PM Imran Khan Has Been REMOVED From Office


Minister of Propaganda
Your the same guy @Omar del Sur quoted saying., "I don’t particularly mind people criticising Islam" and now your the one to use islamic arguments to suit your point? I don't buy that BS.

There's levels in haram. Direct killing such as an invasion is worse than drug dealing.

Now we got that out of the way, there's no argument to be had that the Taliban drug dealers are worse than American aggressors.

Direct killing by non-Muslims doesn’t bother me. A non-Muslim committing haram shouldn’t be a front-page headline.

But when a so-called Muslim entity makes most of their money from peddling drugs, I am obviously displeased.

As for that Islam criticism comment. Our prophet SAW always accepted criticism of the faith. People used to call for his death while he walked the street and he would be polite to those people.

What is with this revisionist history that Islam is some religion that cannot take criticism??


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Then don’t use a weak excuse and accept that you’re a hypocrite.

You are a shameless person. Just because you want to bend over backwards and do all kinds of gymnastics to defend the US- even over Muslims who are just trying to defend their country- that doesn't mean other people have to be sellouts like you.


Minister of Propaganda
You are a shameless person. Just because you want to bend over backwards and do all kinds of gymnastics to defend the US- even over Muslims who are just trying to defend their country- that doesn't mean other people have to be sellouts like you.

Stop crying.

You pay taxes to the United States to fund their war in Afghanistan, refuse to admit there is a genocide against Muslims in China and you support one of the largest opioid drug exporters in the world.

If anyone is a sell out on this thread, it’s you.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Direct killing by non-Muslims doesn’t bother me. A non-Muslim committing haram shouldn’t be a front-page headline.

But when a so-called Muslim entity makes most of their money from peddling drugs, I am obviously displeased.

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.

-Surah Al-Fath 48:29

you actually manage to follow this in reverse- harsh against the believers and merciful towards the disbelievers.... and not just any disbelievers but disbelievers actively killing and waging war against Muslims
Direct killing by non-Muslims doesn’t bother me. A non-Muslim committing haram shouldn’t be a front-page headline.

But when a so-called Muslim entity makes most of their money from peddling drugs, I am obviously displeased.

As for that Islam criticism comment. Our prophet SAW always accepted criticism of the faith. People used to call for his death while he walked the street and he would be polite to those people.

What is with this revisionist history that Islam is some religion that cannot take criticism??

It does not matter whatever standards your mentioning to me that you hold muslims too. That's not what we were talking about. We were talking about which one is worse and you incorrectly said the Taliban is.


SSpots starting point guard
Is there a chance of him getting his position back because of these protest? Similar to what happened to Hugo chavez.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
there is no way that you can objectively say from an Islamic viewpoint that

A- Selling drugs out of desperation to fund a fight to free a Muslim country against a non-Muslim invasion
is worse than
B- Non-Muslims invading a Muslim country

bombing and killing Muslims and invading their country is not on the same level as trying to fight in defense and turning to illicit means to fund the struggle out of desperation


Minister of Propaganda
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.

-Surah Al-Fath 48:29

you actually manage to follow this in reverse- harsh against the believers and merciful towards the disbelievers.... and not just any disbelievers but disbelievers actively killing and waging war against Muslims

If I told you, I owned a night club, you would call me a kaffir for peddling haram.

But now the Taliban are believers.

I hope you have this same energy for every Muslim that takes drugs, sells drugs or drinks alcohol.


Minister of Propaganda
there is no way that you can objectively say from an Islamic viewpoint that

A- Selling drugs out of desperation to fund a fight to free a Muslim country against a non-Muslim invasion
is worse than
B- Non-Muslims invading a Muslim country

bombing and killing Muslims and invading their country is not on the same level as trying to fight in defense and turning to illicit means to fund the struggle out of desperation

Out of desperation???


The mental gymnastics don’t stop. There are numerous other ways to make money than selling drugs.

You think Allah SWT is going to give them a pass on the day of judgement because they were desperate.



Veni Vidi Vici
Is there a chance of him getting his position back because of these protest? Similar to what happened to Hugo chavez.
Not really, only thing he can face right now is a criminal case(s), the Sharif family would be out for blood.


Minister of Propaganda
It does not matter whatever standards your mentioning to me that you hold muslims too. That's not what we were talking about. We were talking about which one is worse and you incorrectly said the Taliban is.

The Taliban is worse because they claim Islam and sell drugs to millions of people.

The standards I’m using is the Quran. We have to judge Muslims on a higher standard than Muslims, esp ones that claim to represent Islam but commit evil like selling drugs.

Unless you don’t want to use the Quran as a barometer in this argument, the Taliban is more evil than the US.

Feel free to disagree with this and commit kufr.
The Taliban is worse because they claim Islam and sell drugs to millions of people.

