BREAKING NEWS Kenya refuses to recognise ICJ ruling prior to verdict next week.

Do you have any paper of Djibouti peace accord, I know SSDF was part of it.

What about Kenya during Egal AUN time. Did he sell NFD to Kenya?

Djibouti negotiations between Barre and Mengitsu was due to the pressure they faced from rebels. So they reached a compromise to stop supporting the other's rebel groups.

NFD was more sneaky he needed to secure his southern borders and support his crumbling government so he signed off NFD.

Arusha accord between Somalia & Kenya is what facilitated the coup later. It was meant for de escalation opening of roads, flights and agreement to solve NFD dispute in peaceful means. Even though Somalia did not gave up it's claims it was seen as treason by the people and apposition used it extensively to discredit the government who was already seen as corrupt.

When coup happened bo body resisted as the government largely fell off in favour of Barre's military government which made it a top priority.


It's honestly lucky they didn't gain a tiny slither of oil blocks worth anything since they would have been a threat to all of the somali people, given the EU is intent on using them to destroy us all.

The sheer fact that they were handed 10% to prevent them becoming land locked speaks volumes about the gaals intentions for the blind and divided. muslim nation. Never would this happen to tanzania or any other nation that respects themselves, but in somalia losing 10% is fine.
Why you're mad though when Somalia wins the case you'll get a cut of Jubaland's oil revenues.

That first paycheck will shatter any independence aspirations from Landers they'll bel like "ok I'm part of Somalia now, can I get more"

Is there even a functional state in a to sign contracts with big oil industries to dig that black gold ???

Man you stop dreaming and comeback to reality :drakekidding:


Veni Vidi Vici
The Adjusted line is the ICJ

Wtf, is that person grabbing tiger balls:pachah1:

Why a picture like that, what does that even means?
Symbolisms - Means I got you by the balls, I can move a little up and make you happy for a couple of days, or a little down and put you in pain for a long time, the choice is yours.

Umeguza pambaya, means, you have touched me in a bad way :mjlol:

So basically, your gonna pay the price :mjlol:


Engineer of Qandala

Is there even a functional state in a to sign contracts with big oil industries to dig that black gold ???

Man you stop dreaming and comeback to reality :drakekidding:

They have the sovereign right to sign these papers and get into production agreement with foreign countries.

Even if Somaliland found 200 billion barrels of oil they'll still need Mogadishu's approval for foreigner companies to come and set up the platform & logistics.


Bantu Liberation Movement

Maybe it's time to pay for these ships in installments.

Maybe it's time to pay for these ships in installments.
132 million euro for those 6 miniature vessels?

effff that
Does anyone know how Kenyan Somali's generally feel about the maritime case?

What does the average Kenyan Somali in Garissa who never stepped foot in Somalia think about this dispute? Do they support Kenya/Somalia or kinda split?

