Men don't have a safe space to open up

Any man that starts off a sentence with I feel like, should get slapped in the face.

A man should be the rock a woman’s emotions crash into and not her competitor in the victim Olympics. (A female sport).
Never open up to a women and never let a women buy you anything. The second she gets mad at you she will say the most hurtful shit that you opened up to her about " This why your damn abo don't wanna be in your life cause you act like this" or she can hit you with the "if you don't like the way i'm acting give me back my damn insert item she gifted you"


LOL bro, even if she saw you crying when your mom or someone close died, she'd use that in a future argument... she'd be like ''oh remember that time you cried like a baby when your mom died''?
Why as a man do you need a 'safe space' to open up and cry to a women. Even the thought of it is disgusting. Who does this???
:gucciwhat: I never use what people tell me as ammunition against them.

The emotional fridge approach does not work nor does expecting a therapist (unilaterally). Like @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 and @The alchemist mentioned in a previous thread being emotionally aware and balanced is best. This is a skill that requires some flexibility. And I would presume involves mutual disclosure and trust.
I believe a man should likely not open up about things normally. You can be balanced in your conduct as a man without instantly reducing yourself to a disrespect-worthy punk in the woman's eyes.

There are levels and nuances to this.
Because women despise weak men, opening up to women makes them pity you. Lol It’s a major ick.
Tbh men shouldn't open up to women, it's not their role. Men should be opening up to their fathers or elders in the community for advice, only a man can understand the male perspective. I can completely understand why women would feel the ick, you're supposed to be the rock in the relationship and lead your wife


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Don't listen to men, about what women like and don't like.

Women do like a man that opens up IF, and I mean, IF, he also allows space for the woman to share her thoughts also. But when a man, starts treating a woman like a therapist, and only talks about his thoughts and feelings, without reciprocating the conversation, it's a MAJOR ick.
You don't ask a fish how to catch fish. You ask the fisherman.
Clueless you are.
Any man that starts off a sentence with I feel like, should get slapped in the face.

A man should be the rock a woman’s emotions crash into and not her competitor in the victim Olympics. (A female sport).

It pissed me off when I hear men use 'I feel like' excessively.


The only time I've ever opened up was back home under a tree in the middle of a field amongst my brothers, drinking tea and chewing khat.

The majority of us know how it feels to carry a burden, so we don't like passing it on to others, loneliness is our blanket, and death our fire, as a man we're designed to hold onto burdens and still be the foundation of our family, a weak foundation and the whole house collapses.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I believe a man should likely not open up about things normally. You can be balanced in your conduct as a man without instantly reducing yourself to a disrespect-worthy punk in the woman's eyes.

There are levels and nuances to this.
By disrespect worthy, do you mean being honest about shortcomings? In that case, it's like a sword of Damocles over your head. I wouldn't advise it. I presume you hate the word 'vulnerable' or 'feelings,' as some other fellows have said.
By disrespect worthy, do you mean being honest about shortcomings? In that case, it's like a sword of Damocles over your head. I wouldn't advise it. I presume you hate the word 'vulnerable' or 'feelings,' as some other fellows have said.
I think there are intelligent, nuanced, and graceful ways to move as a man instead of being a b*tch.
Same thing happened to me lol, she pushed me so hard into opening up and ended me being using it against me literally in the same week lmao. I’ll never open up to anyone again except to my parents

not even. I once told hooyo my hairline might be going as a joke. next day I made my niece cry and she called me BALD with no hesitation I was shook

lesson learned that day