Somali Guys is this True or Nah?

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The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Stop acting like a saint. Go do something useful with ur time. What you’re doing is a total waste of ur time and theirs.

And what exactly am I doing. Let me have some banter in peace. Lord have mercy, maa shaqo la’aan baad tahay? :westbrookwtf:


I don’t blame you.

My new diet. Fruits in the blender.
Could the same thing be said about dudes than. Not many dudes gonna abstain that you got bachelors. Not every dude gonna want to get married after they finish school. They got money now and a decent job. Some dudes like to go wild during those years.
Yeah same thing can be said they definetly either had zina or are gay/depressed
I swear this the main reason why I don’t watch Somali youtubers.

Same damn topics all the time like we get it we’re Somali y’all have any other content to contribute?
me too . its either are somalis africans (which makes me cringe!!) or they're talking about men or women. almost all of them seem like its hooyo or aboo giving you long boring lecture. I've only seen one so far that is fartun channel the rest just annoying.
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