somali chick blocks me for defending somali men

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
What's up with them crying about anti-black? These idiots are the same kind of girls who used to laugh and giggle when Somalis made fun of west Africans on Twitter back in 2012-2015.

It's now fashionable for them to victimize themselves, this is beyond embarassing, we Somalis were taught at a young age we were better, stronger and more beautiful than any race. Why are these unloved, no father figure having, government raised rats hellbent on bringing our Somali pride down? Why are they such begs? Somalis are not black. Allah swt made us Somali, East African. Why are they trying to erase our rich culture, our brave forefathers didn't punk Ethiopians just for these ungrateful sewage rats to beg Madows. We enslaved Madows. You can tell their parents never told them that they love them.

I'm beyond disgusted, flabbergasted and offended.

@VixR don’t get me wrong some of the people here shouldn’t be talking about racism considering the stuff they say about Somali bantus. However, what about the rest of us? Should we be dehumized because of what some unhinged troll on Somalispot said? Furthermore, I’ve read what white people have said about Somalis on stormfront so by using your logic I can now go on camera screaming white people look like animals?

Also, your last critique about Sigmunds thread regarding this topic was that the tweet was severely dated. Doesn’t this prove that Some West-African/Jamaicans have been going at Somalis for a long time and this is not just a response to Somalispot (which was created after those tweets)?

Portraying black people as some innocent naive group of people who are incapable of racism removes them of their autonomy. Let me be absolutely clear insulting Somalis if you are not Somali is offensive and racist. We are stateless refugees with hardly any power in Western countries, dehumization turns into violence and hate crimes just like what happened to the gay community. You should not be erasing people’s experiences or justifying racism. You can oppose anti-black comments and anti-Somali comments at the same time.

You should read this. Prejudice against Somalis is a real thing.

Wow i was going to go off on another post in here....but this stopped me in my tracks. I don't like posting memes and sh*t but i need one with applause right now.

Well said!
What's up with them crying about anti-black? These idiots are the same kind of girls who used to laugh and giggle when Somalis made fun of west Africans on Twitter back in 2012-2015.

It's now fashionable for them to victimize themselves, this is beyond embarassing, we Somalis were taught at a young age we were better, stronger and more beautiful than any race. Why are these unloved, no father figure having, government raised rats hellbent on bringing our Somali pride down? Why are they such begs? Somalis are not black. Allah swt made us Somali, East African. Why are they trying to erase our rich culture, our brave forefathers didn't punk Ethiopians just for these ungrateful sewage rats to beg Madows. We enslaved Madows. You can tell their parents never told them that they love them.

I'm beyond disgusted, flabbergasted and offended.


Phuck me! The minute i try to get outta this thing...i get pulled right back in.



This is very true. I wish i could like this post, but i don't have those privileges yet.
is ok i liked it for you luckily this sort of hate is exclusively with uk somali girls and some somali girls from america usualy from outside somali states canadian xaalimos are the only sane ones left


:chrisfreshhah:the last paragraph killed me, for sure.

What’s racism to do with Islam?

It’s tough to take the victimhood of constant shit-stirrers seriously. Are there casualties to their attitudes? Yes. But you’re fueling your own problem.

Lol I’m forcing people to go on camera and say Somalis are ugly?

Do you understand how offensive you are being to black people? You know they have free will and don’t exist in a permanent state of victimhood? Some black people are racist just like other demographics can be racist . I am against all forms of racism, you are only against it when Somalis are the perpetrators. Hence why I don’t think you take racism seriously, it’s more of a stick which you use to beat Somalis with. Last post.
I’m not from the U.K. I barely know any jarers, but to be asked by one stranger in the sticks here in the US where there’s barely any black people around why Somalis hate black people is something that stood out to me. He was part Mexican but looked black and introduced himself as Sixto, and we met him when my brother and I were out grabbing a few things for a get-together. All he knew about our background is that we hate him lol.

Somalis are busy ruining their reputation in every way possible. The fact that you don’t care how people perceive you is not a good thing. It’s a bad thing. Just know there are casualties to your internet stupidity, and that includes internet backlash.

Wow! Two well articulated points of view. Puttin on the safety of my prawn-destroying weapon Let me read more of what you two are saying.


What's up with them crying about anti-black? These idiots are the same kind of girls who used to laugh and giggle when Somalis made fun of west Africans on Twitter back in 2012-2015.

It's now fashionable for them to victimize themselves, this is beyond embarassing, we Somalis were taught at a young age we were better, stronger and more beautiful than any race. Why are these unloved, no father figure having, government raised rats hellbent on bringing our Somali pride down? Why are they such begs? Somalis are not black. Allah swt made us Somali, East African. Why are they trying to erase our rich culture, our brave forefathers didn't punk Ethiopians just for these ungrateful sewage rats to beg Madows. We enslaved Madows. You can tell their parents never told them that they love them.

