Imams across Muslim countries go to China and frame Uyghurs as terrorists


Minister of Propaganda
ussr used to burn hijabs in kyrgyzstan. putin genocided chechens. they think anything against usa is automatically good. lol.

Another episode of “stuff periplus said a year ago that’s becoming mainstream”.


ussr used to burn hijabs in kyrgyzstan. putin genocided chechens. they think anything against usa is automatically good. lol.
who mentioned russia and ussr? who is defending them? we are talking about CHINA. All Muslims who believe uygher western propaganda are INDOCTRINATED because they live in the West, in Muslim countries nobody believes these lies. Not even the Taliban.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Even this 'conspiracy' is wrong nacalaa

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I love Dr. Pepper Nacalaaa


who mentioned russia and ussr? who is defending them? we are talking about CHINA. All Muslims who believe uygher western propaganda are INDOCTRINATED because they live in the West, in Muslim countries nobody believes these lies. Not even the Taliban.
the uyghur dulmi has been going on for years. only with the recent usa vs china fiasco western governments use the issue. i take it you have never met a uyghur.

Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
yes I think it was a detonation with explosives. but if you watch the video it's very obvious the plane crash was fake. now what I wonder is- was there a hologram? did they actually project a hologram so people there really would have seen what appeared as a plane? or was the plane simply CGI? that for me is still unresolved.

well... I believe it was yahud (Mossad) but I'm sure the CIA and US government would have cooperated. no, of course I don't think Osama did it. but I also don't think Osama was really an opponent of the US. I am convinced he was an agent.

I don't believe the official story of his death. they kill him and dump the body in the ocean with no picture..... I don't believe the story. I have no idea if he's alive or dead or what he's up to.
I have learned that the cia and the pentagon have a power battle in the usa. One of these fuckers was behind this whole operation. Just imagine what the cia and pentagon got with the war on terror. Aint no way a bunch of arabs outsmarted the cia and got us assistance to get their wealthy class out of the usa immediately.

Plus the bin landens are like one of the most important families in saudi arabia. The whole thing smells like a false flag. Yet they captured the heart of the regular american by sacrificing this much people in nyc.

Look up what they wanted to do in order to invade cuba. It ain't pretty for reer maraykan that are in close proximity of cuba. A self inflicted terrorist attack. This shit ain't new however the twin towers is one of the few times they orgastrated it or let it happen on US soil.

It's sounds crazy yet it is a 100% true, crazy war tribe country.


عادل | جامعة الدفاع العربي
I agree with a few but get the conspiracies out of your head. 9/11 never happened kulaha
I am not crazy! I am NOT CRAZY! I know they faked those numbers. 3000! As if I could ever believe such a thing. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. They covered their tracks, they got these idiot politicians and NGOs to lie for them. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? They’ve done worse. Those towers! Are you telling me that a building just happens to fall like that? No! *They* orchestrated it! Jews! They mutilate little palestinians*! And we saved them! And we shouldn't have. We took them into our own countries! What were we *thinking*? They'll never change. They'll *never* change! Ever since they existed, *always* the same! Couldn't keep their hands out of the cash drawer! But not our god’s chosen people! Couldn't be god’s precious people! Stealing them blind! And *They* get to be the victim? What a sick joke! We should've stopped them when we had the chance! And you, you *have* to stop them! You--
Lol your probably those somalis who care more about some Palestinian or random small eyed Turkic bastards than Somali galbeed or nfd.If you had some knowledge you would have known that Uyghurs are in concentration camps because they are Turkic and not because they are Muslim. Why have hui Chinese who are Muslim living peacefully in China. Uyghurs are nationalist who want a independent state
As a person whose family resides in the Galbeed, what is the difference between us wanting to be free from Ethiopia and uygur wanting to be free from China? Both of us have been massacred for our ethnic identity by people who are expansionist and who will do anything to forcibly assimilate the native population by the use of destructional means to achieve total domination of the indigenous people. If that means erasing their identity, culture, religion and language. There is nothing worse than you could do to a people than erase who they truely are. I have great admiration and sympathy for our uygur brother and sisters. What they were facing is no different than what my aunts and uncles , as well as my grandparents and their forefathers were facing.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
@malab stop fucking obsessing over me you dumb gaal b!tch and put me on ignore, I don't want to see you in my alerts ever again.
Yet you have no idea how bad live is in Xinjiang for the Weeger [Uygurs] Muslims till you have set foot in Urumqi, the capital in the region. Men of all ages including young boys are in detention centres with families split at the seams at a level beyond one's imagination.

Each family is being assigned a Han soldier, who lives with the family as if the husband insofar as to sharing a bed with the wive. Worse yet, all their businesses, properties, and land had been taken over by the Han, the largest Chinese ethnic group, financed by the gov't, a systematic displacement of the Weegers.

Kashgar and Aksu were worse than Urumqi from what I have seen.

Pseudo Muslim leaders including Egypt, and Saudia had deported Weeger expats back to China only to disappear, and never heard of.

Unbelievably heartbreaking to witness. Here is an example just to get a sense of how bad things are:
i) You are not permitted to visit a mosque unless you register with the local police, and permission is granted. If you try, you will be turned away.
ii) Hotels are like airports security-wise, with your bags scanned for explosives in and out every time, even if you dash out to grab a bit of a grub. Every night you would get two police officers, with a check list, come to your room, lest someone is hiding in there, and would go so far as to check underneath your bed, and closets. Needless to say, it is unbelievably heartbreaking.

Yet these pseudo Imams are there to do unthinkable. bloody lackeys, to say the least.

The nicest people ever with an incredible a sense of being Muslims, proud culture, and hospitality, yet living under tremendous hardship.

Do pray for them.
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To add to that, the scary part is if you befriend the locals, they are being interrogated, and instructed to reveal your interactions with them, and whatever you have discussed. If you are to meet with them, it will have to be in the evenings, and not out in the open.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
To add to that, the scary part is if you befriend the locals, they are being interrogated, and instructed to reveal your interactions with them, and whatever you have discussed. If you are to meet with them, it will have to be in the evenings, and not out in the open.
Bro in all the videos of western news going to china to check out the camps, they send them to the "reeducation camps" which is a bunch of grown ass Uyghur people being forced to learn the Chinese culture and language. They are willing to show that to westerners yet these idiots believe nothing is going on.

Look at this, Uyghur adults in "class", no beards and no hijabs and wearing uniforms. They don't even hide it. If you try to go interview people in the other buildings the military stops you and tries to take your camera away.

Bro in all the videos of western news going to china to check out the camps, they send them to the "reeducation camps" which is a bunch of grown ass Uyghur people being forced to learn the Chinese culture and language. They are willing to show that to westerners yet these idiots believe nothing is going on.

Look at this, Uyghur adults in "class", no beards and no hijabs and wearing uniforms. They don't even hide it. If you try to go interview people in the other buildings the military stops you and tries to take your camera away.
Yes, these are purely for propaganda purposes.

Notice I did not refer them as 'concentration' camps, but 'detention; centres, and for a reason, and they do look awful, reminding me of Syrian refugee camps along the Turkish border. Terrible sight, if state of human condition.
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