Muslim Twitter debates the existence of 'male hoors'

An example of some of these females on this forum

This is their mentality

its just the world is sooo harsh and I want to go to jannah. So financial security and good character it is :francis: You best believe I'm gonna be a h** when I'm in jannah
Next they'll try to tell us that we need mahrems to explore the heavens.

There is no limit to the fragility of the pathetic male psyche, I am convinced that "some" of them are dreaming of enslaving these 'houris'. It's very clear to me, that a good number of them, only enjoy the presence of women, if those women are under duress or subjugated to them.
Next they'll try to tell us that we need mahrems to explore the heavens.

There is no limit to the fragility of the pathetic male psyche.
Honestly, the reason why I found the male hoor argument silly is because I know the vast majority of the women arguing for it, probably do not care to be with or want multiple men. But the issue at hand is that many women are made to feel by Muslim men that Jannah is a place in which it’s delights are solely for men.

In Jannah there is no restrictions for men. They can drink wine, wear gold and silk, be with as much women as their hearts wants. Listen to Music, singing ect. All of those are haram in the dunya but it’s okay in the akhira since that’s the secret desires of man.

According to men though, we will be forced to wear our jilbaabs, can’t roam around the delights of Jannah due to dunya restrictions ect but we will be happy since we women shouldn’t have the desire to be free. Anyone with an atom’s worth of common sense can see how unfair and selfishly self-serving that portrayal is.

I know as a Muslim woman Jannah is a place that one can’t even imagine and usually I don’t like indulging in these conversations ect but imagine being a girl listening to these men graphically talk about Hur-Al-ayn about their beauty and bodies and you’re told that you not only will be sharing your man which is the ultimate nightmare of women in the dunya, you have to wear a jilbaab something that women also struggle with in the dunya and might potentially be restricted to your home despite the fact that all of us women dream to roam free, whilst they the men travel around, enjoy nearly everything that humans crave that was denied in the dunya like wine, music, the opposite gender ect.

How can any sane man not think that there mindset which they feel to inflict on women on twitter and social media isn’t going to demoralize women, increase doubts and create nonsense discourse like male Hur-ul-ayn as a way to comfort themselves due to the shambolic narrative that many men spout? Why do we have so many women writing to scholars specially asking, what do WE women get?
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Honestly, the reason why I found the male hoor argument silly is because I know the vast majority of the women arguing for it, probably do not care to be with or wanr multiple men. But the issue at hand is that many women are made to feel by Muslim men that Jannah is a place in which it’s delights are solely for them.

Exactly, walahi never have I even thought of such a thing. At most I considered a handsome heavenly MAN, singular. But some of my sisters, are not monogamous by nature, and are only doing it out of fear of Allah SWT.

In Jannah there is no restrictions for men. They can drink wine, wear gold and silk, be with as much women as their hearts content. Listen to Music, singing ect.

According to men though, we will be forced to wear our jilbaabs, can’t roam around the delights of Jannah due to dunya restrictions ect.
Can you imagine, being told, after covering up SOLELY out of the fear of Allah, that we havea dress-code in heaven? And if we are appalled at this, they'll try to call us heathens.

I know as a Muslim woman Jannah is a place that one can’t even imagine and usually I don’t like indulging in these conversations ect but imagine being a girl listening to these men graphically talk about Hur-Al-ayn about their beauty and bodies and you’re told that you not only will be sharing your man, you have to wear a jilbaab and might potentially be restricted to your home whilst they the men enjoy nearly everything that humans crave that was denied in the dunya like wine, music, the opposite gender ect.

How can any sane man not think that there mindset which they feel to inflict on women on twitter and social media isn’t going to demoralize women, increase doubts and create nonsense discourse like male Hur-ul-ayn as a way to comfort themselves due to the shambolic narrative that many men spout?

I am so glad you said the last paragraph especially. Because that's why we make sure to respond to their propaganda, because they are purposefully trying to bully and demoralise us against our religion. They have successfully scared away curious gaalo women, and they are trying to come for us. Some of them have even recruited Muslim "converts" like Andrew Tate and that streamer man, to gleefully pile on Muslim women, falsely depicting us as livestock and slaves.

