Muslim Twitter debates the existence of 'male hoors'

You share part of the sins in a thread where there’s mockery of diinta, let alone your immoral fantasies of indulging in sins.

@Mudug_gyal you need to make tawbah for your actions as what you did is very severe, this goes to all the users who were laughing at your comments

@Admin pls delete this thread
No, we did not commit any sins, please be serious.

We're mocking the illogical rationale used by misogynists who weaponise the diin against Muslim sisters. No one here has actually mocked Islam in and of itself. I won't allow you to use your flawed understanding of Quran and Sunnah to get my thread deleted.

As for 'immoral fantasies', there's nothing immoral about having sexual desires, unless you're saying sex itself is haram. I wonder if you feel the same way about @Haji baris🍛💯 joking about wanting women in Jannah or if you only start clutching your pearls once women mention the type of men they want. Why don't you direct this energy towards the NSFW section which has been alive and kicking for several years? It would actually serve your goal of removing immorality from SSpot effectively.

The only haraam aspect of my jokes would be the mentioning of trying out lesbianism but again, no actual sin was committed in merely mentioning it.

@Admin and other moderators, please remember I have the final say as the thread's author and ignore his irrational, baseless complaints.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
No, we did not commit any sins, please be serious.

We're mocking the illogical rationale used by misogynists who weaponise the diin against Muslim sisters. No one here has actually mocked Islam in and of itself. I won't allow you to use your flawed understanding of Quran and Sunnah to get my thread deleted.

As for 'immoral fantasies', there's nothing immoral about having sexual desires, unless you're saying sex itself is haram. I wonder if you feel the same way about @Haji baris🍛💯 joking about wanting women in Jannah or if you only start clutching your pearls once women mention the type of men they want. Why don't you direct this energy towards the NSFW section which has been alive and kicking for several years? It would actually serve your goal of removing immorality from SSpot effectively.

The only haraam aspect of my jokes would be the mentioning of trying out lesbianism but again, no actual sin was committed in merely mentioning it.

@Admin and other moderators, please remember I have the final say as the thread's author and ignore his irrational, baseless complaints.

Instead of owning up to your mistakes you simply deflect them away. No amount of hiding under the pretence of misogyny or weaponising the deen excuses will make what you did go away.

Mudug gal’s posts where she sarcastically laments about how women should know their place is indeed mockery of Islamic ethos pertaining to women. One user even asks her “ What’s with the stand up”

Not only is homosexuality haram but also cuckoldry in fact a man who is apathetic or permissive with regards to unchaste behaviour of his female relatives, wife etc will not enter jannah. Such a man in Islam is called a dayouth, yet here you’re fantasising engaging in cuckoldry in jannah of all places !.

Whatever Allah made haram in this dunya will remain haram in the hereafter unless there exists clear cut Islamic evidence stating otherwise.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Apparently, women who wish for the existence of male hoors upon their entrance in Jannah are automatically filthy and influenced by p0rn-sickness but Muslim brothers who remind themselves of the hoor-al-ayn as a source of motivation aren't.

Funny how that works.

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The problem with modern women is- rarely have seen a man make love to them. They will wish for male hoors in heaven, It is not easy to be smashed huuno. Its unnatural for woman to love sex
Instead of owning up to your mistakes you simply deflect them away. No amount of hiding under the pretence of misogyny or weaponising the deen excuses will make what you did go away.
Yes, because you can't own up to mistakes you never actually made, fool. I won't let you shame me into submission when you don't have any actual leg to stand on.
Mudug gal’s posts where she sarcastically laments about how women should know their place is indeed mockery of Islamic ethos pertaining to women. One user even asks her “ What’s with the stand up”
This tells me everything I need to know about you. You can't even interpret the way Gen Z communicate with one another, but you still feel comfortable trying to imply @Moon- took part in making light of the seriousness of Islam.

I'll explain what was meant by the actual comment she made which was "girl what's this stand up". It's a means of expressing feelings of bewilderment at the sight of some type of self-hating behaviour, in this case, it was @Mudug_gyal lamenting the struggle of being a woman in this world in a satirical manner.

It's not a mockery of Islamic ethos by any means, but rather a mockery of how it is viewed and pushed by the barrage of hateful male users we have to put up with who do make a mockery of the diin.

They're the ones who minimize the beautiful depth of this religion we all adhere to merely a form of aggressively controlling the sexuality of women they'll never meet! But you only have smoke for some silly little jokes between women. Naga teg!

