somali chick blocks me for defending somali men

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You can't win so why bother. Smack talk west Africans and you're suddenly anti black. Talk bad about Somalis? Not anti black, while at the same time claiming we are black. Somehow this conflicting thought pattern makes sense to them.

“Suddenly” anti black! You ok? somalis started this shitstorm. Clearly before many of you even got the sea water out your ears you were anti black. What’s with this “suddenly” bull crap. U know it’s moderate ones like u who get a brother to put his guard down .... and then wham! Well not me knuckles staying up.


As i live and breathe
It’s the truth:manny:

What does this have to do with Somali men?

The fact of the matter is, Somalis are working overtime on the net and elsewhere regarding jarers, and yet you’re surprised by the backlash somehow. You even have a resident user in the Caribbean on your site who’s here simply to counter you. On a normal website, foreigners would be attracted to a niche forum bc they’re interested in the culture or it’s people. You attract people who’re come here explicitly to counter and insult you back (and this has happened in the past quite a bit too with most foreign users).

You overestimate the outreach of these Somali keyboard warriors.


You overestimate the outreach of these Somali keyboard warriors.
I think you underestimate it.

They join everything from Black forums to African forums, to every internet medium in between just to talk smack. They discuss them on their own forums to excess. I remember as a minor, my older sister engaging in Twitter beef with jarers - the only time they’re united is when they’re attacking people about monkey features and slavery :kanyehmm:
It's quite clear the word "objectively" means something very different to you than it does to us. You're not being the objective voice of reason you like to portray yourself as, but rather an antagonist with a clear agenda.

From your own words, it's quite clear you think black people can never be racist or at all be in the wrong. In other words, you believe black people deserve "special" people status. And we're the ones who are racist? B-but I'm just trying to be objeeeeeeeective!!!:mjlol:
What clear agenda?

Funny how I never stated any of the crap you wrote above, and yet you and @Knowles keep belaboring the point.

If I am an unobjective liar, why not take it from the horse’s mouth?

Truth be told though..somali prawns have taken this thing to another level. For example i have never seen people use slavery the way prawns do it. To me somali prawns have an insult acumen that is above that of your standard stormfront imbecile. So clearly this is a rachet useless underachieving community but they are adept at spitting insults. And since blacks are their chief targets then blacks will have to harden their defense and up their game to take on this community....and as you rightly said...there is lots to leverage against them. Yeah some good people will get hurt in the cross fire but as a lamagoodle already stated in is all out war.

The irony is that most blacks in the west don't even know that these people are at war with them.
Hopefully more and more will join the fight as somalis show their arses and continue talking fart.



As i live and breathe
I think you underestimate it. They join everything from Black forums to African forums, to every internet medium in between just to talk smack. They discuss them on their own forums to excess. I remember as a minor, my older sister engaging in Twitter beef with jarers - the only time they’re united is when they’re attacking people about monkey features and slavery :kanyehmm:

A lot of it has to do with Somalis closing themselves off in secluded communities, while being perceived as black. It's kind of a "what you think you're better than us?" situation.

The Madow/Somali beef has been going forever, and trust me, it didn't start after some mean comments made by Somalis on forums.


A lot of it has to do with Somalis closing themselves off in secluded communities, while being perceived as black. It's kind of a "what you think you're better than us?" situation.

The Madow/Somali beef has been going forever, and trust me, it didn't start after some mean comments made by Somalis on forums.
My point is, most of the venom has been cultivated by Somalis relentless baiting online. They even go to them without being provoked.


As i live and breathe
My point is, most of the venom has been cultivated by Somalis relentless baiting online. They even go to them without being provoked.

The venom didn't have one single cause. Rather, many different causes led us to where we are today. You keep overestimating mean comments made online. This stuff exists in real life.
You overestimate the outreach of these Somali keyboard warriors.

What!? This is the internet buddy. Everybody with access any where in the world can read the garbage the somalis spew on a daily. The reach is immeasurable. Stop caping for the miscreants in your community. It is incumbent upon blacks in the west to respond to somalis in kind.
A lot of it has to do with Somalis closing themselves off in secluded communities, while being perceived as black. It's kind of a "what you think you're better than us?" situation.

