Somali gabadh & her cadaan man in a new YouTube clip discussing ......

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Idgf if she marries Roger. Roger is a community college gamer.

Second, she tried her best to defeat jamactual DNA on s##t. She's only pretending to be bimbo about DNA there.
Why you stalking niggas though bisinka.
One video aa lagu tusay and you already know he's a photographer.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's a joke you pathetic moron, I wish I had that kind of time.
Looska tahay was warya

Why don't you & the rest of your girls unblock me from the couples thread on anonymous you dastardly cartoon character then I'll show you what time it is fam this ain't the Cartoon Network g kkk
:deadmanny: waan tufay the skittles
I was eating sxb

My bidaar is a blessing from Allah, now say masha Allah & get back to your Pokemon card g kkk
InshAllah you catch your hairline booii


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Looska tahay was warya

:deadmanny: waan tufay the skittles
I was eating sxb

InshAllah you catch your hairline booii
Since you're so fond of my bidaar why don't you stick it on your wall next to all you're other cartoon idols Justin bieber, sleeping beauty, Aladdin kkk
some of these Xalimos can't seem to close their ceel to whoever comes knocking, whether it's Bobs,Tyrones,or Humas and it's disgusting. I think it's a disease and I know the remedy.


For the good Xalimos,I say you're honorable and we appreciate you.
Look at the pot mouthed, aggressive, arrogant, rude, obnoxious hair hatted hooligan. It's like all attributes of a woman like shyness, modesty, respect have been stripped from her, it's almost as if she's a man In a woman's body. What's the difference between her & African American hair hatted hooligans?

Naa wax isku faal & stop deceiving men with all those colours on your face looking like a peacock, naa ilaahay raali Kama aha waxa sameeyneysid Ma garatey yareey.
Did all the other stereotypes fail you you have to come up shit tht doesn't even make sense? My face ain't even showing i smear it cause pedophile like you exists n this forum now FOH :camby:you hotdog head ass
How you guys getting roasted by @Cognitivedissonance niggas hairline looks like the Horn of Africa.
Indeed he's forehead looks like a stacknof buck wheat pancakes nacallaa coming at me like he's 7head ain't new England patriots logo wassakh fokhol wassakh iga dhe. Hopefully he deletes his dp before i play connect the dots on this niggas forehead


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Indeed he's forehead looks like a stacknof buck wheat pancakes nacallaa coming at me like he's 7head ain't new England patriots logo wassakh fokhol wassakh iga dhe. Hopefully he deletes his dp before i play connect the dots on this niggas forehead
:ftw9nwa: Inyo!


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Indeed he's forehead looks like a stacknof buck wheat pancakes nacallaa coming at me like he's 7head ain't new England patriots logo wassakh fokhol wassakh iga dhe. Hopefully he deletes his dp before i play connect the dots on this niggas forehead
You don't understand this bidaar defines the man I am today, through the blood sweat & tears. I once was about to get rushed by a group of guys in their mid twenties when I was just 15. I put on a Barry White voice & took off my hat to reveal my bidaar, as soon as they saw it they all stepped back & said sorry blud, we never knew you were the older mandem. Likewise I never had a problem with people treating me like a child from the age of 7 thanks to the bidaar war illahay hadu ku roon yahay it even helps when it comes to girls, I push that bidaar back put a little oil to make it shine then I wear a suit with a bow tie, with some big glasses that resemble binoculars then mention a few book titles, say a few poems, drop a lil atom,neutrons, philosophy markas they think a nigga is Einstein,it's over, I'm talking Niagara Falls over Ma garatey kkk
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WOW.. that didn't take long did it!
I will marry whoever I love, Somali or not. Allah made everyone and he made every human perfect. No one is the judger. So shame on all your racist and women bashing remarks. I would never marry anyone who talks about women or humans the way some of you did.

Yes, I was kind of frustrated the test didn't specifically highlight Somalia. I even go on to say I wish it told people which countries from the Middle East their DNA matches with too. It's very general. BUT I specifally, I took the test to find out about what science had to say about the Middle Eastern part I've heard of. I was born in Somali, I grew up in a Somali household. I already know about my Somali history. I was interested in what I did not know. Including my family, I've heard other Somali people say they have Middle Eastern history. Granted, it could have been 10,000 years ago and since Somali people are mostly indiginous the genes could have stayed the same with a admixture including the Middle East. Truth is there isn't enough information to satisfy. BUT the more people take the test the more the science will advance.

