Mathow VS Somali

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Aisha was always referred to as bikr, which literally means “an adult unmarried woman who is a virgin.”
If she was a 9 or 6 year old she would've been referred to as a jariyah

She was married in 622 CE 12 years after she accepted Islam. (7 + 12 =19 years).

@ItsHanna @Generalissimo @WiilWaalan
Aisha was always referred to as bikr, which literally means “an adult unmarried woman who is a virgin.”
If she was a 9 or 6 year old she would've been referred to as a jariyah

She was married in 622 CE 12 years after she accepted Islam. (7 + 12 =19 years).

@ItsHanna @Generalissimo @WiilWaalan

In the most authentic and holy book in Islam after the Quran, the Sahih Bukhari, it clearly states:

"Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234"

There you have it not from you, not from me, not from a sheikh, but from Aisha herself.

Another thing, it also states in Sahih Bukhari that Aisha was playing with dolls when she was married to Muhammed

Now think about this, In the holy Quran it clearly states that playing with dolls is HARAM for anyone who is mature (an adult), now Aisha was playing with dolls when Muhammed married her, evidence here:

"Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me.

This means that Aisha had not reached the age of puberty when she married Muhammed because she was playing with dolls and dolls are haram for anyone who IS matured, Aisha was playing with dolls which means she had NOT matured. See the point im making? This is conclusive proof that Muhammed married her when she was 6, on top of the fact that its explicitly stated in the most strong chain of narration that she was only 9 when muhammed fucked her.

You have been exposed


In the most authentic and holy book in Islam after the Quran, the Sahih Bukhari, it clearly states:

"Narrated Aisha: The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234"

There you have it not from you, not from me, not from a sheikh, but from Aisha herself.

Another thing, it also states in Sahih Bukhari that Aisha was playing with dolls when she was married to Muhammed

Now think about this, In the holy Quran it clearly states that playing with dolls is HARAM for anyone who is mature (an adult), now Aisha was playing with dolls when Muhammed married her, evidence here:

"Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me.

This means that Aisha had not reached the age of puberty when she married Muhammed because she was playing with dolls and dolls are haram for anyone who IS matured, Aisha was playing with dolls which means she had NOT matured. See the point im making? This is conclusive proof that Muhammed married her when she was 6, on top of the fact that its explicitly stated in the most strong chain of narration that she was only 9 when muhammed fucked her.

You have been exposed
You know that in Islam, A girl that has not matured is a girl that hasn't reached her period yet, And Aisha (ra) could've been any age.
This hadith cannot be true for several reasons. First, the Prophet could not have gone against Allah's OWN words to marry a physically and mentally immature child. Secondly, the age of Aisha (ra) can be easily calculated from the age of her elder sister Hazrat Asma who was 10 years older than Aisha (ra). Waliuddin Muhammad Abdullah Al-Khateeb al Amri Tabrizi, in his biography of narrators (Asma ur Rijal), writes that Hazrat Asma died in the year 73 Hijri at the age of 100, ten or twelve days after the martyrdom of her son Abdullah Ibn Zubair. It is common knowledge that the Islamic calendar starts from the year of the Hijrah or the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina.

Therefore, by deducting 73, the year of Hazrat Asma’s death, from 100, her age at that time, we can easily conclude that she was 27 years old during Hijra.

This puts the age of Hazrat Aisha at 17 or 16 during the same period. As all biographers of the Prophet agree that he consummated his marriage with Hazrat Aisha in the year 2 Hijri it can be conclusively said that she was 19 at that time and not nine as alleged in the aforementioned hadiths.

I go by Allah's words, But if you want to think that way thats fine.
Adigu iyo Illahi in ka dhaxeya.
You know that in Islam, A girl that has not matured is a girl that hasn't reached her period yet, And Aisha (ra) could've been any age.
This hadith cannot be true for several reasons. First, the Prophet could not have gone against Allah's OWN words to marry a physically and mentally immature child. Secondly, the age of Aisha (ra) can be easily calculated from the age of her elder sister Hazrat Asma who was 10 years older than Aisha (ra). Waliuddin Muhammad Abdullah Al-Khateeb al Amri Tabrizi, in his biography of narrators (Asma ur Rijal), writes that Hazrat Asma died in the year 73 Hijri at the age of 100, ten or twelve days after the martyrdom of her son Abdullah Ibn Zubair. It is common knowledge that the Islamic calendar starts from the year of the Hijrah or the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina.

Therefore, by deducting 73, the year of Hazrat Asma’s death, from 100, her age at that time, we can easily conclude that she was 27 years old during Hijra.

This puts the age of Hazrat Aisha at 17 or 16 during the same period. As all biographers of the Prophet agree that he consummated his marriage with Hazrat Aisha in the year 2 Hijri it can be conclusively said that she was 19 at that time and not nine as alleged in the aforementioned hadiths.