Not only is homosexuality haram but also cuckoldry in fact a man who is apathetic or permissive with regards to unchaste behaviour of his female relatives, wife etc will not enter jannah. Such a man in Islam is called a dayouth, yet here you’re fantasising engaging in cuckoldry in jannah of all places !.

Whatever Allah made haram in this dunya will remain haram in the hereafter unless there exists clear cut Islamic evidence stating otherwise.
@Angelina already addressed this poorly thought-out line of logic in depth in Posts #76, #83 #98 and #116. Try reading them, maybe you'll learn something.

But I'll leave you this, the reasons why Allah (SWT) banned homosexuality and cuckoldry are directly tied to the smooth functioning of society, a means of managing our most base, human impulses to prevent all-out havoc and societal dysfunction.

However, in Jannah, there is no society as we know it in this Dunya that would warrant such tight regulations on female sexuality.

Therefore, that in conjunction with the fact that Allah (SWT) allows us, both men and women, to have whatever our hearts desire in Jannah, it really isn't a stretch for your average young Muslim woman to come to the conclusion of having their own sexual pleasures in the akhirah without the interference of "feminist" and/or "liberal" brainwashing from the liberal kuffar powers that be.

Even the end of your rant, "unless there exists clear cut Islamic evidence stating otherwise." implies uncertainty in your own position based solely on empirical evidence, so what really is motivating you to come for me with so much fervor?

I think we both know the answer to that one.

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Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
This tells me everything I need to know about you. You can't even interpret the way Gen Z communicate with one another, but you still feel comfortable trying to imply @Moon- took part in making light of the seriousness of Islam.

I'll explain what was meant by the actual comment she made which was "girl what's this stand up". It's a means of expressing feelings of bewilderment at the sight of some type of self-hating behaviour, in this case, it was @Mudug_gyal lamenting the struggle of being a woman in this world in a satirical manner.

It's not a mockery of Islamic ethos by any means, but rather a mockery of how it is viewed and pushed by the barrage of hateful male users we have to put up with who do make a mockery of the diin.

They're the ones who minimize the beautiful depth of this religion we all adhere to merely a form of aggressively controlling the sexuality of women they'll never meet! But you only have smoke for some silly little jokes between women. Naga teg!

I wasn't implying that moon was taking part but the fact that even she was taken aback by mudug's posts hence her reaction . All the things she stated pertaining to women had an islamic basis in a given context and she used them in a satirical manner to show the struggle of being a muslim woman. She may or may not have intended it laakin it's still turned out that way.

@Angelina already addressed this poorly thought-out line of logic in depth in Posts #76, #83 #98 and #116. Try reading them, maybe you'll learn something.

But I'll leave you this, the reasons why Allah (SWT) banned homosexuality and cuckoldry are directly tied to the smooth functioning of society, a means of managing our most base, human impulses to prevent all-out havoc and societal dysfunction.

However, in Jannah, there is no society as we know it in this Dunya that would warrant such tight regulations on female sexuality.

Therefore, that in conjunction with the fact that Allah (SWT) allows us, both men and women, to have whatever our hearts desire in Jannah, it really isn't a stretch for your average young Muslim woman to come to the conclusion of having their own sexual pleasures in the akhirah without the interference of "feminist" and/or "liberal" brainwashing from the liberal kuffar powers that be.

Nope she hasn't, in fact she contradicts herself by only calling homosexuality unnatural and failing to realize that the same reasons she cites ie lineage & childbirth as being non-factor in jannah when it relates to women wanting muliple partners also applies to homosexuality. Yet not once does she entertain the idea of homosexuality in jannah despite the similarities.

Laakin you have gone a step further and actually argue for it since the reality of jannah will be different compared to on earth and as such there's no need to regulate female sexuality in jannah. If that's the case then according to you there's nothing wrong if a muslim woman has sexual relations with her father, brother, sister, mother and even animals after all jannah is different.

If you argue for the acceptance of human desires on the basis of what's rationally possible then there's no limit and things such as rape etc would be ok. I don't think anyone will fancy wanting to be raped so as to fulfil another person's desire in jannah, wouldn't you agree ? Just because one rationalises an act doesn't mean it's morally ok to carry it out, human beings will rationalise all sorts of vices so as to fulfil their lusts.

Even the end of your rant, "unless there exists clear cut Islamic evidence stating otherwise." implies uncertainty in your own position based solely on empirical evidence, so what really is motivating you to come for me with so much fervor?

I think we both know the answer to that one.

It's not based on uncertainty but textual evidence such as the case with alcohol it's haram in the dunya but will be halal in jannah. The similarity between the two is only in name as khamriga in jannah will be of a different nature unlike the one here in the dunya.

