Religious Xalimos come in

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Ok you just turned me into full lesbian. OMG loooooooool
:ufdup:. Im gonna get a sex change cos of you. Whenever you kiss a xalimo, you might be kissing me. :russsmug:. Hollldd up let me put on some more chapstick. Im keeping my lips soft for you :shaq:.
Congratulations on your engagement sis!

To answer your question Viking. I am only open to interview style meet ups like the good sis Shamis. Did you do dinner meet ups too @Shamis ?

I only do coffee + 45mins—1 hr chat. Has to be in the middle of the day (while it’s light out). No kissing or physical intimacy of any sort. We arrive and leave separately.

So 5-10 such meetings then families meet one another. He can then come see me at my family home until we get formally engaged. When we get engaged we can do dinner and activity dates.
But isn’t that boring? What can you really learn about someone in an interview style date. If you have ever gone to a job interview you know that everybody lie in those situations.

I believe when it’s an interview style date, the persons guard is up. You can’t expect someone to relax and be themselves in those kind of situations.
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