Potential war coming soon in Buulo mareer. HG Vs Biimaal.

Those who are comparing Xawaadle to Murusade are haters

Since Kheyre gone have you heard Murusade?

They dont lead gobol, they dont lead banaadir, they r third in Xamar, HG replaced them

What left for them is being Minority in a Hiraab city so they attract Daarood presidents who are avoiding Hiraab PM.

Awrtabe had a pm called Cabdi Yusuf under Abdiqasim who was avoiding Mj does that mean they had power? Abdiqasim first appointed dhulbahante Ali Khalif avoiding Mj, then he appointed awrtabe Cabdi Yusuf lastly he appointed mj ina Abshir who finished him🀣🀣

Kenya has organized a conference for the TNG and the opposition to get the PM, ethiopia became against this and called to be election conference and the Mj PM joined Ethiopia this is how Abdullahi Yusuf was elected when he was supposed to be a pm thanks to the MJ PM. This is like Hassan Sh becoming president thanks to the HG PM Rooble. Ina Abshir ad rooble both played the same role(finishing a sitting president)

So awrtable PM i like the Murusade PM 🀣🀣

Let us say the capital was moved to another place the Murusade will not longer attract Daarood

Hawadle have a gobol since the 50s 7 mps out of its 12 mps in the 60s not HG and Abgaal had that number when murusade had 2 🀣🀣

Baladweyne has 27 seats we elected our mps willingly the only clan when alot of murusade and waceysle were pro Farmaajo lie Dayax and picked by another clan(HG)

Every SFG needs Hawadle for the highway siyaad barre acknowledged this when he released osman jeele(jidka ama jeele)
Hassan Sh now xooga hawadle uu ku tuugsadaa (xamar ilaa GK aan isku furay) 🀣🀣

Finally we have State. Hassan Sh called our Ugaas in Baladweyne and he wants desperately to reconcile with Hawadle by giving them back Hirshabelle so either Hirshabelle or Hiiraan state we will always be regional power.

Sorry. Ina abshir was before Cabdi yuusuf. Ina abshir changed the conference from recociliation with the opposition to election backed by Ethiopia so Abdiqasim fired him for that reason but he was already done so he appointed mohamed Abdi yusuf. Abdiqasim finally was forced to accept the elections

"He was the primary representative of the TNG at the October 2002 Somali Reconciliation Conference held in Eldoret, Kenya. However, those efforts failed to produce a lasting settlement, since the TNG was heavily contested by the rival Somalia Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC)"

The plan was to give the opposition the PM and postpone the elections

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#DegDeg:Xiisad Dagaal oo ka Taagan Deegaanka Buula Mareer Iyo Tuulooyin Hoostaga waxaa isku rasaaseeyay walina isku hor fadhiya labo Maleyshiyo beelood oo kasoo kala jeeda beesha Habar Gidir Iyo Beelaha Biimaal waxaana laga Cabsi qabaa in dagaal ka fool ka fool uu ka dhex qarxo hadaan lakal dhexgelin.

Xiisada ayaa salka ku haysa Deegaanada Buula Mareer waxayna soo jirtay muddo badan iyadoo aan wali xal buuxa laga gaarin.
I can’t believe we still doing this in 2023
What about them vs murursade?
Gaajecel are 4x larger than Xawaadle. All over Kismaayo country side is Gaaljecel. In SW state they are the most dominant Hawiye group by far and if anyone was to become vice president it would be them simply due due to their numbers. These guys are so wide spread that they live with us Karanle and Gugundhabe all the way in the Awash Valley with the Afar and Ciise. The gaaljecel and gugundhabe of Hirshabelle are literally 15-20% of the total gaaljecel. All the xawaadle are confined to Hiiraan 🀣

Murusade on the other hand has numbers in Lower shabelle, Benaadir as well as Galguduud. Last election was enough proof that we are most influental in Somali politics alongside others like Abgaal, Majerteen etc. Finally on the financial side we are easily the richest in Somalia.

Xawaadle is only big on SSPOT 🀣
Gaajecel are 4x larger than Xawaadle. All over Kismaayo country side is Gaaljecel. In SW state they are the most dominant Hawiye group by far and if anyone was to become vice president it would be them simply due due to their numbers. These guys are so wide spread that they live with us Karanle and Gugundhabe all the way in the Awash Valley with the Afar and Ciise. The gaaljecel and gugundhabe of Hirshabelle are literally 15-20% of the total gaaljecel. All the xawaadle are confined to Hiiraan 🀣

Murusade on the other hand has numbers in Lower shabelle, Benaadir as well as Galguduud. Last election was enough proof that we are most influental in Somali politics alongside others like Abgaal, Majerteen etc. Finally on the financial side we are easily the richest in Somalia.