Allah SWT is the one who decides what's halal and haram not our aql, so if something is haram then no rational thinking will make it halal.
I wasn't implying that moon was taking part but the fact that even she was taken aback by mudug's posts hence her reaction . All the things she stated pertaining to women had an islamic basis in a given context and she used them in a satirical manner to show the struggle of being a muslim woman. She may or may not have intended it laakin it's still turned out that way.
If you're somewhat deficient in literacy interpretation, accept it with grace, instead of trying to brush it off as a misunderstanding anyone could have made.
Nope she hasn't, in fact she contradicts herself by only calling homosexuality unnatural and failing to realize that the same reasons she cites ie lineage & childbirth as being non-factor in jannah when it relates to women wanting muliple partners also applies to homosexuality. Yet not once does she entertain the idea of homosexuality in jannah despite the similarities.
Failing to mention homosexuality in her argument doesn't mean that she contradicted herself, she just didn't include it because she either felt it was irrelevant or simply overlooked it by mistake. Take it up with @Angelina herself.
Laakin you have gone a step further and actually argue for it since the reality of jannah will be different compared to on earth and as such there's no need to regulate female sexuality in jannah. If that's the case then according to you there's nothing wrong if a muslim woman has sexual relations with her father, brother, sister, mother and even animals after all jannah is different.

If you argue for the acceptance of human desires on the basis of what's rationally possible then there's no limit and things such as rape etc would be ok. I don't think anyone will fancy wanting to be raped so as to fulfil another person's desire in jannah, wouldn't you agree ? Just because one rationalises an act doesn't mean it's morally ok to carry it out, human beings will rationalise all sorts of vices so as to fulfil their lusts.
What is wrong with some of you brothers who like to engage in religious debates where when someone argues in favour of something, you go straight to the extreme hypotheticals that would only apply to a fringe minority of the population? Incest and rape, subxanallah...

You're all unoriginal taking this line of argumentation straight from the least educated of YouTube da'ees like Daniel Haqiqatjou and his ilk. I understand the underlying principle but if, under your own example of a man SA'ing a woman because it's his deepest desire in Jannah, there would naturally have to be a subset of woman specifically designed to suffer for his benefit. But that can't be right, since there isn't supposed to be any misery or negative emotion in Jannah 🤔 I don't think you thought this one through, mate.

All we have to go off, is descriptions of the rewards we will enjoy upon His permission found in the Holy Quran and authentic hadith. Following that is our rational faculties. We're discussing Jannah, which is an alternate dimension that the smartest humans on Earth won't be able to fully grasp. I accept that element of uncertainty, but you don't since you're quick to come down on women who dare desire their own rewards that go against your own sensibilities in the Dunya.

It's not based on uncertainty but textual evidence such as the case with alcohol it's haram in the dunya but will be halal in jannah. The similarity between the two is only in name as khamriga in jannah will be of a different nature unlike the one here in the dunya.
What I meant was you were uncertain in the validity in your conclusion but still felt confidence in pushing it in the faces of the female users as a unverifiable fact. As for the alcohol being haram here and halal there, there's no direct relevance here. The crux of my argument is that it's an unconfirmed reward for Muslimahs so you can't shut us down based on what's halal and haram here in this lowly dimension.
Allah SWT is the one who decides what's halal and haram not our aql, so if something is haram then no rational thinking will make it halal.
Good news for you since rational thinking is not your strong suit. :lol:
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I love how you clock these hypocrites, I have never seen that man in those threads where his fellow men are extremely perverted. His kind only rear their heads, when women, dare to express their needs. These types of men, enjoy things, simply because they have been told that women CAN'T have it. It reminds me of those men, who change their minds when their wives tell them to marry a second woman. Or those gaalo men, who want open relationships, but when their wife also engages in this, get upset.

They just like it, when they think they have something over us, that's probably what gives them the most pleasure.

I think a lot of women, wouldn't even want a hint of a non-related man around them in the afterlife, due to what they saw on earth.
Is sex all that? I mean I love it and I can't live without it, but by happenchance you are in jannah, I'd want to remove the desire, it's just burdensome 🤔


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Failing to mention homosexuality in her argument doesn't mean that she contradicted herself, she just didn't include it because she either felt it was irrelevant or simply overlooked it by mistake. Take it up with @Angelina herself.

Pls go back and read what i actually wrote as i stated she failed to realize that the same reasons she argued that were non-factor in jannah ( ie lineage & childbirth) equally applies to homosexuality. Yet despite this similarity here she doesn't entertain the possibility of homosexuality being allowed in jannah this is here is the contradiction. Not that she failed to mention homosexuality

What is wrong with some of you brothers who like to engage in religious debates where when someone argues in favour of something, you go straight to the extreme hypotheticals that would only apply to a fringe minority of the population? Incest and rape, subxanallah...

