Imams across Muslim countries go to China and frame Uyghurs as terrorists

here, I have posted it before:
Either way, if the planes blew up the towers or planted explosives, it was still an inside job by the CIA. Osama was just the scapegoat; he was a loose end. So they made him disappear. I doubt they killed him. I don't know how anyone can believe the bullshit story about how they dumped his body in the ocean. He's alive and well, living it up somewhere.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Either way, if the planes blew up the towers or planted explosives, it was still an inside job by the CIA. Osama was just the scapegoat; he was a loose end. So they made him disappear. I doubt they killed him. I don't know how anyone can believe the bullshit story about how they dumped his body in the ocean. He's alive and well, living it up somewhere.

yes I think it was a detonation with explosives. but if you watch the video it's very obvious the plane crash was fake. now what I wonder is- was there a hologram? did they actually project a hologram so people there really would have seen what appeared as a plane? or was the plane simply CGI? that for me is still unresolved.

well... I believe it was yahud (Mossad) but I'm sure the CIA and US government would have cooperated. no, of course I don't think Osama did it. but I also don't think Osama was really an opponent of the US. I am convinced he was an agent.

I don't believe the official story of his death. they kill him and dump the body in the ocean with no picture..... I don't believe the story. I have no idea if he's alive or dead or what he's up to.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Holograms don't exist on that kind of scale.

well according to the hologram theory as I heard it- they have this super advanced technology they hide from the public and so they actually do have such technology but it's just been hidden from us.... but personally I don't believe that theory, I lean towards the view that it was CGI... I think I saw something where they talked to eyewitnesses and they talked about explosions rather than a plane... I think it was a CGI and they just silenced eyewitnesses who said otherwise... or maybe the hologram theory... I'm not really decided but that video I believe clearly shows the plane crash was fake.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I don't know, I could just as easily say I had an uncle who was in on faking it. I don't know your uncles but anyone can see the footage.
I've watched a documentary on it. There's hundreds of videos that captured it. You guys can't be serious? Yes there may have been bombs planted but the planes are real.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
imagine if we were in the days of 1979 ussr invasion of afghanistan. certain folks would be like "the west gumeysi us. go ussr. screw western propaganda"
There's people that blame the state of Somalia on Western countries and the Battle of Mogadishu


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I'm not going off of what some anonymous person on the internet says about their uncle I've never met.
There's 1.5 million people that live in Manhattan, 9 million in NYC altogether. This didn't happen in your tuulo on the Andes Mountains. Chill on the conspiracy theories bud.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
9/11 happened, but it was an inside job. A day before 9/11, the Pentagon "loses" 2.3 trillion dollars.:comeon: This would have been a massive story during that time, but it was completely forgotten the next day as the entire world witnessed the attacks on the Twin Towers. seems fishy :hova: Osama bin Laden is chilling on a beach with a new face as we speak.
Twin Towers were finished in 1971 but they only added insurance 3 days before the attack.



A blessed human
Lol your probably those somalis who care more about some Palestinian or random small eyed Turkic bastards than Somali galbeed or nfd.If you had some knowledge you would have known that Uyghurs are in concentration camps because they are Turkic and not because they are Muslim. Why have hui Chinese who are Muslim living peacefully in China. Uyghurs are nationalist who want a independent state
Dawaco disagrees with pretty much everything, but this is actually messed up.:idontlike: Nigga, are you not Muslim yourself?!


Lol your probably those somalis who care more about some Palestinian or random small eyed Turkic bastards than Somali galbeed or nfd.If you had some knowledge you would have known that Uyghurs are in concentration camps because they are Turkic and not because they are Muslim. Why have hui Chinese who are Muslim living peacefully in China. Uyghurs are nationalist who want a independent state
Hui muslim aren't allowed to grow beards.
So my question to you is, if it's because these Uighurs are Muslims why are there han Chinese Muslims high up in the CCP. They even get preferential treatment and top uni spots. So it's not religious and honestly that's all I care about.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
So my question to you is, if it's because these Uighurs are Muslims why are there han Chinese Muslims high up in the CCP. They even get preferential treatment and top uni spots. So it's not religious and honestly that's all I care about.
The Hui support the CCP during the Cultural revolution and in exchange were granted higher political representation. Hui Chinese pan-nationalism isn't taking away from the Han Chinese nationalism, it only adds to it. Uyghurs are Turkics and are more religious than the Hui Chinese, their culture is much more similar to Central Asians. Uyghurs speak Uyghur and Hui speak Chinese. Uyhurs do not see themselves as Chinese and want their own 'Stan" country like other Central Asians.