Xawaadle is only big on SSPOT 🀣
Murusade are only Daarood puppets. Even in your Hawiye that you are curadka we are the third because of the reality you were merely wasiirka warfaafinta and in 2012 had no wasiir 🀣🀣

Xawaadle beesha 2 votes 🀣
im still ahead of you being the second in 1961 elections who lost just for 1 vote and was leading the secod round and you are the 4th in 2022 you lost the millions kheyre stole for nothing atleast you could have invested it in your forgotten Ceelbuur 🀣🀣

Kheyre waa suuxaa since he lost his millions kkk

Xawaadle beesha 2 votes 🀣
Where are you from this map yar yar yahow isxambeerka sugaa? Seedi waa beer meeshaan kma shaqayso you have gone with Daarood Farmaajo 🀣🀣

im still ahead you being the second in 1961 who lost just for 1 vite and was leading the secod round and you are the 4th in 2022 you lost the millions kheyre stole for nothing atleast you could have invested it in your forgotten Ceelbuur 🀣🀣
Murusade money never finishes. That’s something unheard off. Talk to me when you are PM. β€œ1961” kulaha 🀣. You run to Nairobi like a she-male crying about my abti Guudlaawe while I closed off Maka Al Mukarama road for 3 days straight. Hawlwadaag the Manhattan of Somalia and home to the Bakaara is under Murusade. That Degmad alone makes more money than entire Hiiraan 1000x πŸ˜‚.
Murusade money never finishes. That’s something unheard off. Talk to me when you are PM. β€œ1961” kulaha 🀣. You run to Nairobi like a she-male crying about my abti Guudlaawe while I closed off Maka Al Mukarama road for 3 days straight. Hawlwadaag the Manhattan of Somalia and home to the Bakaara is under Murusade. That Degmad alone makes more money than entire Hiiraan 1000x πŸ˜‚.
pls stop speaking like Ciyaal and answer this where are you from this map????? This map shows only three Clans that why HAG Govts places you behind Hawadle 🀣🀣

Those who are comparing Xawaadle to Murusade are haters

Since Kheyre gone have you heard Murusade?

They dont lead gobol, they dont lead banaadir, they r third in Xamar, HG replaced them

What left for them is being Minority in a Hiraab city so they attract Daarood presidents who are avoiding Hiraab PM.

Awrtabe had a pm called Cabdi Yusuf under Abdiqasim who was avoiding Mj does that mean they had power? Abdiqasim first appointed dhulbahante Ali Khalif avoiding Mj, then he appointed awrtabe Cabdi Yusuf lastly he appointed mj ina Abshir who finished him🀣🀣

Kenya has organized a conference for the TNG and the opposition to get the PM, ethiopia became against this and called to be election conference and the Mj PM joined Ethiopia this is how Abdullahi Yusuf was elected when he was supposed to be a pm thanks to the MJ PM. This is like Hassan Sh becoming president thanks to the HG PM Rooble. Ina Abshir ad rooble both played the same role(finishing a sitting president)

So awrtable PM i like the Murusade PM 🀣🀣

Let us say the capital was moved to another place the Murusade will not longer attract Daarood

Hawadle have a gobol since the 50s 7 mps out of its 12 mps in the 60s not HG and Abgaal had that number when murusade had 2 🀣🀣

Baladweyne has 27 seats we elected our mps willingly the only clan when alot of murusade and waceysle were pro Farmaajo lie Dayax and picked by another clan(HG)

Every SFG needs Hawadle for the highway siyaad barre acknowledged this when he released osman jeele(jidka ama jeele)
Hassan Sh now xooga hawadle uu ku tuugsadaa (xamar ilaa GK aan isku furay) 🀣🀣

Finally we have State. Hassan Sh called our Ugaas in Baladweyne and he wants desperately to reconcile with Hawadle by giving them back Hirshabelle so either Hirshabelle or Hiiraan state we will always be regional power.

Sorry. Ina abshir was before Cabdi yuusuf. Ina abshir changed the conference from recociliation with the opposition to election backed by Ethiopia so Abdiqasim fired him for that reason but he was already done so he appointed mohamed Abdi yusuf. Abdiqasim finally was forced to accept the elections

"He was the primary representative of the TNG at the October 2002 Somali Reconciliation Conference held in Eldoret, Kenya. However, those efforts failed to produce a lasting settlement, since the TNG was heavily contested by the rival Somalia Reconciliation and Restoration Council (SRRC)"