The standards I’m using is the Quran. We have to judge Muslims on a higher standard than Muslims, esp ones that claim to represent Islam but commit evil like selling drugs.

Unless you don’t want to use the Quran as a barometer in this argument, the Taliban is more evil than the US.

Feel free to disagree with this and commit kufr.
The lengths you go to man lol

There's levels of haram. Direct killing is worse than drug dealing. Take it how you want.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Is there a chance of him getting his position back because of these protest? Similar to what happened to Hugo chavez.

I don't know, I hope so but... what I believe is.... this in the short term might be a win for the US but I think this will lead to loss for them in the long-term. Latin America was sort of the testing ground for the US getting involved in this kind of thing with coups and now the population there is deeply anti-US, as the people have gotten fed-up with US intervention. the politics there is more and more anti-US although the Western media downplays it. Pakistan already had anti-US sentiment. I think moving forward Pakistan will have extremely deep anti-US sentiment and I think it will be harder and harder for governments seen as pro-US to run the country. I believe this will be a loss for the US in the long-run- as far as Pakistan is concerned.


Minister of Propaganda
The lengths you go to man lol

There's levels of haram. Direct killing is worse than drug dealing. Take it how you want.

The biggest haram is kufr and non-Muslims already commit it. So I don’t lose sleep on what they do.

Im more concerned about what Muslims, who claim to represent me, do.


Veni Vidi Vici
I don't know, I hope so but... what I believe is.... this in the short term might be a win for the US but I think this will lead to loss for them in the long-term. Latin America was sort of the testing ground for the US getting involved in this kind of thing with coups and now the population there is deeply anti-US, as the people have gotten fed-up with US intervention. the politics there is more and more anti-US although the Western media downplays it. Pakistan already had anti-US sentiment. I think moving forward Pakistan will have extremely deep anti-US sentiment and I think it will be harder and harder for governments seen as pro-US to run the country. I believe this will be a loss for the US in the long-run- as far as Pakistan is concerned.
How? The second Shabaz Sharif is sworn in as PM, or even Nawaz, its game over. Imran Khan would have no chance at all.
The biggest haram is kufr and non-Muslims already commit it. So I don’t lose sleep on what they do.

Im more concerned about what Muslims, who claim to represent me, do.
The Taliban to not claim to represent you, what are you even talking about? There in their own country trying to rule. You mean nothing to them.

Repeat after me. Drug dealing is not worse than illegal invasion that does direct killings that affect all segments of society.

I would think it's an easy concept to understand but the lengths your going to try and get an edge in arguments prove it's impossible.


Minister of Propaganda
The Taliban to not claim to represent you, what are you even talking about? There in their own country trying to rule. You mean nothing to them.

Repeat after me. Drug dealing is not worse than illegal invasion that does direct killings that affect all segments of society.

I would think it's an easy concept to understand but the lengths your going to try and get an edge in arguments prove it's impossible.

The Taliban claim Islam and therefore anything they do, reflects on Muslims. Anything that I do, reflects Islam. We are representatives on this dunya.

Drug dealing isn’t as bad as an invasion.

But selling hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the worst drugs known to man, reaching each corner of the world, ruining societies, families and killing many otherwise decent people.

That is evil. The Taliban is worse than the worst cartels as they exclusively peddle opioids, heroin and methamphetamine, which are the most despicable of drugs.

They even sell this to their fellow Afghans and later punish them for becoming addicted to their drugs.

The fact you’re downplaying this evil is disgusting.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
How? The second Shabaz Sharif is sworn in as PM, or even Nawaz, its game over. Imran Khan would have no chance at all.

I'm talking long-term. Even if it's over for Imran Khan- there could be a lot more that are like him in the future. And the population is going to be full of anti-US sentiment. The same kind of thing already happened in Latin America. The Mexican government is dogwhistle anti-US. Mexico, Cuba and Venezuela are all on the same page. Bolivia. Nicaragua. Even Bolsonaro has turned on the US. I think it's short-sighted on the part of the US. Today- you coup their government. Tomorrow- the population hates your guts and rallies around anti-US politicians.
The Taliban claim Islam and therefore anything they do, reflects on Muslims. Anything that I do, reflects Islam. We are representatives on this dunya.

Drug dealing isn’t as bad as an invasion.

But selling hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the worst drugs known to man, reaching each corner of the world, ruining societies, families and killing many otherwise decent people.

That is evil. The Taliban is worse than the worst cartels as they exclusively peddle opioids, heroin and methamphetamine, which are the most despicable of drugs.

They even sell this to their fellow Afghans and later punish them for becoming addicted to their drugs.

The fact you’re downplaying this evil is disgusting.
I never downplayed anything they do. Your projecting that on me lol

All I said was they are not worse than the Americans with their history of invasions that I used Iraq as an example.

Pretty simple really.

