I've had enough of being skinny

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A lot of you dudes bodies are ectomorphs, there's very little you can do to gain weight. You can get stronger by working out but your appearance on the outside will always be a twig.

"An ectomorph has the body type that is most often seen in the pages of fashion magazines. They are slim boned, long limbed, lithe and have very little body fat and little muscle.Ectomorphs tend to have fragile, delicately built bodies and find it difficult to gain weight or add muscle."

Somatypes are bullshit/misused. Of course there's widely varying range between humans when it comes to developing muscle. Some people are genetically predisposed to lose fat or gain muscle faster. That said anyone, regardless of somatype can develop a good body. And hypertrohpy has nothing to do with being an ectomorph. If you get stronger, you WILL get bigger. Less so if you focus on red muscle tissue development, which most people don't.

All it means is that OP has to work out longer, and not even by that much. 99% chance OP is eating and training shit. Bariis and hilib 4x a day, but is he hitting his macros and caloric surplus? I doubt so.
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