You're all unoriginal taking this line of argumentation straight from the least educated of YouTube da'ees like Daniel Haqiqatjou and his ilk. I understand the underlying principle but if, under your own example of a man SA'ing a woman because it's his deepest desire in Jannah, there would naturally have to be a subset of woman specifically designed to suffer for his benefit. But that can't be right, since there isn't supposed to be any misery or negative emotion in Jannah 🤔 I don't think you thought this one through, mate.

All we have to go off, is descriptions of the rewards we will enjoy upon His permission found in the Holy Quran and authentic hadith. Following that is our rational faculties. We're discussing Jannah, which is an alternate dimension that the smartest humans on Earth won't be able to fully grasp. I accept that element of uncertainty, but you don't since you're quick to come down on women who dare desire their own rewards that go against your own sensibilities in the Dunya.

What I meant was you were uncertain in the validity in your conclusion but still felt confidence in pushing it in the faces of the female users as a unverifiable fact. As for the alcohol being haram here and halal there, there's no direct relevance here. The crux of my argument is that it's an unconfirmed reward for Muslimahs so you can't shut us down based on what's halal and haram here in this lowly dimension.

Good news for you since rational thinking is not your strong suit. :lol:

What you fail to grasp is that your hypothetical example of polyandry and homosexuality being allowed in jannah is an extreme one to begin with. It's against the revealed texts and everyone who engages in them is punished. These are immoral actions that have been prohibited and no amount of rationalization will make them moral.

The fact that you've issues with incest, rape ,bestiality being rationalized to the same level as your hypotheticals above shows the flaw in your thinking but most importantly it proves why rationality can not be the basis from which we determine our moral values. This is why we need Allah's guidance in order to establish a better and just set of moral values.

Yes we don't know the true reality of jannah other than descriptions from the quran and hadith laakin we are sure that it's a place free from immorality, shirk, kufr and all manner of vices that are present in our dunya. Whatever rewards one receives from Allah it will be free from all that i mentioned and also any shortcoming that we know or are even be able to think of. I'm against your hypotheticals because it directly goes against our islamic creed that Allah has commanded us to believe in.

What I meant was you were uncertain in the validity in your conclusion but still felt confidence in pushing it in the faces of the female users as a unverifiable fact. As for the alcohol being haram here and halal there, there's no direct relevance here. The crux of my argument is that it's an unconfirmed reward for Muslimahs so you can't shut us down based on what's halal and haram here in this lowly dimension.

Good news for you since rational thinking is not your strong suit. :lol:

The example of alcohol is very relevant, as it's a good example of something that remains haram here in the dunya but halal in jannah. We're required to believe in it because
Allah has revealed it to us and changed it from haram to halal. It's the same reason why i believe there won't be any immoralities such as zina, bestiality, cuckoldry etc as whatever that's haram will remain haram unless there's evidence from the revealed texts showing otherwise.

If you're going to actively promote reprehensible moral vices at least be consistent and argue for the inclusion of incest, bestiality etc as unconfirmed rewards for muslimahs in hereafter. Since you're not willing to do this i suggest you turn back to your Rabb and seek his tawbah, making dua that He keeps you steadfast
Pls go back and read what i actually wrote as i stated she failed to realize that the same reasons she argued that were non-factor in jannah ( ie lineage & childbirth) equally applies to homosexuality. Yet despite this similarity here she doesn't entertain the possibility of homosexuality being allowed in jannah this is here is the contradiction. Not that she failed to mention homosexuality

What you fail to grasp is that your hypothetical example of polyandry and homosexuality being allowed in jannah is an extreme one to begin with. It's against the revealed texts and everyone who engages in them is punished. These are immoral actions that have been prohibited and no amount of rationalization will make them moral.

The fact that you've issues with incest, rape ,bestiality being rationalized to the same level as your hypotheticals above shows the flaw in your thinking but most importantly it proves why rationality can not be the basis from which we determine our moral values. This is why we need Allah's guidance in order to establish a better and just set of moral values.

Yes we don't know the true reality of jannah other than descriptions from the quran and hadith laakin we are sure that it's a place free from immorality, shirk, kufr and all manner of vices that are present in our dunya. Whatever rewards one receives from Allah it will be free from all that i mentioned and also any shortcoming that we know or are even be able to think of. I'm against your hypotheticals because it directly goes against our islamic creed that Allah has commanded us to believe in.

