NOT AGAIN! Here comes another xaliimo soliciting your sympathy b/c her child has been removed from her after giving birth to the child

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All I know is back in the days us incel we’re respected people. Now everyone has hijacked our name and throw every sh1t on us. Leave us incels alone


Support interracial love πŸ’•
this situation both of the parent should be blamed and accountable.

I didn’t watch the video. Did she left the kids by themselves so she can do a grocery shopping or go to work?

This went in circles and was almost entirely pointless.

So some people are genuinely trying to absolve the father of any and all wrongdoing?

A father has very important responsibilities and if he can't even be a viable alternative to an ostensibly unfit mother, then he himself is unfit.

This went in circles and was almost entirely pointless.

So some people are genuinely trying to absolve the father of any and all wrongdoing?

A father has very important responsibilities and if he can't even be a viable alternative to an ostensibly unfit mother, then he himself is unfit.
I didn’t watch the video. Is he even alive? For all we know we could have been bashing a dead man. But yeah if he is alive. Then he is waste of time


40% somali???!!! I’ve seen somali bantu with that much somali and cadcads with 12% somali. Cadcads have the same label as somali bantu. They are on the same level. They aren’t ethnic somali. But minority. Just like bantu. These asian hybrids are NOT somali, but somali Nationals. End of discussion.

There are none with 12% Somali. You have likely seen idiotic 23andme results where 23andme is confused by their diverse mix and labels them as part "Ethiopian" and lowers their Somali score. Of course they have no Ethiopian. It's all Somali. Proper runs using something like nMonte always manage to sus out the 30-40% or more.
Where are the dads?
Somali dads are NEVER in their children life. All they care is sex & ever in pursuit of marrying another teen girl next, joining politics in Somalia, looting. Then his kids end up being taken by the child service, become drug addicts, prison on soft side & worst six feet under. My heart breaks for the Somali queens who marry these type of Faraxs.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

Once again a xaliimo fails to explain what allegation or pretense by the state that had her child removed from her.

Typical catchphrases these xaliimos use are β€œ
Waan murugeeysanahay…..waad dareemi kartaa hooyo ilmaheeda laga qaatey….gaalo ba ilamaha iga qaatey….”

I must know what the state has to say.

Not gonna get my sympathy lady.

After further digging I found the cause. She lightly touched on it whilst justifying her wrong doing.

She left the kids in the home by themselves. Mind you the kids are under 5 years old.
She admitted that she fed them and put them to sleep.

I salute the Republic of Austria. Keep them children away from her.
If she's an unfit mother why couldn't they give the children to the dad?

Its also weird whenever a kid is taken from a Somali mother you hardly see a dad fighting to get his kids back
Wow. You really have so much energy for Somali women but never the men. We’ve seen many cases like this.

This is one example where Somali mothers have to go out to stop their children from joining gangs. Like I said before where are the father
May Allah bless Somali mothers they are everything for their kids. Somali fathers have always been absent, irresponsible they are married yet seem to live like single. I work at hospital & all i see is mothers spending sleepless night & going above and beyond to take care of the kids. Some even are giving birth here, without their husbands not even aware of the condition of the wife.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
May Allah bless Somali mothers they are everything for their kids. Somali fathers have always been absent, irresponsible they are married yet seem to live like single. I work at hospital & all i see is mothers spending sleepless night & going above and beyond to take care of the kids. Some even are giving birth here, without their husbands not even aware of the condition of the wife.
is the father's responsibility to provide for his family, bring up his kids in a nice environment and educate them It's a fard and whoever turns away from their responsibility and fard is a sinner alot somalis follow culture more than deen and believe its the womans role to do the childrearing and look after the kids but thats false its a shared responsibility that both should do
May Allah bless Somali mothers they are everything for their kids. Somali fathers have always been absent, irresponsible they are married yet seem to live like single. I work at hospital & all i see is mothers spending sleepless night & going above and beyond to take care of the kids. Some even are giving birth here, without their husbands not even aware of the condition of the wife.
I agree 100% hats off to you
Clapping Applause GIF


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Hey @HiraanBorn when I call out those barwanis I don’t include you mr cadcad, you are somali to me. But unfortunately if you aren’t at least 50% somali then you aren’t gonna be considered ethnic somali, mixed somali at best. Y’all been here hundreds of years but some of y’all be getting like 7% somali on dna test, of course you are somali but not ethnic, that ain’t up for debate. I’ve seen a few cadcads get 60+% somali, those of course can claim ethnic somali.
It doesn’t help that many benadiri/barwanis are insular and marry only other barwanis, I’ve even met a few that look down on ethnic somalis, ironic since they ended up on our shores, but anyway, don’t take that personally. I was just annoyed that he put down somali bantus over cadcads, it’s cap to say one is more somali, unless we are talking about newer somali bantu who’ve been here for only 100 years.
Also are you a boy?
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Hey @HiraanBorn when I call out those barwanis I don’t include you mr cadcad, you are somali to me. But unfortunately if you aren’t at least 50% somali then you aren’t gonna be considered ethnic somali, mixed somali at best. Y’all been here hundreds of years but some of y’all be getting like 7% somali on dna test, of course you are somali but not ethnic, that ain’t up for debate. I’ve seen a few cadcads get 60+% somali, those of course can claim ethnic somali.
It doesn’t help that many benadiri/barwanis are insular and marry only other barwanis, I’ve even met a few that look down on ethnic somalis, ironic since they ended up on our shores, but anyway, don’t take that personally. I was just annoyed that he put down somali bantus over cadcads, it’s cap to say one is more somali, unless we are talking about newer somali bantu who’ve been here for only 100 years.
Also are you a boy?
I've probably got more Somali blood in me than most other Reer Xamar since my mother is full Hawiye and my father is only half CadCad while his mother was a full Darod. So I'm probably almost full Somali, it's just that according to Somali custom you take your father's qabil not your mother's. I would claim Abgaal if I could but I can't really. Also, yes I'm a male. Age 24.
think some of these trolls aren't even Somali, remember this topic about the Madow revert, and tell me this doesn't sound like the same person/same culture/same mindset.
ngl the the thread u mentioned has no legitimacy and is just slandering the brother, he doesnt abuse any of his wives in anyway nor does he fetishize xalimos, how is appreciating a race of women fetishizing? I seen brothers on here say they they think cadaan/asian girls beautiful does that now mean its a fetish? also the guy never done anything wrong islamically.
ngl the the thread u mentioned has no legitimacy and is just slandering the brother, he doesnt abuse any of his wives in anyway nor does he fetishize xalimos, how is appreciating a race of women fetishizing? I seen brothers on here say they they think cadaan/asian girls beautiful does that now mean its a fetish? also the guy never done anything wrong islamically.

You haven't read the topic or you are a Madow revert or even him, for all we know.
I wish i had multiple wives
but seriously that whole thread was just waffle, u guys look for anything to complain about, how many madow reverts have u met in real life?

Who is 'you guys'?

Someone made a topic about a Madow revert who is fixated on Somalis and also neglected one of his wives to the extent her hair fell out (his own words).

All of the text in the original post were made by the Madow revert himself, there was no speculation. If you are a Madow revert, I pray you find self-love and focus on your own ethnic group instead of sniffing around Somalis.
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