The plan was to give the opposition the PM and postpone the elections

According to you a PM is useless because a Dhulbahante and Awrtable became PM? You got the power structure among Hawiye mixed up it's different to Darod, Dir and Raxanwayn. You are a Gobol clan, like the Samaroon of Awdal and Ciise Maxamuud of Nugaal. Those subclans have representation in their Federal States of Somaliland and Puntland but are yet to become a President or Prime Minister of Somalia. Atleast Aaran Jaan produced a PM (Hassan Abshir) and had power brokers in the regime. What XL has ever been a power broker or PM or President in Somalia? What lacag and connections did you bring to Midowga Murashaxiinta, the ICU or even USC? Murusade are on the way to a historic two PMs at this rate don't get left behind 🀣
According to you a PM is useless because a Dhulbahante and Awrtable became PM? You got the power structure among Hawiye mixed up it's different to Darod, Dir and Raxanwayn. You are a Gobol clan, like the Samaroon of Awdal and Ciise Maxamuud of Nugaal. Those subclans have representation in their Federal States of Somaliland and Puntland but are yet to become a President or Prime Minister of Somalia. Atleast Aaran Jaan produced a PM (Hassan Abshir) and had power brokers in the regime. What XL has ever been a power broker or PM or President in Somalia? What lacag and connections did you bring to Midowga Murashaxiinta, the ICU or even USC? Murusade are on the way to a historic two PMs at this rate don't get left behind 🀣
These murusade influencial guys like gacal and Hassan macalin waxay kaba u qaadi jireen Hawadle Sheikh mohamed macalin. gacals first wife was the sister in law of our sheikh and hasaan macalin still married to his daughter so this influence you are bragging about is due to being hawadle kabaqaadayaal. You have influence now but it can't make you shit. In 2017 HG aad gaadeen when you agreed to support HG pm if they vote for Farmaajo. You became PM just bc of candhowadaag 🀣🀣

But in reality you r nothing that why you cant answer why you are not in that map

Hawadle are leading State no longer gobol are you even close to that? They have two more votes in the parliament than you. Who said we cannot be a pm we will be a PM without going through siil 🀣🀣

This is Sh Axmed Cabdi Dhicisow who died in 2012. The predecessor of Sh. Yusuf Cali Caynte in Ala Sheikh. Maxamed Nuur Gacal Galmudug speaker was also a devoted disciple of Sh. Mohamed Macalin he was so close to him and his first wife who is Xawaadle is the sister in law of Sheekh Maxamed Macalin ( sister of sheekh maxamed macalin's widow)
Current Daljir Chairman Hassan Macalin wife is Sheikh Mohamed Macalins daughter. This is how Murusade became influential by using their Xawaadle in-law Connections Sheikhii dhan ay naga qaateen mid gabadhiisa guursada iyo mid tan xaaski 🀣🀣

This is your Dhicisow talks about him

Sh mohamed macalin hassan as suggests his fathers name his father was preaching in Gaaljecel area not D&M just bc yiu dont know buurhakaba clan map you think he was with D&M 🀣🀣

his mother is reer daafeed (walaweyn)he learned the quran from his father. I have been to Harar there is no Karanle tell that BS to yourself. He steadied in Jigjiga and teached in Hargeysa before going to Egypt

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These murusade influencial guys like gacal and Hassan macalin waxay kaba u qaadi jireen Hawadle Sheikh mohamed macalin. gacals first wife was the sister in law of our sheikh and hasaan macalin still married to his daughter so this influence you are bragging about is due to being hawadle kabaqaadayaal. You have influence now but it can't make you shit. In 2017 HG aad gaadeen when you agreed to support HG pm if they vote for Farmaajo. You became PM just bc of candhowadaag 🀣🀣

But in reality you r nothing that why you cant answer why you are not in that map

Hawadle are leading State no longer gobol are you even close to that? They have two more votes in the parliament than you. Who said we cannot be a pm we will be a PM without going through siil 🀣🀣

This is Sh Axmed Cabdi Dhicisow who died in 2012. The predecessor of Sh. Yusuf Cali Caynte in Ala Sheikh. Maxamed Nuur Gacal Galmudug speaker was also a devoted disciple of Sh. Mohamed Macalin he was so close to him and his first wife who is Xawaadle is the sister in law of Sheekh Maxamed Macalin ( sister of sheekh maxamed macalin's widow)
Current Daljir Chairman Hassan Macalin wife is Sheikh Mohamed Macalins daughter. This is how Murusade became influential by using their Xawaadle in-law Connections Sheikhii dhan ay naga qaateen mid gabadhiisa guursada iyo mid tan xaaski 🀣🀣

This is your Dhicisow talks about him

Sh mohamed macalin hassan as suggests his fathers name his father was preaching in Gaaljecel area not D&M just bc yiu dont know buurhakaba clan map you think he was with D&M 🀣🀣

his mother is reer daafeed (walaweyn)he learned the quran from his father. I have been to Harar there is no Karanle tell that BS to yourself. He steadied in Jigjiga and teached in Hargeysa before going to Egypt


