Who will win

  • Total voters
JOE BIDEN just gained more electoral votes. He is at 248. He needs 270 to win. For those of you interested, refresh this link often to get the latest updates to Electoral votes needed to win Presidency.



Georgia is going to be blue in the next few years, it’s becoming black LA in Atlanta and regions around it where everyone is moving to.
Didn't Hillary have like 1million more votes than him?


Yes, she won 3 million more votes than Trump. But American system is Electoral so direct personal vote won't have an impact. Your state, where you live in decides if your vote counts for the Candidate you vote for. If your state votes for one Candidate as a majority, and you vote the opposite, Your state gives the Electoral vote it has to the winner of the majority of the vote.

A candidate like Hillary who has more votes from Americans therefore lost because those votes were scattered in different states where she either lost or won.
But Arizona is in his column. The state didn't announce the victor officially yet for president though Joe Biden is ahead. However, the senate seat for Arizona was called for the Democratic candidate, a gain for democrats.

Many states weren't called for President yet whether those states had Trump ahead like Georgia a little, or Joe Biden ahead like in Wisconsin. For Joe, in some of those states, he is ahead but official call won't happen until late tonight or tomorrow.

American voters are still Old and tend to favor Republicans. Majority of the population are liberal or in the middle of the road, unfortunately, many don't bother to vote to express their views.

Trump losing even by five Electoral votes is a gain for America. This ugly human needs to go back to New York and be in the Docket for cheating on Tax and gaming the system. More Americans voted to send him out of the Whitehouse already, Check the direct popular vote which represents each vote of an American. 3 million more votes against Trump and still counting. That says something.
Wisconsin is Biden's but Arizona is still up for grabs, Fox news fucked up. Even if that pedo grabs Michigan he's still have to flip Pennsylvanian which will be tough. The only other state he might get is North Carolina due to the main-in ballots being counted till 12th. It's not a clear-cut victory for the Democrats.
Trump presidency's been pure comedic gold sxb, and I want 4 more years. Also the popular vote doesn't mean jack shit.
Republicans hold the senate, Supreme Court, and gained more seats in the house. Biden will essentially be a sitting duck if he wins. Surrounded on all sides.
Wisconsin is Biden's but Arizona is still up for grabs, Fox news fucked up. Even if that pedo grabs Michigan he's still have to flip Pennsylvanian or which will be tough. The only other state he might get is North Carolina due to the main-in ballots being counted till 12th. It's a clear-cut victory for the Democrats.
Trump presidency's been pure comedic gold, and I want 4 more years. Also the popular vote doesn't mean jack shit.
Comedy for you foreigners but for Americans, a nightmare :stopit:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Republicans hold the senate, Supreme Court, and gained more seats in the house. Biden will especially be a sitting duck if he wins. Surrounded on all sides.
Yeah, he won’t get 2 terms either if he does win and then 2024 will be a mess with another party trying to become the top 2.


Veni Vidi Vici
Oh my. How the tables turned

If it is a Biden win, then he will be in a tight position

Feels weird that The Donald will not be back

