Reer UK soo gala

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I get it you are trying to impress that girl but who use to score some brownie point with her? Havent you got no confidence in yourself other than putting others down to make yourself look good? If it helps you get with her than by all means carry on i dont mind being thrown under the bus as long as you can finally get a females attention everybody deserves to be loved.
You wouldn't know how that feels since you're a battyman


Let’s be honest , UK is a highly competitive and winner-take-all society like America with a social net that makes people lazy.

There’s only one thing that could’ve happened.

How would you change outcomes ?

I don't think there's anything that can be done with our parent's generation.
But with our generation, I don't think people will live on benefits because of all the social shame. Going through UK education than to end up on benefits is shameful.


@Knowles why does she get a pass talking down about xalimos when she’s more colourful than Jacobs multi coloured dream coat looking like an escort in her display picture :dwill:

Miise misandry is the order of the day?

You have finally shown your true colours. I knew it wouldn’t last long.

1. I’ve never said I wasn’t a misandrist
2. You want me to defend xalimos against a xalimo? She appears to have internalised misogyny so there is a different route i take with girls like her and it isn’t to attack.
3. Before you say she is not Somali, I don’t follow the sexist patroarchal Somali lineage system which sees someone who’s father is Somali like Maya Jama as Somali but doesn’t give the same right right to someone like @Horner, all because her mother is the one who is Somali.

I’m sad to say our alliance will have to come to an end as you were never sincere.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You have finally shown your true colours. I knew it wouldn’t last long.

1. I’ve never said I wasn’t a misandrist
2. You want me to defend xalimos against a xalimo? She appears to have internalised misogyny so there is a different route i take with girls like her and it isn’t to attack.
3. Before you say she is not Somali, I don’t follow the sexist patroarchal Somali lineage system which sees someone who’s father is Somali like Maya Jama as Somali but doesn’t give the same right right to someone like @Horner, all because her mother is the one who is Somali.

I’m sad to say our alliance will have to come to an end as you were never sincere.
But she said her father is somali and i still called her an ajnabi so that shows you i dont practise that sexist patroarchal system myself :gucciwhat:

Our alliance is coming to an end cause i am a man just admit it b you havent got anything on me for you to come to that conclusion.
You have finally shown your true colours. I knew it wouldn’t last long.

1. I’ve never said I wasn’t a misandrist
2. You want me to defend xalimos against a xalimo? She appears to have internalised misogyny so there is a different route i take with girls like her and it isn’t to attack.
3. Before you say she is not Somali, I don’t follow the sexist patroarchal Somali lineage system which sees someone who’s father is Somali like Maya Jama as Somali but doesn’t give the same right right to someone like @Horner, all because her mother is the one who is Somali.

I’m sad to say our alliance will have to come to an end as you were never sincere.
f*ck out off here with that patriarchy is the cause off all our problems bs. This guy @Cognitivedissonance is a rapist so anything he says should be disregarded
I don't think there's anything that can be done with our parent's generation.
But with our generation, I don't think people will live on benefits because of all the social shame. Going through UK education than to end up on benefits is shameful.

I never was in a gang so it’s a mystery to me. Our parents didn’t form gangs


But she said her father is somali and i still called her an ajnabi so that shows you i dont practise that sexist patroarchal system myself :gucciwhat:

Our alliance is coming to an end cause i am a man just admit it b you havent got anything on me for you to come to that conclusion.

I’m disappointed in you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
He’s our court jester

You’re meant to laugh at his circus
Whos our? Who do you speak for? Before today i have never interacted with you on here, clearly you have got a bone to pick. The question is what did i do to ruffle your feathers sweetheart.
I get it you are trying to impress that girl but why use me to score some brownie point with her? Havent you got no confidence in yourself other than putting others down to make yourself look good? If it helps you get with her then by all means carry on i dont mind being thrown under the bus as long as you can finally get a females attention everybody deserves to be loved.

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