Lorry Driver in Somaliland arrested and truck impounded after running over two expensive dogs imported from Germany with an EU Passport


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I can't stop laughing at this, I bet if someone run over Southern Somalis in bright day light in Hargeisa no one would have went to jail for it unlike this story right here.:draketf:

Anyway, these two supposedly to be well trained were run over by one of the khat importers in SL.

The owner of the dogs claims both of his babies are in serious condition and it cost him UpTo $6250 each to bring them over to SL.

The poor trucker was finally releases and his truck is impounded lot where it will be sold off to pay the dog owner for the damages done on his dogs.

Nin Hargaysa Ku Jiidhay Ey Baasaaboorleh Oo La Xidhay​

Saturday November 27, 2021 - 13:31:08
'' Eeyda hadaf baan u keenay waxaanu dooneynay in ay ka qayb galaan..."
Booliska magaalada Hargeysa ee Jamhuuriyadda iskeed ugu dhawaaqday madaxbanaannida ee Somaliland ayaa xabsi u taxaabay nin kaddib markii uu gaari jiirsiiyey eey qaali ah.

Axmed Nuur Cabdiraxmaan, oo ah darawal baabuur nooca Xamuulka ah wada ayaa muddo laba maalmood ku jiray saldhig ku yaalla Hargeysa iyadoo eeygii uu jiirayna uu soo gaaray dhaawac hadda laga daweynayo.

Eeyga gaadhigu jiidhay oo ah mid dhidig ah iyo mid kale oo lab waxa laga keenay waddanka Jarmalka sida uu BBC-da u sheegay Dr Cabdiqani Cali Warancadde, oo ah mulkiilaha Eey-ga la jiidhay, waxaana uu intaa ku daray in ay si gaar ah u tababaran yihiin.

'' Labadan eey noocooda waxaa la yidhaahdaa Rottweiler, dhawaan ayaannu waddanka keenay waxa aannu ka keenay Waddanka Jarmalka. Baasaaboor ayay leeyihiin,'' ayuu yiri Cabdiqani Cali Warancadde.

Ninka loo haysto inuu jiidhay eeyga oo hore maxkamadda gobolka Maroodi-jeex ugu jartay rumaan '' Xabsi ku sii hayn ah'' ayaa hadda lagu sii daayay damiin balse gaadhigiisii ayaa weli ku jira xarunta Ciidamada Taraafikada welina go'aan lagama gaadhin kiiskan.

Xaaladda Caafimaad ee Eey-ga.
Dr Cabdiqani Cali Warancadde, ayaa sheegay in xaaladda Caafimaad ee eey-gu tahay mid liidato, waxaana waxyeelo ka soo gaadhay qaarka dambe ee jirka gaar ahaana Misigta.

'' Socodka way gurguuranaysaa, aad bay u liidataa Dhakhtar waannu gaynay laakiin wax la kabi karo ma ahan. Eey-dan markii horeba waxa loo tababaray in ay ordaan in ay tuugta soo qabtaan in la geeyo meelaha ammaanka si ay baaritaanka uga qeybqaataan tiina ma qaban karaan hadda ''.

Maxaa labadan Eey loo keenay Somaliland ?
Milkiilaha lahi labadan eey ayaa sheegay in ujeedka loo keenay tahay sidii ay gacan u siin lahaayeen Ciimada Ammaanka Somaliland gaar ahaana in ay ka caawiyaan arrimaha la xidhiidha mukhaadaraadka, tuugada iyo baadhitaannada kale ee muhiimka ah.

'' Eeyda hadaf baan u keenay waxaanu dooneynay in ay ka qayb galaan la dagaalanka amni darrada oo aan doonaynay in aanu ku wareejino qaybaha kala duwan ee laamaha amaanka sida booliiska millateriga,'' ayuu yiri Dr Cabdiqani.

Qiimaha eeyga la jiidhay
Qiimaha labadan eey midkiiba waxa la soo siiyay 4000 oo Dollar ka Maraykanka ah sida uu sheegay Dr Cabdiqani Warancadde. Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in marka laysku daro qiimihii la soo siiyay, documents kiisa iyo soo dhoofintiisa ilaa Somaliland ay kaga baxday lacag gaadhaysa 6245 oo Dollar halkii eeyba.

Dr Cabdiqani Cali Maxaamed Warancadde, ayaa sheegay in uu doonayo in isaga iyo ninka ku eedaysan in uu eeyga Jiidhay ay ku kala baxayaan sharciga Somaliland isagoo tusaale u soo qaatay qaabka loo kala baxo marka Neef Xoola ah gaadhi Jiidho sidaas si la mid ahna ay u kala baxayaan.

Xaggee lagu hayaa Labadan Eey ?​

Labadan Eey ayaa lagu xannaaneeyaa Beerta Libaaxyda oo ku taalla Hargeysa halkaas oo sidoo kalena ay ku jiraan Xayawaano badan oo ay ka mid yihiin libaaxyo iyo harimacad.

Beertan waxa iska leh siyaasi Cali Maxamed Warancadde, oo hore u soo noqday wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland haddana ah Lataliyaha gaar ah ee madaxweyne Muuse Biixi Cabdi.

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I can't stop laughing at this, I bet if someone run over Southern Somalis in bright day light in Hargeisa no one would have went to jail for it unlike this story right here.:draketf:

Anyway, these two supposedly to be well trained were run over by one of the khat importers in SL.

The owner of the dogs claims both of his babies are in serious condition and it cost him UpTo $6250 each to bring them over to SL.

The poor trucker was finally releases and his truck is impounded lot where it will be sold off to pay the dog owner for the damages done on his dogs.

Read well before making stupid comments those two dogs were brought in to be trained for searching drugs and other materials that threatens the security of the country so those dogs belong to the police or ministry of interior they aren't pets.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Read well before making stupid comments those two dogs were brought in to be trained for searching drugs and other materials that threatens the security of the country so those dogs belong to the police or ministry of interior they aren't pets.

I understand Somali and grow up in Somalia unlike you kids so don't even twist my words, no where in my post did I say pets,my point is why did he had to go to jail for it, in the real world If a dog runs into a road and gets hit by a moving car that is not the driver's fault.

but in the Kangroo court of Somaliland not only did the driver go to jail but his life-line of hauling merchandise was interrupted by holding his truck, here in Oklohomo if you are driving on single lane trucks don't even have to stop if you hit a dog or any kid of animal.


Adal State
Read well before making stupid comments those two dogs were brought in to be trained for searching drugs and other materials that threatens the security of the country so those dogs belong to the police or ministry of interior they aren't pets.
What's with all the Somaliland topics :kanyehmm:
In the west; dogs that work for the Police is protected and it is a serious offence to injure them.

The loss of those dogs is very serious, and they are not easy to replace.
I understand Somali and grow up in Somalia unlike you kids so don't even twist my words, no where in my post did I say pets,my point is why did he had to go to jail for it, in the real world If a dog runs into a road and gets hit by a moving car that is not the driver's fault.

but in the Kangroo court of Somaliland not only did the driver go to jail but his life-line of hauling merchandise was interrupted by holding his truck, here in Oklohomo if you are driving on single lane trucks don't even have to stop if you hit a dog or any kid of animal.

According to this report the case is not yet in the court. And the truck driver is released on bail without charge. The owner can go to the court if the case is not settled by the community . I see nothing wrong with This.