North Africans running wild in France Madow vs North African civil war coming?


The one and only 4head
This guy is probably Algerian so I doubt he will get touched even if people are looking for him. North Africans especially Algerians are deep in France. No matter how gangster the madows in those areas are they will make them fall in line.

Many Algerians from here condemn this guy and he will probably won't get "touched" but many people are looking for him.

Fobs usually are out of hand, they don't understand local norms and for him.

He assaulted someone physically, that alone you'll get troubles with the French courts.
And, to top this, he said a few racial slurs in Public. Not only, but he'll also lose his job (a cashier who works from a supermarket who assaulted a delivery man, the Supermarket's managers apologized and they are in process of getting rid of this retard). Here, when you have a criminal record, you will struggle to find a job, thus a flat, thus you cannot establish yourself like a proper human. But if your criminal records include that you have used racial slurs, you'll get socially and professionally excluded.

You HAVE to BE a professional retard for saying racial slurs in 2021, in France (though you can have a history of pedophilia, it is more accepted among french politicians xD)

Crazy country.

I kinda pity this dumbass fob but let's hope he'll learn from his mistakes.
Everyone has racial biases.

I for instance hate the Lamagoodles.


Many Algerians from here condemn this guy and he will probably won't get "touched" but many people are looking for him.

Fobs usually are out of hand, they don't understand local norms and for him.

He assaulted someone physically, that alone you'll get troubles with the French courts.
And, to top this, he said a few racial slurs in Public. Not only, but he'll also lose his job (a cashier who works from a supermarket who assaulted a delivery man, the Supermarket's managers apologized and they are in process of getting rid of this retard). Here, when you have a criminal record, you will struggle to find a job, thus a flat, thus you cannot establish yourself like a proper human. But if your criminal records include that you have used racial slurs, you'll get socially and professionally excluded.

You HAVE to BE a professional retard for saying racial slurs in 2021, in France (though you can have a history of pedophilia, it is more accepted among french politicians xD)

Crazy country.

I kinda pity this dumbass fob but let's hope he'll learn from his mistakes.
Everyone has racial biases.

I for instance hate the Lamagoodles.
You keep putting emphasis on the fact that he is a fob but surely the North Africans that grew up in France display their racist tendencies from time to time. I bet they say some shit behind closed doors. They are just trying to be politically correct.


The one and only 4head
I find that hard to believe. The North Africans control the drugs in France and Marseille where it’s even more dangerous than Paris. It’s them that even supply the madows with guns. I don’t even need to live in France to know that.

The drugs are not controlled by one ethnicity here.
In the East, it's probably the Balkans and Turks.
In the South, it's the Maghrebis,
while in Paris it'll depend on the areas.
But Blacks are heavily equipped and are more prone to gang violence than Arabs.
On average, both of them fill jails. But despite being a minority among minorities, Blacks have more presence in violence.
And the only Muslims who are capable of more violence are the Chechens.
Arabs, Blacks, and Gypsies are afraid of them.


Like what happened last year in Dijon.

Arabs surrounded Chechens in 3 days.

(Though they show solidarity, in reality, if you come stronger, Arabs are NOT that unified!)


mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
They are newly arrived refugees, give them a couple of years and things will change.
Bro thats not true somalis have been living in france since the 80s. My aunty from djibouti lives in Lille since 1982. But you are right about new fobs arriving every day even here in the netherlands new fobs come every month :mjlaugh:


The one and only 4head
You keep putting emphasis on the fact that he is a fob but surely the North Africans that grew up in France display their racist tendencies from time to time. I bet they say some shit behind closed doors. They are just trying to be politically correct.

It's frequent that Fobs do this.

It'll depend on the North Africans and their family backgrounds. Not to essentialize tbh.
In bigger cities, they embody and mix with Blacks. When they are Muslim conservative, they stay away from average Blacks. But with Muslim Blacks, form a better relationship.

It's rather the media who like to portrait this.

And who cares if they have different views on closed doors? Blacks have their own racial biases toward Arabs, while some of them hate Islam and they think Arabs have a backward culture.

I don't defend either of them.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
The drugs are not controlled by one ethnicity here.
In the East, it's probably the Balkans and Turks.
In the South, it's the Maghrebis,
while in Paris it'll depend on the areas.
But Blacks are heavily equipped and are more prone to gang violence than Arabs.
On average, both of them fill jails. But despite being a minority among minorities, Blacks have more presence in violence.
And the only Muslims who are capable of more violence are the Chechens.
Arabs, Blacks, and Gypsies are afraid of them.


Like what happened last year in Dijon.

Arabs surrounded Chechens in 3 days.

(Though they show solidarity, in reality, if you come stronger, Arabs are NOT that unified!)

Lol those are khabibs people:francis:
Hmm intresting hope the somalis there don't involve themselfs

Knowing Somalis, they’ll somehow get themselves involved.
immigration policy is very easy:
work/education or deportation. If i was a leader of that country i would deport them back right away. If this continues it will start looking like Somalia


The one and only 4head
immigration policy is very easy:
work/education or deportation. If i was a leader of that country i would deport them back right away. If this continues it will start looking like Somalia

It's even worse than Somalia in some places.
At some point, we had a terror attack every two weeks.

I agree with you.
Integration or deportation.
It's even worse than Somalia in some places.
At some point, we had a terror attack every two weeks.

I agree with you.
Integration or deportation.
No wonder France is becoming right wing country, people are fed up with these animals. Why did he assault the guy though? And is the girl arguing with him black?


The one and only 4head
No wonder France is becoming right wing country, people are fed up with these animals. Why did he assault the guy though? And is the girl arguing with him black?

No idea, he got angry (he's a cashier) at the delivery man. But reasons are not implied in the vid.
The woman is indeed agreeing with the delivery guy.
She's a black woman herself tbh. He assaulted her verbally too. (seems like he was on drugs too).

Right Wingers shall deport more of these people.