The example of alcohol is very relevant, as it's a good example of something that remains haram here in the dunya but halal in jannah. We're required to believe in it because
Allah has revealed it to us and changed it from haram to halal. It's the same reason why i believe there won't be any immoralities such as zina, bestiality, cuckoldry etc as whatever that's haram will remain haram unless there's evidence from the revealed texts showing otherwise.

If you're going to actively promote reprehensible moral vices at least be consistent and argue for the inclusion of incest, bestiality etc as unconfirmed rewards for muslimahs in hereafter. Since you're not willing to do this i suggest you turn back to your Rabb and seek his tawbah, making dua that He keeps you steadfast
Hey, homosexuality and women wanting multiple men can’t be compared since women are naturally already attracted to men. Women already desire men, whilst desiring the same sex is indeed unnatural. even when we compare the statistics amongst these gaals that are homo, you’d find it’s a tiny fraction which makes it even more dangerous as to how perverse their agenda is since they’re normalizing something even the most degenerate of gaals aren’t even inclined to do.

If you were to ask a woman whom she finds handsome and if she lacks haya and is open about it, she’ll tell you several celebs or different people, but no straight woman would find other women attractive. Whilst women are indeed monogamous, we still can’t deny that women have the ability to see different men as good looking. To deny this fact is illogical. Do you truly believe that women only find one man attractive during their lifetime and that is it? I’m a bit puzzled tbh.

I think comparing beastility and homosexuality to that is a very flawed argument that I simply can’t take seriously. Btw, I don’t even think there is proof to male Hoors nor does it make grammatical sense, but comparing something of that nature to women wanting men is beyond illogical. Humans aren’t inclined to want animals, but women being with more isn’t something that is a stretch and it’s why we have strict guidelines to prevent freemixing as it is something that can easily happen. Even looking at the story of Nabi Yusuf, some of the women who were taken with his handsomeness were married but found him very beautiful. Was their attraction to him described as going against the female fitrah? Or was it something that happened due to his immense beauty?

The thing is, no one would be worried if a woman was left with an animal or another woman unattended, since for the vast majority of humans such an attraction is insanity. What about a woman and a man, a handsome one at that? It’s why when we see these gaals, the rates of adultery aren’t that different between men and women but you’ll never see beastility and homosexuality is like 2%.

As for your halal and haram argument. Women showing their beauty is haram, women freemixing ect. Women doing this makes a man a dayooth as well, hence in your paradigm, is Jannah a place in which women are still obliged to not leave their homes and made to wear hijab? Surely another man seeing the beauty of the wife also makes him a dayooth? Is it a place in which a woman is still restricted in their dwelling place? how does that work. So women in Jannah are prevented from traveling around, enjoying the sites, cover themselves ect? Because that makes you a dayooth in the dunya.

Each to their own. This is the last reply of mine since truly I think this topic is a bit of a farce and I think both sides are a bit dim. Don’t see the appeal of more men nor do I believe the other side are coming up with truly logical and consistent takes if they’re going to compare women wanting men to beastility and homosexuality. It’s the height of madness to compare a woman finding men attractive to wanting an animal. Even the halal and haram aspect you mentioned opens a can of worms. That means in Jannah, hijab is mandatory, women travelling around alone and freemixing is haram ect since all of these things makes a man a dayooth in the world. That’s ridiculous.
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Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Hey, homosexuality and women wanting multiple men can’t be compared since women are naturally already attracted to men. Women already desire men, whilst desiring the same sex is indeed unnatural. even when we compare the statistics amongst these gaals that are homo, you’d find it’s a tiny fraction which makes it even more dangerous as to how perverse their agenda is since they’re normalizing something even the most degenerate of gaals aren’t even inclined to do.

If you were to ask a woman whom she finds handsome and if she lacks haya and is open, she’ll tell you several celebs or different people, but no straight woman would find other women attractive. We can’t deny that women have the ability to see different men as good looking. To deny this is fact is illogical. Do you truly believe that women only find one man attractive during their lifetime and that is it? I’m a bit puzzled tbh.

Btw, I don’t personally care for this topic ect but I simply refuse to indulge the idea that homosexuality is the same as women wanting several men. Women like men, the same way men like women. Whilst women are often strictly monogamous, the attraction to more than one is there, but obviously most women wouldn’t want to act on it.