Walahi Muslim women are very patient and very strong, and may Allah SWT reward us for it.
The way I see it is that Muslim Twitter’s goal is to drive Muslim women out of Islam, you can see on there just how much they hyperfixate on women and bully them regarding things about the deen. It’s like every day Muslim men from that side of the app choose a topic to degrade Muslim women on in an attempt to make Islam seem men’s only. It’s as if only the men can benefit from the religion completely forgetting that Allah SWT made men AND women to worship Him only.

My advice is to just ignore that side of Twitter, their goal is to cause fitnah and drive women away, and Allah SWT sees all.
Exactly, walahi never have I even thought of such a thing. At most I considered a handsome heavenly MAN, singular. But some of my sisters, are not monogamous by nature, and are only doing it out of fear of Allah SWT.

Can you imagine, being told, after covering up SOLELY out of the fear of Allah, that we havea dress-code in heaven? And if we are appalled at this, they'll try to call us heathens.

I am so glad you said the last paragraph especially. Because that's why we make sure to respond to their propaganda, because they are purposefully trying to bully and demoralise us against our religion. They have successfully scared away curious gaalo women, and they are trying to come for us. Some of them have even recruited Muslim "converts" like Andrew Tate and that streamer man, to gleefully pile on Muslim women, falsely depicting us as livestock and slaves.

Walahi Muslim women are very patient and very strong, and may Allah SWT reward us for it.
Yes and whilst these men portray heaven as a buffet of delights for themselves, they tell us it’s lock and key behind closed doors and hijab for us and to add insult to injury, they’ll twist Hadith and throw the Hadith that we women are mostly destined to hell in our faces. In the face of all of that, women who are demoralized or question this logic are screamed at and told that they’re deviants. Allah being the most just will surely punish these narcs.
Firstly on average, women don’t want to be with multiple men the way men want to be with multiple women. In fact the idea lowkey makes me sick. Men aren’t special enough for me to want multiple ones. Also, a male β€˜hoor’ could be for women who don’t want a husband from the dunya, but one specially for them and only one.

But either way, I find this debate and topic hilarious. Really goes to show how men truly believe that the delights of Jannah is only for them. From Muslim women being mocked by these men constantly that they’re going to be the majority in hell, to Muslim men being angry that women could possibly want mates that aren’t of this world ect in Jannah.

Supposedly, Jannah is a place for women in which they’ll share their husbands with multiple women and they’ll only get their Dunya husbands and nothing else. They’ll lower their gaze to only their man whilst their husbands can have dozens and dozens of women, all whilst women who have strived in the Dunya are given this reward. Supposedly, there will be no jealousy in Jannah, hence if that’s the case, surely men won’t feel any jealousy as well? What if a woman doesn’t want to share her husband in Jannah? What then? Allah is all powerful and anything is possible?

Anways, I’m not saying that women get Hoors. Male β€˜Hoors’ isn’t even grammatically correct, and tbh I have no interest in that nonsense but the illogical comments and meltdown of the men is a sight to behold.
speak for yourself. I want a garden full of male hoors that are all handsome, tall, bearded and with long hair.


Instead of owning up to your mistakes you simply deflect them away. No amount of hiding under the pretence of misogyny or weaponising the deen excuses will make what you did go away.

Mudug gal’s posts where she sarcastically laments about how women should know their place is indeed mockery of Islamic ethos pertaining to women. One user even asks her β€œ What’s with the stand up”

Not only is homosexuality haram but also cuckoldry in fact a man who is apathetic or permissive with regards to unchaste behaviour of his female relatives, wife etc will not enter jannah. Such a man in Islam is called a dayouth, yet here you’re fantasising engaging in cuckoldry in jannah of all places !.

