Jealous friends.. how do you deal with them?

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Ashy Abdi Representative
By far the most informative response. Illahi khair ha ku siyo:it0tdo8: So useful!
Just doing my part before ramadhan and whilst we're in shaban
I genuinely love ramadhan season no more people lipsyncing to music on my snapchat. People judging who's eating or drinking outside. Masjid are full. In my school people actually start going to prayer room. It just feels calmer. Everyone eats together for afur. Ramadhan is okay in the west but in a muslim country it's great to experience. People living in muslim majority countries don't realise the barakh in hearing the adhan out loud first time I went to a Muslim country it was so touching to hear it since its banned in the UK outloud and to see shops close and praying eid prayer in huge crowds.


very lowkey
Just doing my part before ramadhan and whilst we're in shabanView attachment 41118I genuinely love ramadhan season no more people lipsyncing to music on my snapchat. People judging who's eating or drinking outside. Masjid are full. In my school people actually start going to prayer room. It just feels calmer. Everyone eats together for afur. Ramadhan is okay in the west but in a muslim country it's great to experience. People living in muslim majority countries don't realise the barakh in hearing the adhan out loud first time I went to a Muslim country it was so touching to hear it since its banned in the UK outloud and to see shops close and praying eid prayer in huge crowds.
Hahahaha same. Ramadan is the best month of the year! :vncu2n5::it0tdo8:
Just doing my part before ramadhan and whilst we're in shabanView attachment 41118I genuinely love ramadhan season no more people lipsyncing to music on my snapchat. People judging who's eating or drinking outside. Masjid are full. In my school people actually start going to prayer room. It just feels calmer. Everyone eats together for afur. Ramadhan is okay in the west but in a muslim country it's great to experience. People living in muslim majority countries don't realise the barakh in hearing the adhan out loud first time I went to a Muslim country it was so touching to hear it since its banned in the UK outloud and to see shops close and praying eid prayer in huge crowds.
Saw it in Africa, masjid are filled with people throughout the night.Very humbling for me


Ashy Abdi Representative
Bisinka are you female?

@SumMo just read your athkaar and do you. Ditch them girls who are being low key fake after you’ve got that job. Evil eye is real waa ruunta, laakin our lives do not revolve around it. Just live your life and remember that everything is Qadr Allaah.
I have already commented before what I identify as. I will copy it again.
"Why do you ask but if you want to know I self identify as gender fluid until I live in Somalia or a Muslim country or until Imam mahdi comes whichever one is closest then I will identify as XX. Until then I will either be wearing my macawiis or my baati depending on my feelings".
I have already commented before what I identify as. I will copy it again. View attachment 41123 "Why do you ask but if you want to know I self identify as gender fluid until I live in Somalia or a Muslim country or until Imam mahdi comes whichever one is closest then I will identify as XX. Until then I will either be wearing my macawiis or my baati depending on my feelings".
Are you really gender fluid :ohdamn:
What do your parents think?


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
I have already commented before what I identify as. I will copy it again. View attachment 41123 "Why do you ask but if you want to know I self identify as gender fluid until I live in Somalia or a Muslim country or until Imam mahdi comes whichever one is closest then I will identify as XX. Until then I will either be wearing my macawiis or my baati depending on my feelings".

How tf should I know that you’ve been asked this question before. Caadi iska dhig. There is no need for this attitude :camby:

Ok tomboy... :comeon::damedamn:


Ashy Abdi Representative
Are you really gender fluid :ohdamn:
What do your parents think?
I have cut my hair very short I wanted to go bald just so I can see what my scalp looks like but my mum thought I was demented so didn't let me and bought a sheikh to read quran on me.
I think my parents are planning to send me Somalia this summer for dhaqan cells I'll keep you informed idk what will happen since all the cities I'm from either al shabaab is in charge there or they have bombs.


Ashy Abdi Representative
How tf should I know that you’ve been asked this question before. Caadi iska dhig. There is no need for this attitude :camby:

Ok tomboy... :comeon::damedamn:
My bad I get really defensive when anyone asks anything about me or my community.
giphy (1).gif
I'm not a tomboy that's so offensive when im a man I am a full on man when im a female I'm very feminine, tom boys are weird and confused.
I have cut my hair very short I wanted to go bald just so I can see what my scalp looks like but my mum thought I was demented so didn't let me and bought a sheikh to read quran on me.
View attachment 41125 I think my parents are planning to send me Somalia this summer for dhaqan cells I'll keep you informed idk what will happen since all the cities I'm from either al shabaab is in charge there or they have bombs.
Would you mind talking about when did you start thinking of yourself that way? Was there anything that influenced you or any event that made you realise it?
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