Random Puntland politics discussions

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Beesha haplogroup e-by8081


@Apophis all that is out of our hands is really dahabshil-hormud and they are not GDP but 'players' within comms n money transfer game, so the earnings in it are not all theirs as PL profile of tawakal-amal-iftin combined will shit on Dahabshil and Golis is ours even tho Hormud is involved but we gonna push their ass out like we did barakat and open up ourselves as the only player in the comm game. Then it's that one trade port that is churning 600 million at aden adde that we need to secure, and it's 100% locked economy.

Berbera is only 4 business ppl who use it yearly once and it's closed the other times, as we gave him a 'call' and 'strong manned' him to keep up the lock-down or else SL will find itself in a war scenario if he dares go free-trade and interferes in PL domination of SL markets. We own a 'safe' 60% PL/Peripheries and 15% JL. The new frontier is DDSI 9 million market to add to our market portfolio. Plus the areas outside our GDP which is 15% we taking a huge 'slice' as major players in hamar comms-money transfer-electricity game, Plus we got hands in the hotel pie of somaliland, where we largest investment they have ever seen kkkkkk, 2 km worth of building ain't a joke niyahow, that's where he will find majertens in hargeisa as they scan to lock down 98% market share cause 75% is already gone and the aim is 98% and 2% inta kale ma roti ba haka soo yeerto
what is with all this qabiil shit, wallahi it has infested your mind. you are only alive for 80 years and then after that your qabiil wont matter. what u gonna say to allah 'ya allah put me in jannah I'm majeerteen' it wont work.


@PuntiteQueen I am no fan of Deni and never was and prefer asad diyano in that election. Deni is stooge of jadiid, he used hamar as stepping stone in politics which is a strategy the brotherhood are doing in PL, helping islamic parties into power in hamar, getting experience and then coming to PL to run for elections. It's a great shame for PL as DENI is the first majerten in all history oo niin hawiye ah soo saaray oo welina PL ka taliyo.

All the rest were consulted with PL especially sharif picks but not HSM. Plus Deni went to Malaysia for university another sympathiser nation of the brotherhood. Deni is a doqon and doesn't know brotherhood is anti darod, why u think hsm/abdiqasim and all them go to egypt, it's like hag pilgrimage cause they know egypt wants to ensure a strong centralized hawiye run somalia develops. They want our worst leading us so Somalia is pacified, it's a strategy by foreign countries to ensure the worst is in charge of another nation and HAGS due to their personal gain n xaa cuna mindset are usually the best partner to have for them.

Brotherhood is a vicious islamist project that wants to go to war due to 'cuqdad and xasidnimo of western progress and domination' of the world, it was created by a silly man named hassan banna who was crying after ottoman defeat and british colonialism to follow which is what inspired the global world order we live in today with the west being the top dog.

The brotherhood vision of an all encompassing islamic empire is unrealistic and wishful at best and hasn't happened in history besides the 4 rashidun caliphates which were far different to the large islamic world, those were just few arab tribes kkkkk, but anything after that muslims had their own separate rulers and kingdoms. They are very dangerous group who uses even charity as a way to target children into their idealogy, they use militants also like terrorists who subscribe to it and use the gun to achieve it, they use politicians who they breed thru islamic brotherhood universities, they dominate lifelines to ensure the nation is economically tied to them. They use a-lot of well established jewish tactics of domination of academics and finances combined.

So I warn u beware of them, they are foreign serving interest group who is in our nation and if they take power in our nation it could lead to what happened to morsi or even worse iran where we are black listed from the world, so I wud personally remove these ppl from our region who are using multiple strategies such as economic domination due to the 93 axdiga agreement between ssdf and them, their using schools to brainwash n poison, their using business ppl to get a slice of the weapon trade to south somalia while they sit here making money for themselves, they want a place to play politics and with all the brotherhood parties in hamar they see them as a tool to use to get experience in politics and come back to PL and rule like DENI did due to PL making it illgal for them to run the state or else we are in big trouble with the world community.

Stop the brotherhood marches is what I wud love to see in PL, their very anti darod also since they backed sal-balaar govt in cairo in 97 which was responsible for PL declaring federalism
While the retards are deflecting the inflations is rising and it’s only going to get worst :mjlol:

This is a real shame.

If we at the start of this crisis you have their currency depreciating at a rate of 50%, what will happen a few weeks/months down the line?

There is a real possibility that prices of everyday items in Puntland region go up multiple times a day if not dealt with promptly. Genuinely shocking stuff.