I'm beyond disgusted, flabbergasted and offended.

shes a self hater sis go and look at who she follows not a single somali male theyre all ajanabi men is clear she purposly called out that somali guy so she can impress her ajanabi followers shes against somali men
Lol I’m forcing people to go on camera and say Somalis are ugly?

Do you understand how offensive you are being to black people? You know they have free will and don’t exist in a permanent state of victimhood? Some black people are racist just like other demographics can be racist . I am against all forms of racism, you are only against it when Somalis are the perpetrators. Hence why I don’t think you take racism seriously, it’s more of a stick which you use to beat Somalis with. Last post.

Truth be told though..somali prawns have taken this thing to another level. For example i have never seen people use slavery the way prawns do it. To me somali prawns have an insult acumen that is above that of your standard stormfront imbecile. So clearly this is a rachet useless underachieving community but they are adept at spitting insults. And since blacks are their chief targets then blacks will have to harden their defense and up their game to take on this community....and as you rightly said...there is lots to leverage against them. Yeah some good people will get hurt in the cross fire but as a lamagoodle already stated in is all out war.

The irony is that most blacks in the west don't even know that these people are at war with them.
Hopefully more and more will join the fight as somalis show their arses and continue talking fart.


Truth be told though..somali prawns have taken this thing to another level. For example i have never seen people use slavery the way prawns do it. To me somali prawns have an insult acumen that is above that of your standard stormfront imbecile. So clearly this is a rachet useless underachieving community but they are adept at spitting insults. And since blacks are their chief targets then blacks will have to harden their defense and up their game to take on this community....and as you rightly said...there is lots to leverage against them. Yeah some good people will get hurt in the cross fire but as a lamagoodle already stated in is all out war.

The irony is that most blacks in the west don't even know that these people are at war with them.
Hopefully more and more will join the fight as somalis show their arses and continue talking fart.


the usual victim card,,what a useless shitty race.


@Kodeen @GoldmanSachs

you guys think I’m talking out of my ass. All I can say is, I suggest you get out from under yours and look at the situation objectively.

Truth be told though..somali prawns have taken this thing to another level. For example i have never seen people use slavery the way prawns do it. To me somali prawns have an insult acumen that is above that of your standard stormfront imbecile. So clearly this is a rachet useless underachieving community but they are adept at spitting insults. And since blacks are their chief targets then blacks will have to harden their defense and up their game to take on this community....and as you rightly said...there is lots to leverage against them. Yeah some good people will get hurt in the cross fire but as a lamagoodle already stated in is all out war.

The irony is that most blacks in the west don't even know that these people are at war with them.
Hopefully more and more will join the fight as somalis show their arses and continue talking fart.

She is literally a troll. Lol. Nothing he said warrants that response.

Some people are paid to promote certain views and agenda's though especally since BLM has been infiltrated by people like George Soros. Not saying this is the case, but keep your eyes open.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Look at how shes caping for maathows the same ones that literally bashed us live where everyone can see lol i wonder if she would use this same energy if a maadow insulted us? is not racist mindsets when black people initially make extremely degrading comments about Somali people. she is sooo desperate to win brownie points from the black community who marginalise our kind and make them feel ashamed of where they come from. I honestly cant STAND somalis who publically humiliate their own kind instead of them privatly messaging them or advising them in a kind way And OFCOURSE shes reer UK its like a trend after trend

stop the bully lol
@Kodeen @GoldmanSachs

you guys think I’m talking out of my ass. All I can say is, I suggest you get out from under yours and look at the situation objectively.

It's quite clear the word "objectively" means something very different to you than it does to us. You're not being the objective voice of reason you like to portray yourself as, but rather an antagonist with a clear agenda.

From your own words, it's quite clear you think black people can never be racist or at all be in the wrong. In other words, you believe black people deserve "special" people status. And we're the ones who are racist? B-but I'm just trying to be objeeeeeeeective!!!:mjlol:
the usual victim card,,what a useless shitty race.

Prawn you’re looking at a nigga with a bazuka in his hand two feet away and your lamagoidle head is in crosshairs. I ain’t missing.

And I already called u phuckers useless so please find another word to use yuh dunce.


As i live and breathe
You can't win so why bother. Smack talk west Africans and you're suddenly anti black. Talk bad about Somalis? Not anti black, while at the same time claiming we are black. Somehow this conflicting thought pattern makes sense to them.
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