Koonfur Galbeed joining Ethiopia?

What's you lots thoughts on this?
What do you think?
You Know GIF by Golden Globes

Kabri Dahar is more developed then any city in Somalia. It has roads and is developing fast.

What an odd comparison. That city has peace and stability. Isn’t most your people’s land controlled by AS? Did you see the same development when ONLF were active? Do think Ethiopia would ever consider investing in AS controlled regions? In fact AS attacks civilian infrastructure and developments as well. Not just Somalia, but even in Kenya. Be realistic sxb.

In any case, what’s holding back development in your deegaan is the mere existence of AS. Not just there, AS is part of the reason we have fragile government and the state-building process going slow. This in turn results in stable regions of Somalia not getting necessary development either, as the gov’t have to spend resources elsewhere.

Once AS is gone, then you can truly make a judgement of whether or not you get development. And compare yourself to Ethiopia.
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Joining Ethiopia is fighting for my rights. Ethiopians will give me more rights then Somalia.
Lol well well well look whos wanna join ethiopia now? What happened to “iitoobya bada berbera qaadanmayso”?
now that you had your bus broken into and you ppl beaten up you wanna ditch Somalinimo??
What would you do then if you had your cities leveled to the ground and your ppl massacred?
Please do answer I wanna see what you have to say.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Lol well well well look whos wanna join ethiopia now? What happened to “iitoobya bada berbera qaadanmayso”?
now that you had your bus broken into and you ppl beaten up you wanna ditch Somalinimo??
What would you do then if you had your cities leveled to the ground and your ppl massacred?
Please do answer I wanna see what you have to say.
Your actually right. This recent incident has actually made me sympathise a lot with reer somaliland. I am close to changing my stance on that issue.
D&M got port, the numbers , but they rather run away from an internal occupation (Hawiye) to an external occupation( Ethiopia)? How about you yo grow a pair, arm yourself and fight for your rights? You are more Somali than the hutu in Moqadisho and nobody should tell you otherwise.
Not a good idea shisheeye will have no mercy
didn’t geledi sultanate fight meneliks troops and decimate them in the battle of luuq ? Why would you want to join them
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@mohamedismail is this your account on twitter?

This twitter account is entirely dedicated to denigrating Somali people, it is definitely not run by a Somali person.

Good catch, those accounts on twitter, are extremely anti-Somali, they pretend to be Somali nationalists, however, everything they do and say is the polar opposite.

They call themselves Dark-N-N
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Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
He would make the perfect 'adoon', but we shall behead him before it even comes to that. By the way, majority of reer K Galbeed are decent, true Somalis, but the few sleeper cells are awful turncoats.
Even though you are insulting me, I can't help but admire your ise of vocabulary. I had to do a quick google search on the term 'turncoat'. Something new I learnt.