Veni Vidi Vici
Well what is the other option have a mogadishu govt print it and hold our market hostage to currency manipulation or economical warfare? Security is above anything, PL already has it's own bank, u ain't keeping up with shit in PL. We modernizing it also as u can see here


It's going to look like this

View attachment 157563

U never give PL it's fair due hence they must be an 'royal exception' in Somalia. U love siyad but u hate the guy who took him under his wing, is the weakest form of debate in the world. It's like @TabK he hates majerten yet egal wouldn't of created SL if it wasn't for majerten making him PM. His political career was dead when he arrived in Somalia with waqoyiga split in usp-snl and seen as no 'threat' in Somalia which is why their trying their hardest to unite 'waqoyiga' which obviously will fall on its face like it did in 60s
You need to be realistic. There is not a SINGLE nation, I repeat A SINGLE NATION. On this earth that has the concept of "2 Currency, 1 Nation". Somaliland declared its independence and made its own currency under the claim that it is " a nation".

You say to praise Sharmake, but you need to be aware that Barre was just a typical solider. Without your clansman killing him, there would have not been a Barre era. He Sharmake AUN may have brought him in the world of politics and war, but he Barre, took the step action.

You say your a economist, explain to me, how does a currency work? If you ain't on the Foreign Exchange Market, does your money have any worth outside your bubble?

Tell me a place on Earth, outside Somaliland where the SLSH is a valid form of tender to be exchanged?

This bring me to my question : Is Puntland part of Somalia? Is it a Federal State, or is it a independent entity? Make your position clear like Somaliland did, then you can talk about making a " New Puntland Shiling"



@TabK stop running around to inflation matter in PL, you sick man, wax iskula har, dadkasi masakinta ah stop making news story about their issues, now enjoy this and see the real PL and stop looking at only the bad news, balance it with the good news to get a full perspective not just the one perspective u selectively choose, that's dishonesty
:ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa:
Reer Gaalkacyo find a way to circumvent the $1 limit.

Gives a different meaning to the old "Necessity is the mother of inventions" :ftw9nwa:

This is something they used to do in sland for months since sending less than $100 is prohibited, one would send 100 to another so that he will get $108 back which mean he get measly $8 dollar which is impossible otherwise.


You need to be realistic. There is not a SINGLE nation, I repeat A SINGLE NATION. On this earth that has the concept of "2 Currency, 1 Nation". Somaliland declared its independence and made its own currency under the claim that it is " a nation".

You say to praise Sharmake, but you need to be aware that Barre was just a typical solider. Without your clansman killing him, there would have not been a Barre era. He Sharmake AUN may have brought him in the world of politics and war, but he Barre, took the step action.

You say your a economist, explain to me, how does a currency work? If you ain't on the Foreign Exchange Market, does your money have any worth outside your bubble?

Tell me a place on Earth, outside Somaliland where the SLSH is a valid form of tender to be exchanged?

This bring me to my question : Is Puntland part of Somalia? Is it a Federal State, or is it a independent entity? Make your position clear like Somaliland did, then you can talk about making a " New Puntland Shiling"

PL inflation matter is due to a low supply of Somali shilling so it was selling higher against the dollar and this made the Traders region wide re-adjust their pricing because these traders buy their shit in global currency and therefore they watch the 'exchange' rate daily/weekly/monthly to ensure their selling their goods at a shilling equivalent, I already told u a local currency doesn't means it's a global currency, did I ever say it was.

I already told @PuntiteQueen about economic warfare months ago when people were trying to attack our economy thru counterfeit notes and I told her the objective behind the counterfeits and how it leads to riots, shops closing, people starving as that is the objective behind it as traders will not sell their goods any longer if the local currency is unworkable or unstable. As she can see now what happened in PL when the currency becomes unstable in this case due to low supply but if it was any other issue like counterfeit the end result would be the same, ppl riot, loot, violence, business ppl flee, this is the real intention of 'cadowga' and I sure as hell do not trust the central govt with currency management and I think it will be shared duty as why would PL have state bank if it ever intended to relinguish this duty, it doesn't have foreign portfolio does it? it's totally relinguished that but everything else is either fully PL or partially like the immigration office and passport as it's shared duty and they operate in Garowe. I think Somali currency will take on a similar partial role.

PL is a federal state and will not accept a federation outside the PL model, they have made this clear to you and the somalis many times, why repeat it and ask the same question, the world has told u that the federation guideline is PL model and all emerging regions need to follow it, in-fact the more shenanigans u pull it's only going to lead to an appetite of looser federalism then what PL has now and u may lose foreign portfolio or it maybe shared portfolio like immigration and passport one is.
@TabK I am gettin sick of you, your in another puntland topic. This is shots fired you cawaan ass I created your egal, sharmarke did, duli buu aha oo waqoyi midayn karin oo usp/snl uu kala jabay, happy u kunt, i turned him into a siyasi and SL is my legacy, if I didnt take his cawaan ass in, u wud be a fkn horde
Youre joke wllahi. :drakelaugh:

Your people are suffering from the worst inflation somalis ever experienced and you are here FKD about Egal and sharmarke instead of employing your pseudoeconomic knowledge to analyze whts going on inside puntland to cause this alarming inflation rate.
This is a real shame.

If we at the start of this crisis you have their currency depreciating at a rate of 50%, what will happen a few weeks/months down the line?