Uyghurs are culturally, religiously, linguistically, and politically different from Han/Hui Chinese. The CCP is not okay with this. While Hui are Muslim they are not as religious and do not let Islam get in the way of their politics nor does it "disturb" mainstream Han Chinese Culture, unlike Uyghurs. Just look at how Uyghurs were banned from taking up Islamic names. Hui Chinese have typical Chinese names, they are just Han Chinese people who are Muslim and you wouldn't even know because they don't stand out much.

There is very much a religious component but it's not the entire thing. The Hui have essentially been granted a free pass as Muslims because of their loyalty while Uyghurs are only loyal to Islan and their ethnic identity.

Edit- I would like to point of though, that Huis being given a pass was more of a 70s-00s thing, they're also being affected by China's anti-islam campaign just not at the same rate.

Huis and Uyghurs don't like each other but Hui and Han do.
Last edited:


imagine if we were in the days of 1979 ussr invasion of afghanistan. certain folks would be like "the west gumeysi us. go ussr. screw western propaganda"
Imagine actually simping for the Chinese as a Muslim. These niggas got such low self esteem they think any alternative to USA = good

First thing in a China/Russia-led world would be Ethiopia annexing Djibouti+Somalia and flooding Habeshi settlers in the big cities just cuz they can


Certified CNC expert.
The fkn brainrotten conspiracy idiots in this thread. Their hatred for the US (which I understand) has led to them siding with other despicable countries like Russia and China and has caused them to start defending genocide against Muslims. What more can you say about these people, they literally ignore 99% of the opinions made by experts in their fields

Instead, They watch some YouTube video of a conspiracytard talking out of his ass in the basement or read poorly-sourced error-ridden articles from shady right-wing payroll sites, or worse 4chan and start spewing that disgusting low IQ drivel like some newfound gospel or enlightenment. Like that shit is gonna make me disregard everything reported by actual journalists (or scientists since they also like to say Covid is a hoax)

It's a legitimate mental illness at this point and guys like @Omar del Sur are in the final stages where they're starting to deny reality exists


forced sterilization and abortions are common occurance, multiple sources backing this too. birth rates for the uyghars have fell by 70%
Okay, let’s go through these sources then.

All the women who are being sterilised are OLD WOMEN:

[Gulbahar Haitiwaji](

>When the nurses grabbed my arm to “vaccinate” me, I thought they were poisoning me. In reality, they were sterilizing us.

[Tursunay Ziyawudun](

>She was injected until she stopped having her period, and kicked repeatedly in the lower stomach during interrogations.

[Sayragul Sauytbay](

>Prisoners who suffered memory losses and infertility after being given mysterious injections.
[Qelbinur Sidik]


**Mrs. Haitiwaji** is a nearly 50-year-old woman with 2 children that are 27 and 22 respectively.

>My daughters and I fled to France to join my husband in May 2006, just before Xinjiang entered an unprecedented period of repression. My daughters, 13 and 8 at the time

**Mrs. Ziyawudun,** a 41-year-old woman.

>Ziyawudun, 41, is one of just a handful of Uighur Muslims who have made it out of one of China’s now-notorious camps.

**Mrs. Sauytbay,** another 43-year-old woman with 2 children.

>Sayragul Sauytbay, 43, was forced to spend five months at one of the camps.
> Where asylum was granted and where she now lives with her husband and two children.

**Mrs. Sidik,** a 50-year-old woman with a daughter in university.

>In 2017, Sidik was 47 and her only daughter was at university.

>Local officials insisted she must have an IUD inserted to prevent the unlikely prospect of another pregnancy. Just over two years later, at 50, she was forced to undergo sterilisation.

So why is China only sterilising women who are too old to have children again? Where are the young women? It is basically impossible for a 50 year old woman to give birth.

All the women are reported to have received injection sterilization, which is NOT PERMANENT:

**In case you forget,** let's review the specific allegations again:


>When the nurses grabbed my arm to “vaccinate” me, I thought they were poisoning me. In reality, they were sterilizing us.
>She was injected until she stopped having her period, and kicked repeatedly in the lower stomach during interrogations.
>Prisoners who suffered memory losses and infertility after being given mysterious injections.
>Local officials insisted she must have an IUD inserted to prevent the unlikely prospect of another pregnancy. Just over two years later, at 50, she was forced to undergo sterilisation.

There are no magical contraception injections that would just make you infertile after 1 shot, which is what these reports are trying to tell you. All contraceptive injections need to be repeated every 8-13 weeks, these chemicals do not stay in your body forever. So where are the reports of repeated forced injections? None. Which shows it is FAKE NEWS as there doesn’t exist a magical contraception injection that makes you infertile in one shot!


Imagine actually simping for the Chinese as a Muslim. These niggas got such low self esteem they think any alternative to USA = good

First thing in a China/Russia-led world would be Ethiopia annexing Djibouti+Somalia just cuz they can
ussr used to burn hijabs in kyrgyzstan. putin genocided chechens. they think anything against usa is automatically good. lol.


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