I think comparing beastility and homosexuality to that is a very flawed argument. Btw, I don’t even think there is proof to male Hoors nor does it make grammatical sense, but comparing something of that nature to women wanting men is beyond illogical. Humans aren’t inclined to want animals, but women being with more isn’t something that is a stretch and it’s why we have strict guidelines to prevent freemixing as it is something that can easily happen. It’s why when we see these gaals, the rates of adultery aren’t that different between men and women but you’ll never see beastility and homosexuality is like 2%.

Each to their own. This is the last reply of mine since truly I think this topic is a bit of a farce and I think both sides are a bit dim. Don’t see the appeal of more men nor do I believe the other side are coming up with truly logic takes if they’re going to compare women wanting men to beastility and homosexuality. That’s ridiculous.

The comparison was with regards to the reason why you entertained the possibility of women having multiple men in Jannah. You stated the following “ In Jannah, lineage and childbirth isn’t a thing. The very reason for why it’s haram in the dunya isn’t an issue in Janah”

Laakin all that also apply to homosexuality but despite this you never once entertained that homosexuality would be allowed in Jannah. This here is the flaw & contradiction in your argument

Doja went a step further and actually used your argument (lineage & childbirth) being a non factor to argue for the possibility of homosexuality being allowed in jannah (in addition to cuckoldry)

This is what wrote

"Angelina already addressed this poorly thought-out line of logic in depth in Posts #76, #83 #98 and #116. Try reading them, maybe you'll learn something.

But I'll leave you this, the reasons why Allah (SWT) banned homosexuality and cuckoldry are directly tied to the smooth functioning of society, a means of managing our most base, human impulses to prevent all-out havoc and societal dysfunction.

However, in Jannah, there is no society as we know it in this Dunya that would warrant such tight regulations on female sexuality."

Since she claims that dunya factors won't be relevant in jannah i asked if she would still entertain the same reasoning when it comes to incest and bestiality. Lo and behold she becomes angry

Using the nature of jannah to argue for the possibility of haram actions in dunya becoming halal in jannah is a very dangerous slope. Once you rationalize the possibility of one haram action you've actually rationalized all of them and there's no going back from this terrain of thought.

It's also not a coincidence that she was rationalizing the possibilities of homosexuality & cuckoldry but not incest & bestiality. The former are all legal in gaalo countries but not the latter, just shows you the impacts of living in such countries has on our Islamic creed.
The comparison was with regards to the reason why you entertained the possibility of women having multiple men in Jannah. You stated the following “ In Jannah, lineage and childbirth isn’t a thing. The very reason for why it’s haram in the dunya isn’t an issue in Janah”

Laakin all that also apply to homosexuality but despite this you never once entertained that homosexuality would be allowed in Jannah. This here is the flaw & contradiction in your argument
Walal, it doesn’t apply to homosexuality since people are repulsed by the same gender on average. Your paradigm only works if we’re going to argue women aren’t into men. It simply falls apart. If we can accept the reality that women do indeed find men good looking and can find more than one good looking, how can this be a logical take? You’d have a logical point only if you can prove that women are naturally repulsed by other men the way the vast majority of humans are repulsed by same gender and animals.
Doja went a step further and actually used your argument (lineage & childbirth) being a non factor to argue for the possibility of homosexuality being allowed in jannah (in addition to cuckoldry)

This is what wrote

"Angelina already addressed this poorly thought-out line of logic in depth in Posts #76, #83 #98 and #116. Try reading them, maybe you'll learn something.

But I'll leave you this, the reasons why Allah (SWT) banned homosexuality and cuckoldry are directly tied to the smooth functioning of society, a means of managing our most base, human impulses to prevent all-out havoc and societal dysfunction.

However, in Jannah, there is no society as we know it in this Dunya that would warrant such tight regulations on female sexuality."

Since she claims that dunya factors won't be relevant in jannah i asked if she would still entertain the same reasoning when it comes to incest and bestiality. Lo and behold she becomes angry

Using the nature of jannah to argue for the possibility of haram actions in dunya becoming halal in jannah is a very dangerous slope. Once you rationalize the possibility of one haram action you've actually rationalized all of them and there's no going back from this terrain of thought.

It's also not a coincidence that she was rationalizing the possibilities of homosexuality & cuckoldry but not incest & bestiality. The former are all legal in gaalo countries but not the latter, just shows you the impacts of living in such countries has on our Islamic creed.

My point is simple, women want men and men want women. But the average human doesn’t want animals or the same gender and even historically before homosexuality and cuckoldry was allowed in the world, which one do you think was society more worried about? Which one do you think society placed more of an effort into preventing and ask yourself why? Because one is easier to slip into without strict preventative measures simply because women can indeed be attracted to other males and without morals and a tight form of anti freemixing, it can happen. Do people often worry about their wives being around other animals or women? Or do they worry about their wives being around men? Why is that? Because one is unnatural and very unlikely to occur and one is something that humans can easily fall into if they don’t practice self control and morals. Look at Western society now. The rates of adultery amongst women is near enough as high as men. Yet, homosexuality is still very low and beastility hardly occurs. There is like 0.01 rate.

