Kevin Samuel dead?

I hope it's not true, the man was genuine and tried to get people see right in a hedonistic society/culture with little self control and accountability. Anyway you have to be really a rotten person inside to celebrate someone's death because you dislike/disagree with their viewpoints.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
RIP. You have to give him credit for his impeccable marketing. He went from obscurity to over a million subscribers.

He died of a heart attack. I wonder what his vaccine status was?:hmm:
They’re saying viagra mixed with too much energy drinks (red bull). Bad for your health especially your heart. Everyday. Old age. Outcome was expected.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I hope it's not true, the man was genuine and tried to get people see right in a hedonistic society/culture with little self control and accountability. Anyway you have to be really a rotten person inside to celebrate someone's death because you dislike/disagree with their viewpoints.
You sound delusional. All he pushed was rich man and sexy women living high life trope is the epitome of fucked societal standards.


Staff Member
Horta who are the sources? All I see are just wild claims on Twitter with no one being quoted. It looks like it's bot pushed.
RIP. You have to give him credit for his impeccable marketing. He went from obscurity to over a million subscribers.

He died of a heart attack. I wonder what his vaccine status was?:hmm:
Same, my exact thought was did he get vaccinated :dead:

RIP Samuels, you were entertaining
He told women that were overweight, women with multiple kids without ever being married, women who sleep around, and women over 35 to base their expectations on reality. To stop dreaming for high value men. They just mad at his delivery and tone but he was the only one that was real with them. They want to live in their delusion. He never lost an argument with those deluded broads and that's why women are so mad and now celebrating his death.

One fav moment of mine that he had is when he told a Somali girl and I'm paraphrasing "why are you even talking to me about this, you a muzlim and your not supposed to be talking about this sort of stuff. Can you even talk to a man? You not even following your culture" he then hung up on her as she was stumbling on her words :pachah1:'

RIP Kevin Samuel.

This video?

Kevin Samuels:

"You're not any traditional muslim woman I've been around with. You're modern. My point is, men are tired of pretenders like you. You're a pretend feminine traditional woman. You're as modern as they come, hiding behind Islam. Men are tired of women talking loyalty and respect, when you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing according to your belief system. Are you muslim or not, why are you even talking to me now? Where's your father, where's your brother, you're speaking to me without a father, husband, or brother. Don't play with me. Men are tired of you Chameleons."


This man was angry and disrespectful to women.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
They’re saying viagra mixed with too much energy drinks (red bull). Bad for your health especially your heart. Everyday. Old age. Outcome was expected.
Same, my exact thought was did he get vaccinated :dead:

RIP Samuels, you were entertaining

I would like toxicology tests as confirmation of mixing the two agents. I tend to incriminate the vax for everything except for some accidents simply because this Pfizer or Moderna serial crook always gets away with murder. :deadmanny:
i know that, but i believe his bad diet is what did him in for good. He would always have an energy drink and alcohol in his streams.

According to the CDC, leading cause of death for African American men is heart disease, and second is cancer.

Kevin probably had both. Energy drinks are bad for the heart. I drank a "bang" once and couldn't sleep for 1 days and I woke up the next day feeling like I had a hangover. Kevin Samuels probably had a familial history of hypertension and heart disease. America's number one killer is heart

This video?

Kevin Samuels:

"You're not any traditional muslim woman I've been around with. You're modern. My point is, men are tired of pretenders like you. You're a pretend feminine traditional woman. You're as modern as they come, hiding behind Islam. Men are tired of women talking loyalty and respect, when you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing according to your belief system. Are you muslim or not, why are you even talking to me now? Where's your father, where's your brother, you're speaking to me without a father, husband, or brother. Don't play with me. Men are tired of you Chameleons."


This man was angry and disrespectful to women.
Hes right, why is a muslim female arguing with Gaalo man tf, she was speechless lol
Hes right, why is a muslim female arguing with Gaalo man tf, she was speechless lol

Her first mistake was thinking she could have a discussion with Kevin Samuels. It's obvious he bashes black women to get views and to entertain incel men... He was never a good faith debater.


He literally made a video telling black women that Hispanic women are their biggest competitors because they're "sensual, feminine, and know how to spice their food."

You sound delusional. All he pushed was rich man and sexy women living high life trope is the epitome of fucked societal standards.
Maybe that was part of it, im not saying that he was a moral/ethical guru or something, but he gave a much needed wake up to call to a lot of women whom were 5's in looks and had overinflated levels of entitlement and standards.
Maybe that was part of it, im not saying that he was a moral/ethical guru or something, but he gave a much needed wake up to call to a lot of women whom were 5's in looks and had overinflated levels of entitlement and standards.

It's a woman's duty to have overinflated levels standards regardless of what she looks like.
We take the bigger risk and burden when getting into a relationship and starting a family. Just because you're a so called "5" doesn't mean you should tolerate being treated like shit or being with a Low value man.
It's a woman's duty to have overinflated levels standards regardless of what she looks like.
We take the bigger risk and burden when getting into a relationship and starting a family. Just because you're a so called "5" doesn't mean you should tolerate being treated like shit or being with a Low value man.
Who said anything about being treated like shit, or being with a low value man, unless the woman herself is low value?
I'm saying to each their level, not everyone can have access to a hvm simply bcause there isnt enough around for every woman and also because most of those guys will also only go for hvf, so instead of setting up women for dissapointment they should be more realistic and go for someone more around their level.

This video?

Kevin Samuels:

"You're not any traditional muslim woman I've been around with. You're modern. My point is, men are tired of pretenders like you. You're a pretend feminine traditional woman. You're as modern as they come, hiding behind Islam. Men are tired of women talking loyalty and respect, when you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing according to your belief system. Are you muslim or not, why are you even talking to me now? Where's your father, where's your brother, you're speaking to me without a father, husband, or brother. Don't play with me. Men are tired of you Chameleons."


This man was angry and disrespectful to women.
LEGEND :pachah1:
Who said anything about being treated like shit, or being with a low value man, unless the woman herself is low value?
I'm saying to each their level, not everyone can have access to a hvm simply bcause there isnt enough around for every woman and also because most of those guys will also only go for hvf, so instead of setting up women for dissapointment they should be more realistic and go for someone more around their level.

If you can't find a HVM, it's better to be single.

My issue with Kevin is that he was advocating for women to lower their standards. Women need to gatekeep who has access to them, if a many can't meet your standards then don't give them your time until they level up.
My issue with Kevin is that he was advocating for women to lower their standards.
He's telling women with multiple kids who had those kids out of wedlock to live in reality. He was doing them a favor. People need to hear the truth more.