Marriage age?

Age of your partner

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How is a 30 year old guy with a 19 or 20 years old girl a predator?
You are a women and you were 18, your statement applies to yourself and other xalimos.
Either way theres nothing to benefit from this level of infantilization. Someone that's 18 is mentally developed to determine if they want to have sex or not
Targeting young girls is predatory. When i was 18 and an older guy approached me, adults would ward them off. Even now when I'm 21 they still do that :sass2: Any woman under 25 is usually protected from older males by the adults surrounding her cuz they know these men are predators. The fact that the adults in these women's lives are so wary of them should mean something. If it wasn't a prob, why are the adults wary and unaccepting then?
Personally, being 20, I'm not going for a 15 year old. He needs to be at least 23/24 before I consider him.
I'm talking about when you're in your late 20s, at marriageable age.


Y’all niggas are such losers that you can’t even bag women around your own age range 😂 believe me 2000s chicks don’t want y’all fossils
Bro you’re fucking born in 1997-1998 nobody born after 2001 will ever touch you 😂 We prefer to date people around our own age instead of a loser that can’t get a woman born in the same century as him
Lies women on average are attracted to men who are older than them, did you know the average age gap between a man and women in marriage is 6 years?


If it applies to their own younger sisters being 15-20 and being groomed by an adeer they would lose their shit.

But since it ain’t family nothing is stopping these animals :kodaksmiley:


Lies women on average are attracted to men who are older than them, did you know the average age gap between a man and women in marriage is 6 years?
Women, ESPECIALLY ETHNIC WOMEN, mostly go for a white man in that category. Nobody wants a broke 3rd wold guy who’s 5 years +.

y’all put yourself on such a huge pedestal thinking anybody would go for you lot 😂


Guys these Somali girls/women are a funny bunch.. The same folks defending a couple consisting of a 65 years old and a xalimo in her twenties will call a Somali farax in his thirties getting a younger wife 19 or 20 a thi point Wa Xaasidnimo wallahi :kanyehmm:
looks at you turning the goodwill of women protecting young girls into "xaasidnimo". WATCH OUT GIRLS! this is manipulation from older men wanting access to young girls


I was born under 2000s and I can't stand older men. They give me the creeps

They genuinely think we are attracted to guys born before 1999, unless they are physically beautiful (not attractive, BUT BEAUTIUL) and are loaded, we wouldn’t even give them an eye glance.

There are literally guys born in 2000-2004 who are appropriate & better for us that grew up with the same things we grew up in.

I wasn’t even born when lion king was released, Beyoncé made her solo debut or when 9/11 happened what do I and a nigga born in the last century have in common 😂
looks at you turning the goodwill of women protecting young women into "xaasidnimo". WATCH OUT GIRLS! this is manipulation from older men wanting access to young girls
Lool.. There's plenty of younger girls/women who are into older guys.. I'm just saying. And no I would never manipulate any woman into anything, alhamdulillah.. My opinion is based on real life situations and couples of all kind of ethnicities..


Somali supremacist

They genuinely think we are attracted to guys born before 1999, unless they are physically beautiful (not attractive, BUT BEAUTIUL) and are loaded, we wouldn’t even give them an eye glance.

There are literally guys born in 2000-2004 who are appropriate & better for us that grew up with the same things we grew up in.

I wasn’t even born when lion king was released, Beyoncé made her solo debut or when 9/11 happened what do I and a nigga born in the last century have in common 😂
Ms @Xoxoxo why are you limiting yourself maybe you’re true love is in his mid 30s
Who knows.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
🤣Women want older men,men want younger women it's always been like this.
In this day and age u will be called a preditor for going for a chick that's in her early 20s while u in your late 20s🤣funny world we living in.

Many women do not want to consider dating a man who is similar in age to them because they view them as immature and financially unstable.

🤣And when those same guys go for younger girls the ''he is a preditor'' scream starts kkkkkkk war let da masakiin niggas live gahhhdamn
bro you’re 24 year old, born in the 1900s and are attracted to girls born after 2004
U sound like a old hag that been to insecure with herself to get married or your over the age of 30 and kinda start realizing how hard it is to get married at that age cuz u was fucking around in your younger days but if a 24 year old men wants to marry a 18 your old it's really none of ur buiessness naaya