Somali women are strong and resilient ❤️

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I drag girls aswell if youre a single mom with 5 kids all with 5 different dads than you shouldnt have such low standards to get with any bum at sight

I do drag Somali men more cause imo some of the things thats seen as normal in our community is embarrassing absent fathers , gangs ,divorce that happens in every community but around Somalis when the husband divorce his wife he divorce the kids in the process I know many who ain’t seen or heard from their dad the past 10 years
most divorces come from women...its usually the man who want to fight for the family to stay together. But as long as the state offers her ceer....she feels untouchable. For you to drag a woman she has to have 5 kids by 5 men. But even after 5 kids and 5 men you feel she should up her standard like she a good man should settle for that shit
most divorces come from women...its usually the man who want to fight for the family to stay together. But as long as the state offers her ceer....she feels untouchable. For you to drag a woman she has to have 5 kids by 5 men. But even after 5 kids and 5 men you feel she should up her standard like she a good man should settle for that shit
@Cognitivedissonance your thoughts?
@Kudhufo Kadhaqaq




Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
its quite common for guys who overcompensate the nice act usually has a darker side to them. I know niggas like mercury, they will bring in the girls by charming them and before you know their true colors will come out

I don’t need to overcompensate anything I’m a genuine guy why wouldn’t I treat my wife like a queen?


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Cucking and simping wont get you SSpot ratings bro.

You have been officially disowned from Faarax Nation.
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