My girl is knocked up again..second abortion?

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Please tell your friend she can be a 1000% dh,ilo but let her not add dhaambi with abortions yaaqqee!~ Thats killing a babe. Use condoms. Babies are not the only enemy. HIV is far worst menacing. Believe me. Wink Wink


mashallah, if he is such a great guy why doesn't he marry her then??

was he just in it to smash??

i can imagine green eyed good looking guys is not going to settle down until his 40th birthday, it's like a rich guy settling down MOST LIKELY WON'T HAPPEN when men have a lot of options they explore them for decades, he probably won't settle especially not for a girl who has been knocked up by another guy before she's expired
They are both broke, they don’t live on their own. You are such colorist person, if they guy a dark skinned u bet you would called him “monkey” and other dehumanizing names.



Please tell your friend she can be a 1000% dh,ilo but let her not add dhaambi with abortions yaaqqee!~ Thats killing a babe. Use condoms. Babies are not the only enemy. HIV is far worst menacing. Believe me. Wink Wink
There is something called testing. People get tested before they start messing around. Do you live under a rock or something :oh6b81q:
Why are you calling my friend a ?
She was in a monogamous relationship


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
There is something called testing. People get tested before they start messing around. Do you live under a rock or something :oh6b81q:
Why are you calling my friend a ?
She was in a monogamous relationship

Ok i was wrong. My bad. :(

Genghis Khan

Abgaal Hiraab Hawiyeh Samaale
Is slag your favorite cuss word:cosbyhmm:
Your culture is oppressive judging by this thread
Look how many dislikes this sad thread received all the guys calling the poor girl names. Y’all are very harsh on women no wonder why the girl only dates African Americans.

You have something against somalis and its showing little witch,i told you somali culture puts women on a pedestal it always was and will be,now f*ck off for coming for my culture and you praising african americans you have exposed yourself as them,quit saying you are ethiopian or EA but you guys hate yourself so your projecting your insecurities on us,thats why you want to convince somalis and other Horners/East africans that they are black a term that reduced your whole being to a colour of your skin hell black is not even a colour we are dark brown or brown.
Emily is an African american who hates herself and projecting her insecurities on our cushitic culture.


You have something against somalis and its showing little witch,i told you somali culture puts women on a pedestal it always was and will be,now f*ck off for coming for my culture and you praising african americans you have exposed yourself as them,quit saying you are ethiopian or EA but you guys hate yourself so your projecting your insecurities on us,thats why you want to convince somalis and other Horners/East africans that they are black a term that reduced your whole being to a colour of your skin hell black is not even a colour we are dark brown or brown.
Emily is an African american who hates herself and projecting her insecurities on our cushitic culture.
You are just getting worked up over nothing dude. The Somali culture is conservative, Somalian men are sexist aholes with no manners. I bet you are a sexist demon yourself. I am not African American, I am liberal habesha. I am also pan African. #Blackpower!


Ok 23 aint a kid exactly and she is messing with a kid. Girls mature earlier.....thinking back at when i was 21 and a girl said i was pregnant that would ruin me. I feel for her das
Yeah she ain’t a kid but she is reckless plus he lied about his age, he told her that he is 25. Guys need to stop lying about their age, my man claimed 25 when he was actually 27. Why are men so insecure about their age
Yeah she ain’t a kid but she is reckless plus he lied about his age, he told her that he is 25. Guys need to stop lying about their age, my man claimed 25 when he was actually 27. Why are men so insecure about their age
He lied to get her in bed and it worked. Reckless was the first time. You just had abortion and you are going raw again....thats madness lol


LoveandLight the Liberator
y’all remember my Somalian friend who got knocked up by the African American dude, well her dad paid for the abortion and forced her to break up with the guy. Fast forward months later she met Davian. Davian is a handsome young man, tall light skinned with beautiful green eyes..he is funny and outgoing. The thing is Davian doesn’t have a stable job. He gets seasonal jobs here and there plus he smokes marijuana. Anyway my friend broke up with him a week ago for cheating and she just found out that she is few weeks pregnant. She wants to keep the baby but is afraid of the stigma and being disowned by her family. She just texted me asking for advice and I honestly don’t know what to tell her:(
She just had abortion, few months ago and I don’t want to suggest her to have another one, at the same time I don’t want to tell her to keep the baby cause she does not have the resources or support to raise a child :yloezpe:
I am so conflicted


Please tell your friend not to kill her unborn baby. All life is precious. Also, there might be further Karmic repercussions for her if she goes through with it a second time.

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