I am an ex muslim now. need to non muslims advise

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The name is Professor, Haji Professor
To all the ex-muslims I have come to the decision to leave the religion. I probably won't ever drink because I see it as wrong based on my morals and I am planning to save myself to marriage. However i have just decided that religion ain't for me. I just want to know how you come to decision and what made you stop feeling so guilty.
Interesting, can't say I'm not surprised. You displayed some extreme Qabilist behaviors and have called for genocide against other Somalis.

May Allah guide you back to Islamnimo...
Being a gaal doesn't mean you are not Somali anymore. Although it may feel that way and how our culture is so deeply connected with Islamic values, you might think it's daunting.

A lot of Somalis I know who have left Islam left because they feel it's too restrictive. Some left because they were gay, others because they didn't like it.

Even if you are a gaal, don't be a nacas and start doing bad things because you feel like you can.

Keep your morals.
To all the ex-muslims I have come to the decision to leave the religion. I probably won't ever drink because I see it as wrong based on my morals and I am planning to save myself to marriage. However i have just decided that religion ain't for me. I just want to know how you come to decision and what made you stop feeling so guilty.
honestly read until you feel that void leaving. you feel apathetic to life for a while. open your pms please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/XSomalian/ lurk around here. and read till you fill that void up. which aspect of the religion did you not agree with? and welcome :).

Vehement hatred for the arab booty clappers seems to be a common trait with Somali atheists. @AbdiJohnson coined the term ''arab booty clapping'' :deadpeter:

Fifty years ago, if you have walked around the major Somalian cities, you would have heard a lot of Somalian names and few Arab and foreign names. You would instantly recognize and understand every name you would hear in Somalia at that time. Couple generations later, our naming tradition radically changed and you’d hardly recognize any names that usually given to our Somali youth. Before Arabs and their mercenaries infected our people, Somalis were proud of their heritage and culture, our beautiful. Somali poems, songs, and oral traditions were something that differentiated Somalis from other African people whose culture and traditions was purged out by white colonizers. Most Somalis who lived in the early twentieth century were proud of their heritage and rich culture, so much so they ostracized people who emulated other cultures like the Arabs.

But nowadays, our culture is receding to the background slowly, but surely. Unlike our forefathers, who had resisted foreign influences; our current Somali generation deifies the Arab Culture and anything and everything associated with Arab people. Most Somalis cannot differentiate between Arab culture, and religion of Islam. Most Somalis I meet think that Arabs and Islam are inseparable and cannot stand exclusively. To them, Arab culture represents this benevolent influence that is untouchable.

Because of this, our beautiful Somali Culture, which stood in more than a millennium, is constantly under attack by bunch of Somali mercenaries hired by Arab rich States to spread their inferior and outdated culture. That is why, you always hear from them that Somalis are “Arabs”, and “we are not black” as if the mere utterance of that sentence would somehow constitute a fact. That is why, our tradition names, like Raage, Geeljire, hannad, Guuleed, which mean something to us, is replaced with “Mohamed”, “Abdi”, and a numerous names that is foreign to us.

Just like how the White man colonized our Land, in early part of the twentieth century, the Arabs wants to colonize and cannibalize our culture in the twenty first century. Unlike the British colonizer and Italians, who just wanted natural resources for their factories in their homeland, the Arabs are more insidious. Arabs want to take the only best and the most enduring natural resources of all, the human brain. Arabs want to make you believe that the Arab people are the best people mankind has ever seen, the best culture on earth, the best genes nature has bestowed upon the universe. They want to change your naming tradition just so that you forget the tradition and culture behind your forefathers names, they want your children to recite how beautiful and magnificent Saudi Arabian cities are, while drilling in to your mind how inferior (Jaahilyua) it is to glorify your ancient cities.

Unlike the White colonizers, who just left when they depleted the natural resources they wanted, Arabs and their mercenaries will not go away, forever, because they colonize the most important organ in the human body, the brain (our collective Somali brains). Arabs, through their mercenaries (AKA Sheikhs) want to change and indoctrinate you to thinking that your names, and call them “Danbi”, they want to change your city names to Arabic names, and they want to purge anything that is associated with our long, and glorious culture.

Their final plan is, to make Somalia the new Sudan – proud African people who have had rich culture and beautiful traditions and now replaced with an inferior, backward tradition full of inconsistences, devoid of art and beauty, and cultural regression.


The name is Professor, Haji Professor
https://www.reddit.com/r/XSomalian/ lurk around here. and read till you fill that void up. which aspect of the religion did you not agree with? and welcome :).
I don't know to be honest I think it was just that I was never convinced enough. Also I don'the have the commitment to be a muslim. I am not really interested in fasting or praying at all. I rather be free with life then be constrained by religion.
To all the ex-muslims I have come to the decision to leave the religion. I probably won't ever drink because I see it as wrong based on my morals and I am planning to save myself to marriage. However i have just decided that religion ain't for me. I just want to know how you come to decision and what made you stop feeling so guilty.

take it slow. Don't do shit that you will regret, your probably in a rut.

You should reconsider after the holy month of ramadan.


The name is Professor, Haji Professor
take it slow. Don't do shit that you will regret, your probably in a rut.

You should reconsider after the holy month of ramadan.
To be honest I really don'the fast so the month of Ramadan has no significance to me. I will however reconsider when I am older but I think it would best if just break away from it.


The name is Professor, Haji Professor
Why do you feel guilty? Your heart should be hardened towards the religion by now.
I don'the despise islam. I see no evil in the religion and the people in my life that I love are all muslims who are good people. Regardless the concept of destiny and a test are not something that is enticing enough. I always believed that we live and die and that religion was nothing then an escape for the hopeless. The world is to cold for it be saved by a book in my opinion.
I don't know to be honest I think it was just that I was never convinced enough. Also I don'the have the commitment to be a muslim. I am not really interested in fasting or praying at all. I rather be free with life then be constrained by religion.
if you believe in allah and the message of muhammed then you are still muslim, or if you still feel an affinity for the message. you could choose to live your life as a non-denominational muslim. but these are all just labels. you have to come to your own decision introspectively. good luck. :salute:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Being a gaal doesn't mean you are not Somali anymore. Although it may feel that way and how our culture is so deeply connected with Islamic values, you might think it's daunting.

A lot of Somalis I know who have left Islam left because they feel it's too restrictive. Some left because they were gay, others because they didn't like it.

Even if you are a gaal, don't be a nacas and start doing bad things because you feel like you can.

Keep your morals.

The day a person stops being a Muslim theyre not Somali in My books
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