That’s why throughout the ages, we’ve had extreme versions of FC, chastity belts and the list continues. Humans simply wouldn’t put that much energy into preventing something that 98% of the population wouldn’t want to go near.

As for the haram and halal aspect of it. I have a question for you to ponder on:

Women showing their beauty is haram, women freemixing ect. Women doing this makes a man a dayooth as well, hence in your paradigm, is Jannah a place in which women are still obliged to not leave their homes and made to wear hijab? Surely another man seeing the beauty of the wife also makes the husband a dayooth? Is it a place in which a woman is still restricted in their dwelling place? how does that work. So women in Jannah are prevented from traveling around, enjoying the sites, cover themselves ect? Because that makes you a dayooth in the dunya. All that I’ve mentioned are indeed a form of cuckoldry in the Dunya.

It will be hard for you to remain consistent with regards to this question tbh since if you argue that women can indeed show their beauty and freemix and roam around, clearly you too believe that dunya factors won’t be a thing as well.

To put it simply, I reject the premise of comparing something that is so far off regular human feelings like animals, incest and homosexuality which are indeed a mental health issue to women being attracted to men. Do I see where you and some of the brothers are coming from? Yes because women as a whole tend to be monogamous, whilst men have a preference for polygamy but that’s not the whole picture since whilst they prefer sticking to one man, that doesn’t mean they’re not attracted to others. Whilst people on average are repulsed by animals, incest and homosexuality. Hence in what world can you make a comparison?

As for the male hoor thing, that is simply not my concern. Don’t care for it or want it and I don’t know why they do. But I’m against the whole premise of the whole female fitrah narrative since there are a lot of holes in their arguments and comes from a place of not understanding that women can indeed find men in general attractive. Even looking at the story of Nabi Yusuf, some of the women who were taken with his handsomeness were married but found him very beautiful. Was their attraction to him described as going against the female fitrah like some sort of mental sickness that the vast majority should be repulsed by? Or was it something that happened due to his immense beauty? Btw, DO NOT misunderstand me, I’m by no means saying that this shows that women would get ‘hoors’ no not at all. I’m just showing that women have always had the ability to find more than one man handsome ect. So my whole argument is exploring the whole concept of comparing female attractions to more than one to beastility or homosexuality which I think is madness tbh.

Anyways it was nice to have a civilized discussion with you, have a good day.
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Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Ah okay.

it isn’t a dangerous slope since on average women are already attracted to men. It can’t be compared to all the other stuff your mentioning. Are women as a whole attracted to animals or other women? Of course not.

My point is simple, women want men and men want women. But the average human doesn’t want animals or the same gender and even historically before homosexuality and cuckoldry was allowed in the world, which one do you think was society more worried about? Which one do you think society placed more of an effort into preventing and ask yourself why? Because one is easier to slip into without strict preventative measures simply because women can indeed be attracted to other males and without morals and a tight form of anti freemixing, it can happen. Do people often worry about their wives being around other animals or women? Or do they worry about their wives being around men? Why is that? Because one is unnatural and very unlikely to occur and one is something that humans can easily fall into if they don’t practice self control and morals. Look at Western society now. The rates of adultery amongst women is near enough as high as men. Yet, homosexuality is still very low and beastility hardly occurs. There is like 0.01 rate.

That’s why throughout the ages, we’ve had extreme versions of FC, chastity belts and the list continues. Humans simply wouldn’t put that much energy into preventing something that 98% of the population wouldn’t want to go near.

As for the haram and halal aspect of it. I have a question for you to ponder on:

Women showing their beauty is haram, women freemixing ect. Women doing this makes a man a dayooth as well, hence in your paradigm, is Jannah a place in which women are still obliged to not leave their homes and made to wear hijab? Surely another man seeing the beauty of the wife also makes the husband a dayooth? Is it a place in which a woman is still restricted in their dwelling place? how does that work. So women in Jannah are prevented from traveling around, enjoying the sites, cover themselves ect? Because that makes you a dayooth in the dunya. All that I’ve mentioned are indeed a form of cuckoldry in the Dunya.

It will be hard for you to remain consistent with regards to this question tbh.