Whatever Allah made haram in this dunya will remain haram in the hereafter unless there exists clear cut Islamic evidence stating otherwise.
Yes I did that. And you would do it too for a check🀫😏


Yes, because you can't own up to mistakes you never actually made, fool. I won't let you shame me into submission when you don't have any actual leg to stand on.

This tells me everything I need to know about you. You can't even interpret the way Gen Z communicate with one another, but you still feel comfortable trying to imply @Moon- took part in making light of the seriousness of Islam.

I'll explain what was meant by the actual comment she made which was "girl what's this stand up". It's a means of expressing feelings of bewilderment at the sight of some type of self-hating behaviour, in this case, it was @Mudug_gyal lamenting the struggle of being a woman in this world in a satirical manner.

It's not a mockery of Islamic ethos by any means, but rather a mockery of how it is viewed and pushed by the barrage of hateful male users we have to put up with who do make a mockery of the diin.

They're the ones who minimize the beautiful depth of this religion we all adhere to merely a form of aggressively controlling the sexuality of women they'll never meet! But you only have smoke for some silly little jokes between women. Naga teg!

@Angelina already addressed this poorly thought-out line of logic in depth in Posts #76, #83 #98 and #116. Try reading them, maybe you'll learn something.

But I'll leave you this, the reasons why Allah (SWT) banned homosexuality and cuckoldry are directly tied to the smooth functioning of society, a means of managing our most base, human impulses to prevent all-out havoc and societal dysfunction.

However, in Jannah, there is no society as we know it in this Dunya that would warrant such tight regulations on female sexuality.

Therefore, that in conjunction with the fact that Allah (SWT) allows us, both men and women, to have whatever our hearts desire in Jannah, it really isn't a stretch for your average young Muslim woman to come to the conclusion of having their own sexual pleasures in the akhirah without the interference of "feminist" and/or "liberal" brainwashing from the liberal kuffar powers that be.

Even the end of your rant, "unless there exists clear cut Islamic evidence stating otherwise." implies uncertainty in your own position based solely on empirical evidence, so what really is motivating you to come for me with so much fervor?

I think we both know the answer to that one.

GAGGED HIM! 😭 its quiet ain’t no back talk😏
Ms @DojaKhat do you want male hoors?
Me asf
Marilyn Monroe Pink Dress GIF


Yes and whilst these men portray heaven as a buffet of delights for themselves, they tell us it’s lock and key behind closed doors and hijab for us and to add insult to injury, they’ll twist Hadith and throw the Hadith that we women are mostly destined to hell in our faces. In the face of all of that, women who are demoralized or question this logic are screamed at and told that they’re deviants. Allah being the most just will surely punish these narcs.
Sister Allah is the most fair. These men are just speculating lets not give them credit.
It's also not a coincidence that she was rationalizing the possibilities of homosexuality & cuckoldry but not incest & bestiality. The former are all legal in gaalo countries but not the latter, just shows you the impacts of living in such countries has on our Islamic creed.
Hey, if you grew up on the east coast of Australia, you'd be attached to the Dunya too, mate.


Hey, if you grew up on the east coast of Australia, you'd be attached to the Dunya too, mate.
Abayo on what basis are they saying whats haram or not in Jannah? When men have 72 allocated virgins plus a wife? When wine is allowed? A lot of haram stuff are allowed? Theres nothing that states that women wont be allowed hoori?
Yes and whilst these men portray heaven as a buffet of delights for themselves, they tell us it’s lock and key behind closed doors and hijab for us and to add insult to injury, they’ll twist Hadith and throw the Hadith that we women are mostly destined to hell in our faces. In the face of all of that, women who are demoralized or question this logic are screamed at and told that they’re deviants. Allah being the most just will surely punish these narcs.
Angie, do you ever get tired of this cycle? I'm genuinely asking.

Every single day, you come on here and encounter another hateful Muslim guy spewing misogynistic rhetoric and you counter the arguments they make for our subjugation being 'halal'. Then the next morning, they return with new arguments to justify our lesser value, for you to refute once more, and the cycle continues.