Kkkkk bro you are so small minded. We are proud of our brothers achievements among Aala Sheikh and the good work they did with the Sheikh who left behind Heritage, Hiraal, City University etc. What you going to say about Kheyre next, hes got billions, deals with Russians and is connected with the recent debt relief efforts. He was part of HSM's original advisors and the NGOs that worked with CRD of Abdulkadir Yayhe AUN. Here is a picture of Kheyre in Ceelbuur with HSM in 2014 and current Abakar mayor Fooley



:francis:laangaabs flooding the thread after making countless threads themselves on Hirshabelle, Abgaal Cismaan and our districts, degaans

@Chase You make some good points. Yes, HG wanted to get rid of us but they're not in N. Mogadishu like you said. Land is not an issue, everything bought from Abgaal (Reer Mataan) on the edge of Banaadir has been legally bought. Our history is long and recorded. We're not in the position we're in Somalia because of baryo.

We are the backbone of FGS. Either we're President or the sitting president has to compensate us heavily like Farmaajo did till it becomes too much where Mudulood turn. Deni would of done the same but look at PM Roble, he grew some nuts when he made 30/30 security minister and from the support of Abgaal. Qeybdiid was NN despite being violated lol If there isn't an Abgaal president HG are on the grill like what Farmaajo did to Guriceel, AAW etc

AUN Ali Mahdi Mohamed said in 1 of his last speeches - 'Wax aan Mudulood ogoleen, Somalia kama socaneeso' and we will die behind that hadal badan haan ma buuxsho

Change the capital and our grip might loosen
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Kkkkk bro you are so small minded. We are proud of our brothers achievements among Aala Sheikh and the good work they did with the Sheikh who left behind Heritage, Hiraal, City University etc. What you going to say about Kheyre next, hes got billions, deals with Russians and is connected with the recent debt relief efforts. He was part of HSM's original advisors and the NGOs that worked with CRD of Abdulkadir Yayhe AUN. Here is a picture of Kheyre in Ceelbuur with HSM in 2014 and current Abakar mayor Fooley

View attachment 285102
kkkk if you acknowledged us being behind this you are good boy. Do you know how Abdi Caynte got the Al Jaseera job? Through professor Afyare. His father asked him to find for him job in Qatar and before he was HOL editor in Minnesota. Later Afyare gave him the idea of opening the think tanker HIPS bc he is busy with the university. That is how we produced for you great intelectual after being Xer 🀣🀣

As for the opportunist Kheyre i dont see him as president but he can be king maker for Daarood president. Yes you have big influence in the elections and you have money but you will diasapear after the elections you dont have some thing on your own.
This guy is professor afyare product from HOL to al jazeera. Every murusade roots goes back to Hawadle. 🀣🀣

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:francis:laangaabs flooding the thread after making countless threads themselves on Hirshabelle, Abgaal Cismaan and our districts, degaans

@Chase You make some good points. Yes, HG wanted to get rid of us but they're not in N. Mogadishu like you said. Land is not an issue, everything bought from Abgaal (Reer Mataan) on the edge of Banaadir has been legally bought. Our history is long and recorded. We're not in the position we're in Somalia because of baryo.

We are the backbone of FGS. Either we're President or the sitting president has to compensate us heavily like Farmaajo did till it becomes too much where Mudulood turn. Deni would of done the same but look at PM Roble, he grew some nuts when he made 30/30 security minister and from the support of Abgaal. Qeybdiid was NN despite being violated lol If there isn't an Abgaal president HG are on the grill like what Farmaajo did to Guriceel, AAW etc

AUN Ali Mahdi Mohamed said in 1 of his last speeches - 'Wax aan Mudulood ogoleen, Somalia kama socaneeso' and we will die behind that hadal badan haan ma buuxsho

Change the capital and our grip might loosen lol
a clan who cant manage its own ciyaal weero right now 500 hawadle trained in Uganda are deployed in Kaaraan to discipline your lost kids. I have made thread when they got recruited only to end up in Dameeria🀣🀣

On going Abgaal infghting. If amisom leaves you will go back to kaara. You are nothing but b u u n sh o 🀣🀣
What you are at best is booto shaf garaac but you need to be treared like siyaad barre and hawadle treated you then you will say minaanla toogan toosi mee. Minaay bir tahay waa ka beeranaynaa mineey bac tahayne waa bujiheynaa 🀣🀣

Birtii Xawaadle waa beerteen😎😎

My kids who ended up in kaaraan

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Why did this thread turn into xawaadle Mumbo jumbo :francis:

mods need to clean up this mess
Do you know for 6 years from 1961 to 1967 you Isaaq had Xawaadle opposition leader until Mj gave you the PM? 🀣🀣

In hargeysa you elected Ali Jimale as the chairman of the opposition party SNC and your presidential candidate and Cigaal xooghaye looking for pm post🀣🀣

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