As far as when I said I would be surprised if I saw Caribbean, I meant Pacific Islander and I was corrected seconds after I said it. Also, yes, our foreheads are large. So what. Allah wanted us to have a large forehead. Deal with it, I did.
hmmm.. what else.. OH I'm not a self hater. That's what ignorant people say when someone tries to educate themselves. By saying disgusting things about other humans, you may show that you have love for yourself, but you hate others. That's just as bad.

The comment about a white person taking a DNA test being redundant, I've seen plenty of people who are white post their results and find that they are not only European, but have Asian, Native American, and sometimes African DNA traits.

At the end of the day, we all came from the first man and the first women. You only add hate when you try to seperate mankind. Be proud of your heritage, religion, and people because there's nothing wrong with that. But don't forget to love one another across the board.

I'm too busy to be a , I'm in school to be a surgeon so I can be a part of Doctors Without Borders and help my country that was taken from me because of war. Ask yourself, what are you doing for your country. Furthermore, what are you doing to bring humanity together.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
WOW.. that didn't take long did it!
I will marry whoever I love, Somali or not. Allah made everyone and he made every human perfect. No one is the judger. So shame on all your racist and women bashing remarks. I would never marry anyone who talks about women or humans the way some of you did.

Yes, I was kind of frustrated the test didn't specifically highlight Somalia. I even go on to say I wish it told people which countries from the Middle East their DNA matches with too. It's very general. BUT I specifally, I took the test to find out about what science had to say about the Middle Eastern part I've heard of. I was born in Somali, I grew up in a Somali household. I already know about my Somali history. I was interested in what I did not know. Including my family, I've heard other Somali people say they have Middle Eastern history. Granted, it could have been 10,000 years ago and since Somali people are mostly indiginous the genes could have stayed the same with a admixture including the Middle East. Truth is there isn't enough information to satisfy. BUT the more people take the test the more the science will advance.

As far as when I said I would be surprised if I saw Caribbean, I meant Pacific Islander and I was corrected seconds after I said it. Also, yes, our foreheads are large. So what. Allah wanted us to have a large forehead. Deal with it, I did.
hmmm.. what else.. OH I'm not a self hater. That's what ignorant people say when someone tries to educate themselves. By saying disgusting things about other humans, you may show that you have love for yourself, but you hate others. That's just as bad.

The comment about a white person taking a DNA test being redundant, I've seen plenty of people who are white post their results and find that they are not only European, but have Asian, Native American, and sometimes African DNA traits.

At the end of the day, we all came from the first man and the first women. You only add hate when you try to seperate mankind. Be proud of your heritage, religion, and people because there's nothing wrong with that. But don't forget to love one another across the board.

I'm too busy to be a , I'm in school to be a surgeon so I can be a part of Doctors Without Borders and help my country that was taken from me because of war. Ask yourself, what are you doing for your country. Furthermore, what are you doing to bring humanity together.

Lol I'm surprised you came here
I'm to busy to be a ,

Yet you aren't too busy enough to post rubbish youtube videos sounding confused & stupid , while being obsessively occupied over what random internett forums have to say. :childplease:

I'm in school to be a surgeon so I can be a part of Doctors Without Borders and help my country that was taken from me because of war. Ask yourself, what are you doing for your country. Furthermore, what are you doing to bring humanity together.

Do you want a cookie? :feedme: Look at the self-importance in this one, you think you are some special xoloo from the diaspora , ready to treat her own country as a charity basket case.

Yes you are doing soo much for humanity camping on forums and posting stupid youtube videos about Middel eastern DNA. :childplease:

You can get the hell out of here with your fake arrogant ass!

I will marry whoever I love, Somali or not. Allah made everyone and he made every human perfect. No one is the judger. So shame on all your racist and women bashing remarks. I would never marry anyone who talks about women or humans the way some of you did.
War bax nayaa no one gives a crap who you marry. Your forehead is enough to scare away 10 million faaraxs. :camby:
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