There is a real possibility that prices of everyday items in Puntland region go up multiple times a day if not dealt with promptly. Genuinely shocking stuff.
Large business men and govt officials have already collected their USD but its the poor majority that will suffer most and if there is no immediate intervention from the outside this will probably turn into humanitarian crises. Feel sorry for these people and hope things gets better.


Youre joke wllahi. :drakelaugh:

Your people are suffering from the worst inflation somalis ever experienced and you are here FKD about Egal and sharmarke instead of employing your pseudoeconomic knowledge to analyze whts going on inside puntland to cause this alarming inflation rate.

Why u praise egal and abuse sharmarke, dont u see that as silly in your dumb culture, egal was defeated when he arrived in hamar, waqoyi wasn't one, it was split as usp/snl ask any somali u want, he lost relevancy in mogadishu and couldn't secure alliances as no-one cared as his base was small without usp, this one of the fundamental reasons why he wanted to unite the north u dumb kunt.

But if u boast about him, how u abuse his master and the one who took his af-gashin ass in when he was sitting in hamar totally defeated and was given life and taught the sultanate way, if it wasn't for my clan, your SL may never have of existed, so everytime u sings joys for your cesspool, pay some love to egal father sharmarke and not praise the student but learn to praise the DAMN GAME.
Why u praise egal and abuse sharmarke, dont u see that as silly in your dumb culture, egal was defeated when he arrived in hamar, waqoyi wasn't one, it was split as usp/snl ask any somali u want, he lost relevancy in mogadishu and couldn't secure alliances as no-one cared as his base was small without usp, this one of the fundamental reasons why he wanted to unite the north u dumb kunt.

But if u boast about him, how u abuse his master and the one who took his af-gashin ass in when he was sitting in hamar totally defeated and was given life and taught the sultanate way, if it wasn't for my clan, your SL may never have of existed, so everytime u sings joys for your cesspool, pay some love to egal father sharmarke and not praise the student but learn to praise the DAMN GAME.
I've never abused sharmarke and dont get what made feel that we hate sharmarke, I think youre confusing him with Siyad barre who is despised for reason.

secondly, sland existed before the unity and remained after the collapse somali republic and never needed someone else to exist let alone MJ who have difficult in managing his own affairs and failed to resist against syad barre when he abused them.

As for egal, he wasnt marti to any one he was an isaaq leader and allied with sharmake so that they can run the country together so your statement is as weird as Abgaal claiming that they made MJ relevant cuz Sh sharif nominated Cumar sharmarke as his PM.


I've never abused sharmarke and dont get what made feel that we hate sharmarke, I think youre confusing him with Siyad barre who is despised for reason.

secondly, sland existed before the unity and remained after the collapse somali republic and never needed someone else to exist let alone MJ who have difficult in managing his own affairs and failed to resist against syad barre when he abused them.

As for egal, he wasnt marti to any one he was an isaaq leader and allied with sharmake so that they can run the country together so your statement is as weird as Abgaal claiming that they made MJ relevant cuz Sh sharif nominated Cumar sharmarke as his PM.

I am boqorkaga, I am boqorki somaliyeed manta, I have the longest reigning kingdom in the nation, somalia isn't a true republic beyond paper, dawladu wa 'adeege' lakin boqorku ayaa 'go'anka shacabka leh'. So that's why it's important I secure my boqor role and be your decision maker, where-as the govt is simply public servant not the decision maker of these people, only the king is. I sit down among Isaaq and say to them constantly I am your king



Money demands 'wax soo saar' and then 'exchange market' and if u don't have that, well it's pointless talking about money since u cannot get money without that kkkk, money is given in exchange for something u don't have anything to exchange such as skills, labour, goods, products, services, well u simply will stay in an IDP camp.

The stats looks like it's saying the population growth is 2.8% across the board, so that means 2.8% of that is linked to new consumers and their saying this new consumer pool which consists of low-middle-high income brackets will have an income growth of 3%-3.6%-5% which contributes to 2.8% increase in GDP. I think that's what they mean but I don't know, i'll need to listen to it. 2.8% increase in GDP is fine but what's the increase in inflation yearly is important or it could lead to no real growth if inflation is higher then GDP growth, it means their actually poorer, where things rise up but their income is the same yearly, they end up consuming less and businesses simply stop selling more and govt revenues are effected, we want that for id44rs


@FBIsomalia it's an economic war, hubkaga diyaarso, when u go to hargeisa or hamar pray it's expensive and very expensive this means less products/goods for them and puntites have more products/goods and show off their richer in their market and can buy more while the id33r is eating porcupines cuz he cant even afford hilibka while we eat fresh hilib and he sits there admiring majerteniya. So the only way for ppl to be poor, is their market is expensive and their income mismatches, that creates poverty, it's not how much u have but what prices are where u live determines poverty, notice the id33r kids going wild over PL prices, they basically saying you get to eat, drink, consume less then id33r who is in jannah
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