I go by Allah's words, But if you want to think that way thats fine.
Adigu iyo Illahi in ka dhaxeya.

"I go by Allahs Word" Ok if you go by Allah's word why do you neglect a passage in the most holy book in Islam after the Quran? If you accept instructions on how to pray in the Sahih Bukhari then why reject the passage where it said Muhammed married Aisha when she was 6 and consummated the marriage at 9? Its in the same book. Why do you pick and choose what you want to believe in. This is not my Opinion, this is the Sahih Bukhari you are rejecting which is a very un-islamic thing to do. It's very obvious you are shying away from these verses in the hadith because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Instead of trying to rationalise the irrational, open your eyes

Why is it every Muslim scholar, ruler throughout centuries did not 'follow this Sunnah' of marrying children aged 9? Because it didn't happen. No hadith book is perfect, only the Quran had no imperfections.

You kafirs can carry on mocking hell like many did before you, a lot of the youth who became Muslim during the life of the prophet had parents who mocked such as you are mocking, and when they died their sons saw them in the dream state wailing and screaming in agony.

Just don't come running to us for water, wallahi you nacalads are in for a deep surprise, silly ignorant women. :banderas:

And it will be said: ‘This Day We will forget you as you forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours. And your abode is the Fire, and there is none to help you.’

This, because you took the Revelations of Allaah (this Qur’aan) in mockery, and the life of the world deceived you. So this Day, they shall not be taken out from there (Hell), nor shall they be returned to the worldly life (so that they repent to Allaah, and beg His Pardon for their sins)”

[al-Jaathiyah 45:34-35]

That is all I have to say.
where supposed to be afraid of hell because some niggas had bad dreams? welp
Yes, not every Hadith in Bukhari is correct, this hadith was narrated by Hisham ibn Urwah ibn Zubeir in Iraq when he was in his 70s.

Imam Malik ibn Anas said he takes from Hisham what he narrated in Medina, but not Iraq because he was of old age and susceptible to memory loss.

This is why your statement falls short because you believe Bukhari is absolutely perfect, whereas it isn't, so get off your high horse and stop ing about the deen when you've left it Lacanatullah calayk.
then why do you follow the hadith when you admit a lot of it isn't accurate or "perfect" as you put it
then why do you follow the hadith when you admit a lot of it isn't accurate or "perfect" as you put it

Exactly, why not just not pray at all, in the same book it tells us to pray, it also tells us that Muhammed married aisha at 6, you can't pick and choose in Islam what you believe in otherwise you're no different from Christians

no brother, i would NEVER! I'm not like these lost souls wondering around with no morals or direction in life :fittytousand:

But you just implied the hadiths about the prophet marrying and having sex with an underaged girl are canon?:browtf:

Also, fyi, you could live a moral life without being religious. :damedamn:


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
Sick atheists insulting our xabib, Nuural Cayni Muhammad Ibn Abdullah May Allah's mercy shower upon him.

Why do you insult the greatest creation of mankind



I would kill everyone of you if you said this in real life


You sound like a psycho get some help. How did we insult the prophet? We just pointed out he married Aisha at 6 years old and consummated the marriage at nine years old. Does that trigger you?
For the record, it is undeniable the Prophet married Aishah at 6 and consummated at 9. Sahib Bukhari is infallible when it comes to Islamic jurisprudence, why would Bukhari suddenly be unreliable with this particular topic?

All those denying it are being disingenuous.
For the record, it is undeniable the Prophet married Aishah at 6 and consummated at 9. Sahib Bukharin is infallible when it comes to Islamic jurisprudence, why would Bukharin suddenly be unreliable with this particular topic?

All those denying it are being disingenuous.

@Jjero This applies to you.:mjohreally:
If the Prophet (scw) marrying Aisha (ra) was an issue, the Quraish, other pagan Arabs, Jews etc who used to attack the Prophet (scw) in whatever capacity they could would've made a big deal out of it. Especially considering they wanted to character assassinate him (calling him a magician, madman, liar etc) so as to question the authenticity and legitimacy of the Qur'an and the message of Islam. But they didn't. Not a word. What does that tell you?

Besides, people who accept and promote sodomy and other filth have no moral ground to stand on. :camby:
If the Prophet (scw) marrying Aisha (ra) was an issue, the Quraish, other pagan Arabs, Jews etc who used to attack the Prophet (scw) in whatever capacity they could would've made a big deal out of it. Especially considering they wanted to character assassinate him (calling him a magician, madman, liar etc) so as to question the authenticity and legitimacy of the Qur'an and the message of Islam. But they didn't. Not a word. What does that tell you?

Besides, people who accept and promote sodomy and other filth have no moral ground to stand on. :camby:

So you're saying because his enemies didn't make it a big deal, it was normal behaviour to have sexual relations with a 9 year old at the time?
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