do you happen to live in Sparkbrook by any chance or near there?
I have been there. Fucking shithole.
I wishhhh , no money no time. :(

Are you? Kiss the ground for me :mjcry: I love my city

Wallahi Somalia is definitely an option. Mashallah that's a good plan. I would do it too , but I need a little more motivation and convincing. Inshallah next time I go I will settle with the idea.
German born Londoner from Borama

I feel like I baited myself out on here

do we know each other by any chance?


Not bragging but you wish. I know how most London man are.

Soon abaayo you will, soon.

I am going to find out who you are and if you are peng, I will "accidentaly" bump into you, impress you and your mum, charm your dad, marry you and then let you know after 5 kids, on our 10th anniversary how we actually first met sspot.
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