Hence, I simply reject the premise of comparing something that is so far off regular human feelings like animals, incest and homosexuality which are indeed a mental health issue to women being attracted to men. Do I see where you and some of the brothers are coming from? Yes because women as a whole tend to be monogamous, whilst men have a preference for polygamy but that’s not the whole picture since whilst they prefer sticking to one man, that doesn’t mean they’re not attracted to others. Whilst people on average have 0 attraction to animals, incest and homosexuality.

As for the male hoor thing, that is simply not my concern. Don’t care for it or want it and I don’t know why they do. But I’m against the whole premise of the whole female fitrah narrative since there are a lot of holes in their arguments and comes from a place of not understanding that women can indeed find men in general attractive. Even looking at the story of Nabi Yusuf, some of the women who were taken with his handsomeness were married but found him very beautiful. Was their attraction to him described as going against the female fitrah like some sort of mental sickness? Or was it something that happened due to his immense beauty? Btw, DO NOT misunderstand me, I’m by no means saying that this shows that women would get ‘hoors’ no not at all. I’m just showing that women have always had the ability to find more than one man handsome ect. So my whole argument is exploring the whole concept of comparing female attractions to more than one to beastility or homosexuality which I think is madness tbh.

Anyways it was nice to have a civilized discussion with you, have a good day.

It is a slippery slope as we literally have an example before us of a muslim woman wanting to be in a homosexual relationship in jannah. She bases her entire argument that we will be granted whatever we desire in jannah and says that i have no right to criticize her just because my own desires differs from hers.

Since human desires are subjective people can wish for whatever they want and the nature of jannah makes this is a possibility according to her. So whether the average woman isn't attracted to her gender is of no importance here as long as there exists women who are they've a right to wish for what they want.

So the legality of allowing homosexual relationships isn't based on whether they're a minority or not but on the freedom to choose whatever a person desires. Since dunya factors are irrelevant in jannah all the more reason for any individual to ask for whatever they desire. This is why i stated that the moment one rationalizes such haram actions it's opens the gate to do the exact same for other types of haram actions.

It's contradictory to engage in such rationalizations and argue against it only when it leads to outcomes that you find revolting and disgusting.

With regards to your example of hijab in jannah my position on it is to believe that the same rules will apply as i find very hard to believe that people will be walking around showing their awrah etc. So the safe option is to believe that what's been revealed in dunya will apply in jannah rather than engage in hypotheticals.
It is a slippery slope as we literally have an example before us of a muslim woman wanting to be in a homosexual relationship in jannah. She bases her entire argument that we will be granted whatever we desire in jannah and says that i have no right to criticize her just because my own desires differs from hers.

Since human desires are subjective people can wish for whatever they want and the nature of jannah makes this is a possibility according to her. So whether the average woman isn't attracted to her gender is of no importance here as long as there exists women who are they've a right to wish for what they want.

So the legality of allowing homosexual relationships isn't based on whether they're a minority or not but on the freedom to choose whatever a person desires. Since dunya factors are irrelevant in jannah all the more reason for any individual to ask for whatever they desire. This is why i stated that the moment one rationalizes such haram actions it's opens the gate to do the exact same for other types of haram actions.

It's contradictory to engage in such rationalizations and argue against it only when it leads to outcomes that you find revolting and disgusting.
Fair enough.
With regards to your example of hijab in jannah my position on it is to believe that the same rules will apply as i find very hard to believe that people will be walking around showing their awrah etc. So the safe option is to believe that what's been revealed in dunya will apply in jannah rather than engage in hypotheticals.
LOL, find it hard to believe do you?

So hijab for women, no traveling without a Mahram and all of the rules of restriction? Hence from your perspective Jannah is clearly a place that women won’t be free. But you as a man have no restrictions? You can drink wine, wear gold and silk and sleep with as many women to your hearts content whom that wouldn’t be the case in the Dunya. So Jannah is essentially a place of restrictions for women and not men from your perspective LOL. That is why you ‘find it hard to believe’.

Khair. Btw, most scholars do not believe there is any evidence that a woman has to wear hijab in Jannah. But the fact that some of you men think that’s a just reward for women who have been restricted and strived in the dunya tells me everything I need to know tbh. Freedom and the delights of Jannah is only for men in your world view.

In your pardigm there are 0 restrictions for men. The only restrictions you’d be able to think of would be violent and unusual ones and that include murder, r-word, incest ect that most normal sane humans would never find pleasurable. You have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of the most deplorable and fringe things. But for women simple and pleasurable acts of no hijab, roaming and the like is heavily restricted in heaven from your perspective.

It’s of no wonder we have a lot of confused and demoralized Muslim women.
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