The Madow/Somali beef has been going forever, and trust me, it didn't start after some mean comments made by Somalis on forums.

No it started when their hooyoos and hooyaas "educated" them about being superior to black africans back home and they brought that trash with them here to the west. Their words.

When i discovered this a few years ago..somalis were going hard at blacks...its only recently you are seeing blacks clapping back more was always inevitable that this thing will get to this level and it will probably get worse.


As i live and breathe
No it started when their hooyoos and hooyaas "educated" them about being superior to black africans back home and they brought that trash with them here to the west. Their words.

When i discovered this a few years ago..somalis were going hard at blacks...its only recently you are seeing blacks clapping back more was always inevitable that this thing will get to this level and it will probably get worse.

Honestly, even though i don't engage in this beef with you guys myself, i simply don't care about Somali relations to black people in the west. Africa concerns me more. Somalis probably won't be in the west in any significant numbers 50 years from now.
Honestly, even though i don't engage in this beef with you guys myself, i simply don't care about Somali relations to black people in the west. Africa concerns me more. Somalis probably won't be in the west in any significant numbers 50 years from now.

but things aint nice there either....and in fact this is an even better example of somali culture and its anti blackness when you compare anti west african vitriol spewed by somalis to anti somali words from west africans on the net......its a no contest.


As i live and breathe
but things aint nice there either....and in fact this is an even better example of somali culture and its anti blackness when you compare anti west african vitriol spewed by somalis to anti somali words from west africans on the net......its a no contest.

Let's be honest here. Somalis, much like black people, suffer from low racial self esteem. One could argue Somalis more so because of the current state of our home country. Better to attack the root of these problems and you won't be seeing open vitriol from Somalis anymore. That's my goal anyway.
Let's be honest here. Somalis, much like black people, suffer from low racial self esteem. One could argue Somalis more so because of the current state of our home country. Better to attack the root of these problems and you won't be seeing open vitriol from Somalis anymore. That's my goal anyway.

Good luck with that...i'm skeptical though. I think its been ingrained into the culture itself. There might be open minds here and there and yours might be one of those but culture is almost impossible to change like that.


As i live and breathe
Good luck with that...i'm skeptical though. I think its been ingrained into the culture itself. There might be open minds here and there and yours might be one of those but culture is almost impossible to change like that.

I'm not claiming the racism will magically go way. But the unabashed openness about these attitudes will become more uncommon.

When Somalis had a country in the 70s they didn't sit around talking bad about black people all day. In fact, some Somalis championed black causes in the US during that time. Protesting in Mogadishu in support of black US activists. There are pictures on the internet you can find of that.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Look at how shes caping for maathows the same ones that literally bashed us live where everyone can see lol i wonder if she would use this same energy if a maadow insulted us? is not racist mindsets when black people initially make extremely degrading comments about Somali people. she is sooo desperate to win brownie points from the black community who marginalise our kind and make them feel ashamed of where they come from. I honestly cant STAND somalis who publically humiliate their own kind instead of them privatly messaging them or advising them in a kind way And OFCOURSE shes reer UK its like a trend after trend

I don’t understand you are a xalimo and she’s bashing faraxs clearly you have no dog in this fight


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Back at it again with the victim blaming
You will soon get use to Vix anything goes wrong in the world its somalis fault according to her.
but things aint nice there either....and in fact this is an even better example of somali culture and its anti blackness when you compare anti west african vitriol spewed by somalis to anti somali words from west africans on the net......its a no contest.
its no contest cause west african are the same race as you while somalis are a completely different race.

You race in general are very servile and docile thats why all your peoples natural resources have been squandered by the west likewise in the united states you musicians and sports personalities are house negros to the system you music is owned by jews lock stock and barrel

Your people dont practise group economics go to any african american or carribean area in the US or Uk and most shops and businesses in that community is owned by arabs, korean, indians...

Your women are ashamed of their natural hair so the spend billions on weave

You men despise their black complexion and their god given natural features so they chase any women except black in the hopes of having kid with nice hair.
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