It's like we have to negotiate our right to JUST exist as Muslim women, to f*cking breathe. I couldn't even pose hypotheticals of experiencing various pleasures in Jannah, without being berated for 'cucking my husband' (despite me being quite literally unmarried), advocating for homosexuality in Jannah (despite my initial post being a joke and he knows that) and pushing immorality despite him not being active in the NSFW section condemning real immorality there :rolleyes:

What's the point of engaging with the wider Muslim community at this point? Shouldn't we just isolate ourselves and interact with sisters only at this point?

Even gaalo women who put up with higher rates of SA and domestic violence don't have to put up with this specific type of psychological warfare, where their mere female existence is treated with suspicion and a whole lot of 'slippery slope' fallacy, so what's the point?


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Fair enough.

LOL, find it hard to believe do you?

So hijab for women, no traveling without a Mahram and all of the rules of restriction? Hence from your perspective Jannah is clearly a place that women won’t be free. But you as a man have no restrictions? You can drink wine, wear gold and silk and sleep with as many women to your hearts content whom that wouldn’t be the case in the Dunya. So Jannah is essentially a place of restrictions for women and not men from your perspective LOL. That is why you β€˜find it hard to believe’.

Khair. Btw, most scholars do not believe there is any evidence that a woman has to wear hijab in Jannah. But the fact that some of you men think that’s a just reward for women who have been restricted and strived in the dunya tells me everything I need to know tbh. Freedom and the delights of Jannah is only for men in your world view.

In your pardigm there are 0 restrictions for men. The only restrictions you’d be able to think of would be violent and unusual ones and that include murder, r-word, incest ect that most normal sane humans would never find pleasurable. You have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of the most deplorable and fringe things. But for women simple and pleasurable acts of no hijab, roaming and the like is heavily restricted in heaven from your perspective.

It’s of no wonder we have a lot of confused and demoralized Muslim women.

Yes i find it hard to believe that people for instance will be naked or be engaging in unchaste behaviour etc.

Walaal i truly believe that the issue stems from adopting assumptions that force you look at things a certain way. It's this assumption that needs to be examined before anything else. Why is your idea of being free dependent on what a man says or how he acts or even what's given to him ? Why is your worth as a woman tied to be being treated the same as a man in all aspects of life ? why is your freedom attached to that of a man ?

What stops you from wishing for travel and adventure that's encompassed in your eternal abode that far surpasses anything in the dunya. The last person to enter jannah will get the world and ten times more in terms of reward. Imagine this being your jannah that's larger than 10x of this dunya as your eternal abode.

There's so much that you as can ask for that are far greater in reward than having no hijab, travelling alone yet you only cite the above as examples why is this ? why limit your definition of freedom to not wearing hijab etc ?
Abayo on what basis are they saying whats haram or not in Jannah? When men have 72 allocated virgins plus a wife? When wine is allowed? A lot of haram stuff are allowed? Theres nothing that states that women wont be allowed hoori?
We have several verses from the Quran, authentic hadith that range from strong to weak in its chain of narration and if all else fails, rational arguments.


Yes i find it hard to believe that people for instance will be naked or be engaging in unchaste behaviour etc.

Walaal i truly believe that the issue stems from adopting assumptions that force you look at things a certain way. It's this assumption that needs to be examined before anything else. Why is your idea of being free dependent on what a man says or how he acts or even what's given to him ? Why is your worth as a woman tied to be being treated the same as a man in all aspects of life ? why is your freedom attached to that of a man ?

What stops you from wishing for travel and adventure that's encompassed in your eternal abode that far surpasses anything in the dunya. The last person to enter jannah will get the world and ten times more in terms of reward. Imagine this being your jannah that's larger than 10x of this dunya as your eternal abode.

There's so much that you as can ask for that are far greater in reward than having no hijab, travelling alone yet you only cite the above as examples why is this ? why limit your definition of freedom to not wearing hijab etc ?
why is your freedom attached to that of a man ?
The irony of you asking this question? Walaal you are doing islam a disservice by your shallow misogynistic toned arguments. Its ok to say youre not educated on a certain topic. Cheers

